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Persona Community Thread |OT3| Your thread title sucks, Yukiko.

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Good morning PersonaGAF! How's everyone holding up this fine morning? Did anything happen in the stream after I left at 4 am PST?

Collected thoughts in the morning light:
-Shadow of The Labyrinth: Honestly have no problems with this, even the art style. Well the design of the new guy is kinda goofy, but otherwise none. More importantly, I like dungeon crawlers and this seems like a good opportunity to get into the EO-style games. And if you're gonna do a P3/P4 mashup, I'd rather have an actual RPG than anything else.
-Arena: Well I mean I already knew this was coming and will get it sometime.
is cool though.
-Dance Thing: Assuming Atlus didn't create this for the sole purpose of trolling PersonaGAF, not really interested. Don't have a Vita, and straight rhythm games aren't really my thing. Plus it might just be a bit too silly, even for me.
-Persona 5: Oh yeah that happened. I really wish they'd given us something more, but I thought the teaser was interesting. Definitely darker than P4, but seems like in a different (possibly more nuanced) way than P3. More info please!

Please let this be the last of the P3/P4 milking though. Pleeease.
Imagine if Winter 2014 meant from the January to february?!

lmao i wish.

Edit: Wait...what if there's a chance of that?


December next year


Shadow of The Labyrinth has got to be non-canon...right? If it is, I'm all for it. Fun concept, and it looks like a fun game. I'm all for some fan service if done right.

That said, if it's canon...I think some of this cross-over stuff kind of feels disingenuous to the original P3 and P4. The Arena games are already decent follow ups. I don't really need to see chibi Yu and Minato fighting side by side.

That's not meant to sound totally mean and ungrateful...I just don't want Atlus to dilute the brand Kingdom Hearts style.


Eh, I mean I guess I don't have a huge problem with it as long as the main P Team isn't doing anything with it, but I'd just like to see em move on. They've done a ton of side stuff with P4 and P3 and I feel like I'm getting kind of oversaturated.

This was my stance before today and would have continued to be my stance had Persona 5 not been announced. But if this lets them milk the P3 and P4 brands for good profit, while satisfying the fans who just want to see more of the P3 and/or P4 crew and leaving the P-Team leeway to work on other, more unique projects like Persona 5 that are unrelated to P3 and P4, I'm for it.


Shadow of The Labyrinth has got to be non-canon...right? If it is, I'm all for it. Fun concept, and it looks like a fun game. I'm all for some fan service if done right.

That said, if it's canon...I think some of this cross-over stuff kind of feels disingenuous to the original P3 and P4. The Arena games are already decent follow ups. I don't really need to see chibi Yu and Minato fighting side by side.

That's not meant to sound totally mean and ungrateful...I just don't want Atlus to dilute the brand.
Why? The plot is too ridiculous to be canon.


After Arena, I realised that what's canonical and what isn't is largely arbitrary.

Unless there's an actual significant implication on the future mainline games, it doesn't matter whether or not it's canonical.


This was my stance before today and would have continued to be my stance had Persona 5 not been announced. But if this lets them milk the P3 and P4 brands for good profit, while satisfying the fans who just want to see more of the P3 and/or P4 crew and leaving the P-Team leeway to work on other, more unique projects like Persona 5 that are unrelated to P3 and P4, I'm for it.

Mm, that's definitely a valid point. I'm really looking forward to seeing some in-game footage of P5. I'm curious what the production values are like.


Ahahaha. Frustrated. :(

I've gotta find a way to import a 2DS for Persona Q without spending too much money. No way I'm waiting for the domestic release after the SMT IV clusterfuck.

But happy P5 has been announced, finally! :p

2DSes are fairly cheap in the US, especially lately with some sales. $99 USD I think? You can order one from VG+ for $130 CDN also. I do believe that whether you get one from the US or Canada determines where you'll have to buy eShop credit from as well, though.


Finally waking up. It was great to see new things, but never again, Atlus, please.

2DSes are fairly cheap in the US, especially lately with some sales. $99 USD I think? You can order one from VG+ for $130 CDN also. I do believe that whether you get one from the US or Canada determines where you'll have to buy eShop credit from as well, though.

Not really. As long as you set the 3DS for that region, you're good. It might come to an end when the NNID gets introduced, though.

Wow, waking up to 4 major announcements is awesome! It sucks that I was unable to experience the last road of our journey in realtime, but it's still awesome nonetheless!

-Persona 5 is Persona 5. I can't say anything about it that hasn't already been said five thousand times. I'm happy the platform was announced though; I think I'm gonna go sift through the other thread to find some magnificently salty posts :B

-I'm not really sure what PQ is supposed to be, but it has Junpei in it so it's A-OK in my book. Cute artstyle, too!

-Adachi in P4U is phenomenal, especially since I totally called it way back when the game was initially announced ;P I wonder it he'll use his revolver and Magatsu Izanagi or some new weapon/Persona.

-I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this, but I'm actually excited for P4D. Rhythm games are some of my favourites, and I've been wanting a Persona-themed one ever since I played P3 for the very first time. Rise being the main character is just icing on the ridiculously silly cake!

Pretty much how I'm feeling right now. Excited for all 4 titles. Next year will kill my wallet for sure

The new PQ girl is kyoooooooot


Can someone avatarize either the new girl or Yukiko for me? Thanks!

So how are you guys holding up?

Excellent. After sleeping some hours, it finally sank: we are getting 4 new Persona games in a single year, how is that not amazing?
Love the thread title.

