Who that doing Persona 1 ingame art?
I think I prefer it than P2 stuff.
Who that doing Persona 1 ingame art?
I think I prefer it than P2 stuff.
Soejima did the ingame character portraits
Imagine if you'd skipped Persona cos of all the moe floating around. How much you would've lost.
P1's art was Kaneko. It's his older style.
I really like many of those
This look like prototype of current Atlus go-to artist style (Soejima and the SMT4 guy) than Kaneko
Btw found this while googling pic lol
I think it's his evolution from SMT1's art style to the dollish style he became known for around P2/the PS1 remakes of SMT.
PS SMT1 redesign was sexy as hell..
I think Kaneko's best work is Digital Devil Saga playable cast, they all looked so frigging cool.. varied in personality, yet so futuristic and unique and stand identifiable as his style without looking overpowering (like his persona 2 work).. Incredible.
She's always canon in our heart.Minako was a way better character than Minato.
Shame she's not canon.
I'd say Digital Devil Saga and Nocturne tie for Kaneko's best works. They're iconic and stylish, unlike the stuff he did before or after.
On the one hand, you're right.
On the other hand, this is like a knife to Iwakura's heart.
Well. His Strange Journey stuff was pretty uninspiring, even if there's nothing bad about it. His post-artstyle change stuff (Read: Persona 2) tends to be wacky and lacking in the fashion department.
Anything prior to his artstyle change (such as the classic SMT trilogy) is firmly drenched in late 80s esque anime tropes. That being good or bad depends entirely on how you feel about the style from the late 80s/early 90s.
The Demonica armor from strange journey looks amazing.
I liied the helmetThe helm was hella crap IMO
Maybe its not supposed to being cool, mecha style.. but still its looked uninspiring for me, I see better helmet at Chronicle of Riddick.
I think Nocturne is his best work (raidou is no slouch either ). I'd like to his art again but in something totally new. A new devil summoner or SMT V would be nice but I'd like to see his art in more non megaten ganes. Or at least a radically different megaten game that doesn't use his older art style at all(aka all new demon designs instead of reusing old shit).Yeah I think Kaneko's art style was perfect for DDS since the setting complements the character designs very nicely and the characters have a fair bit of expression going on despite the doll like quality of the art.
Really, I think Kaneko's artstyle just works for all the Megaten titles except for Persona. The setting and the characters there are just too expressive and clash too much with the more traditional art style he has going on.
How much was Atlus expecting it to do? Looking at the sales #s now, the only Atlus game that did signficantly more than OG nocturne throughout the entire PS2 gen is P4.I think it's a testament to how good Nocturne's art style is that people still remember it fondly. Which is unusual given it's poor performance initially in Japan.
That said, having grew up on sci-fi that directly inspired the late 80s/90s anime art, I have a preference for the older games (and SMT IV)
How much was Atlus expecting it to do? Looking at the sales #s now, the only Atlus game that did signficantly more than OG nocturne throughout the entire PS2 gen is P4.
She's always canon in our heart.
Best blank state Persona's MC.
I miss your Serph's avy.
Shame Kaneko's Strange Journey works looks like massive stepback.
Well SMT used to go toe to toe with FF and DQ iirc. So maybe they were hoping for big numbers, I doubt they lost money or anything like that though. I wonder why SMT lost popularity during the PS1 era. I'm assuming that Square demolished them with FF7 and they just couldn't compete. But even Chrono trigger was above anything Atlus was putting out at the time.I think they expected P4 numbers, actually. I'm not entirely certain on this tho.
I do recall Aeana mentioning how seamless the additions from Maniax were to the game.
I think they expected P4 numbers, actually. I'm not entirely certain on this tho.
I do recall Aeana mentioning how seamless the additions from Maniax were to the game.
Well SMT used to go toe to toe with FF and DQ iirc. So maybe they were hoping for big numbers, I doubt they lost money or anything like that though. I wonder why SMT lost popularity during the PS1 era. I'm assuming that Square demolished them with FF7 and they just couldn't compete. But even Chrono trigger was above anything Atlus was putting out at the time.
In my heart Minato never existed.
Too far?
It's your choice to be as delusional as you want!In my heart Minato never existed.
Too far?
On the one hand, you're right.
On the other hand, this is like a knife to Iwakura's heart.
Just took a look at the megaten wiki and god damn I thought KH was bad with all these fucking spinoffs. Yeah that had to hurt them big time. Not localizing games probably hurt them too but I'm not sure if something like SMT would have been able to come over during the 90's.I think not having an actual mainline game for the PSX hurt a lot of the momentum they had going off the Super Famicom games.
The Devil Survivor art is properly shit, to be fair.Pretty much. I regard his work in Nocturne as his best, and the handful of art he did in SJ far more inspired than the plethora of designs in Devil Survivor.
Now that's how a lady dresses
And that static image conveys more than the countless shifting expressions a Devil Survivor character goes through.
Just took a look at the megaten wiki and god damn I thought KH was bad with all these fucking spinoffs. Yeah that had to hurt them big time. Not localizing games probably hurt them too but I'm not sure if something like SMT would have been able to come over during the 90's.
Just took a look at the megaten wiki and god damn I thought KH was bad with all these fucking spinoffs. Yeah that had to hurt them big time. Not localizing games probably hurt them too but I'm not sure if something like SMT would have been able to come over during the 90's.
The Devil Survivor art is properly shit, to be fair.
Devil Survivor's art would be perfectly fine and stylish if all the female characters didn't have absurd boobs. How they don't have back issues is beyond me.
I need to play og p1.Hey, at least all the Megaten spinoffs are in different continuities and completely irrelevant to one another!
I think they could have exported them, but considering what Atlus USA did to the first Persona, I'm not sure if SMT would have survived translation back then.
Which is kind of a bad thing.SMT is basically a series made entirely of spin-offs.