Persona Community Thread |OT3| Your thread title sucks, Yukiko.

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I actually got Reccetear in some bundle like two or three years ago, but I've never even loaded it up. I only hear good things though.

It's just a really good game. Managing a store was interesting in terms of what to put on sale and then trying to keep sale chains going, resulting in more money overall. Then this is broken up by spending periods of a day going dungeon crawling instead of shopping.

...come to think of it, this is sounding familiar. :p


That game would be way too easy though.

How about a Police Quest sequel starring Nanako?

Or better yet, a Trauma Center game starring Kanji. Or Sea Man 2 starring Igor. Or Senran Kagura 3 starring Hanako?

...Guys, we think we all could have a career at this sort of thing.


It's just a really good game. Managing a store was interesting in terms of what to put on sale and then trying to keep sale chains going, resulting in more money overall. Then this is broken up by spending periods of a day going dungeon crawling instead of shopping.

...come to think of it, this is sounding familiar. :p

Ooh, ooh! A Recetear sequel starring Jack Frost. "Capitalism, ho! Makin' it rain, hee-ho!"


How about vaporware starring the characters of Persona 1/2?

It's those terrible knockoffs called Revelations: Persona, Persona 2: Innocent Sin, and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment. Wtf is that, srsly. No romancing, no S-Links, DEMONS? These mofos didn't do their research, they're supposed to put generic black blobs in and call em Shadows. Gosh. And no Wild Card no buy.

PK Gaming

How about a game where Akihiko becomes a top notch doctor, Mitsuru becomes a drunk, Dojima becomes a hitman, Yosuke becomes an ordinary college students, Aigis goes on a journey to get revenge, Yukari becomes an actress and Tatsuya goes on a killing spree.
How about a game where Akihiko becomes a top notch doctor, Mitsuru becomes a drunk, Dojima becomes a hitman, Yosuke becomes an ordinary college students, Aigis goes on a journey to get revenge, Yukari becomes an actress and Tatsuya goes on a killing spree.

are you trying to make the grimdark persona 5
How about a game where Akihiko becomes a top notch doctor, Mitsuru becomes a drunk, Dojima becomes a hitman, Yosuke becomes an ordinary college students, Aigis goes on a journey to get revenge, Yukari becomes an actress and Tatsuya goes on a killing spree.

Persona: The After Years: 2Edgy Edition

PK Gaming

I still need to watch that. Well, both watch and read it.

I'm about a quarter of the way in, and I'm absolutely enthralled by it. It's a bit of a slow burn at first, but after that point its solid throughout. Contrary to popular belief, Monster is mostly about the "journey" and character interaction, as opposed to "horror." Make sure you watch the dub, since you're bound to recognize more than a few actors/actresses :d

Get off the stage.



It's just a really good game. Managing a store was interesting in terms of what to put on sale and then trying to keep sale chains going, resulting in more money overall. Then this is broken up by spending periods of a day going dungeon crawling instead of shopping.

...come to think of it, this is sounding familiar. :p

don't even bother. "Oh you play as a 13 year old moe girl? FUCK THIS GAME"

right dantis-kun



don't even bother. "Oh you play as a 13 year old moe girl? FUCK THIS GAME"

right dantis-kun


I got Recettear from Levito for Christmas. :) It is pretty awesome, yeah. It's one of those games like Persona or XCom where you have a constant feedback loop between two different gameplay types that makes it really addictive.



recettear was one of my favourite games back when it was first released. I hope Carpe Fulgur can pick up some more awesome japanese indies after they finish up with trails of the sky
Soejima n_n

His ingame character drawings are honestly a lot better than the official art.
This I've always agreed with, his art lot a better than some of the offical artwork. I think it has to do with werid eyes and faces that are in the offical artwork, I think they're staring into my soul.
Don't get me wrong, I freakin love Kaneko's artwork(espcially his demon designs) for the series. But I've never been really fond of the way he draws people's faces.


This I've always agreed with, his art lot a better than some of the offical artwork. I think it has to do with werid eyes and faces that are in the offical artwork, I think they're staring into my soul.
Don't get me wrong, I freakin love Kaneko's artwork(espcially his demon designs) for the series. But I've never been really fond of the way he draws people's faces.

Yeah, Kaneko draws faces with this creepy snake-like porcelain doll feel. It works well for characters that are supposed to look kinda creepy or "other", but backfires a bit when he draws more regular people like most of the Persona characters.

It'd be kinda cool to see Kaneko do a take on the characters of P3&4.
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