Long-time lurker whose been a bit intimidated about posting in here before, but I'm over that! Been playing the Persona series since P3 FES was released Stateside. Gotta say, last night's Persona Channel stream was probably the single best reveal of a game teaser I've seen. Atlus are master trolls when it comes to promotions and their fans (anyone remember Catherine?), and this was them fully embracing it. From the staff's giggling when that female announcer was clearly blocking view of that one jumbo screen and stalling for time, to the final countdown of 55:555... I haven't really ever seen anything like that from a game company. =D

I actually wasn't upset or as disappointed probably because half of me fully expected their trolling. Instead, I was incredibly amused.

Anyways, very excited for P5, of course. Like with P4 five years earlier, looks like we're gonna get one last great game for Sony's previous generation console to go out with. Persona Q looks like a hoot with its obvious fan service appeal and Saturday morning cartoon vibe. Dancing All Night? Yes, please. I really see no harm in them creating these one off games of the IP in different genres; it'll bring them more money, and allows them to get experimental, so all's good with me.

Now, we just have to play the waiting game, but it's gonna be a good year of news trickling out, I can tell.
So how are you guys holding up?
Seems to be taken better here than threads in Gaming Discussion. Kinda wonder how many times "PersonaGAF" has been used yet in referring to users who aren't even in here in an attempt to make angry/pissed claims in broad strokes. P4D ain't my kind of game but P Q does interest me. That Ultimax trailer was pretty damn hype and of couse, the chairs.

I mean come on. The hype chairs. You can't forget the hype chairs.

I can finally sleep in peace :D
feels no, go away feels

probably a coincidence. A cool one though.


Fuck it I'm gonna have to play Persona 4. I beat Persona 3 on PSP.

Here is my dilemma: I have Persona 4 on PS2. I never got around to it, but it's always been floating near the top of my to-play list after getting hooked watching the first 30-50 episodes of the GB endurance run (I stopped at that point to avoid spoiling myself) but then when the Vita version was announced I was holding out for that. However real life bullshit has continued for us and even though playing it on a portable would be goddamn perfect for my current situation getting a Vita isn't going to be an option short term, probably not until my tax return at the very earliest.

tl;dr - Is the PS2 version fine at this point, or should I hold out for ~4-6+ months for Golden? Also I already don't have enough time to play the games I want to as is, so playing through the PS2 version now and then the Vita version later is not happening. That's always a possibility sure, but let's say it's not and I'm only going to ever play through the game once.


Gotta say, I'm absolutely loving the mood Persona 4 Arena 2 is conveying. It has a distinctly grave and serious tone between stuff like Sho, the characters being crucified and
Adachi (does this even need to be spoilered anymore?)
, especially compared to the original game:

P4A Story Trailer
P4A2 Story Trailer

Provides a nice contrast between Persona Q and Persona 4 Dancing. So far, it almost seems like Persona 5 and Persona 4 Arena 2 are comparably "dark" (though we only have color and symbolism to go with in P5's case).


Arena 2 looks real fucking silly to me. If anything, I'd say it's sillier than the first one.

I mean, that bit where Sho backflips onto a building with his two swords out? Come on now.


Fuck it I'm gonna have to play Persona 4. I beat Persona 3 on PSP.

Here is my dilemma: I have Persona 4 on PS2. I never got around to it, but it's always been floating near the top of my to-play list after getting hooked watching the first 30-50 episodes of the GB endurance run (I stopped at that point to avoid spoiling myself) but then when the Vita version was announced I was holding out for that. However real life bullshit has continued for us and even though playing it on a portable would be goddamn perfect for my current situation getting a Vita isn't going to be an option short term, probably not until my tax return at the very earliest.

tl;dr - Is the PS2 version fine at this point, or should I hold out for ~4-6+ months for Golden? Also I already don't have enough time to play the games I want to as is, so playing through the PS2 version now and then the Vita version later is not happening. That's always a possibility sure, but let's say it's not and I'm only going to ever play through the game once.

I'd say just go for Vanilla.

That being said, I haven't played Golden, but most of the changes seem more of the "Oh that's nice" type than the "Forever essential" type.


I like this thread title.

Arena 2 looks real fucking silly to me. If anything, I'd say it's sillier than the first one.

I mean, that bit where Sho backflips onto a building with his two swords out? Come on now.

Too anime for Dantis.


2DSes are fairly cheap in the US, especially lately with some sales. $99 USD I think? You can order one from VG+ for $130 CDN also. I do believe that whether you get one from the US or Canada determines where you'll have to buy eShop credit from as well, though.

I've been looking on VG+. £112 for a 3DS + SMT IV special edition. £40-odd to ship it. Another £30-odd once it arrives in the UK (customs) plus the "handling charge" after the courier pays it on my behalf (another £15 or so, I'd guess).

Expensive. I may offload my Euro 3DS and games to fund it, since the savings on North American games in the long run would probably make it worth it after a while (3DS games are about £40/$60 here), but I'm still weighing up my options. I'll make a decision once we get word on Persona Q's English localisation. :(


I'd say just go for Vanilla.

That being said, I haven't played Golden, but most of the changes seem more of the "Oh that's nice" type than the "Forever essential" type.

I think I'm just going to play the PS2 version now, then will probably get suckered into playing the Vita version again anyway later lol. Will probably not really look at any min/max guides at all going through the PS2 version (unless I get really stuck) then worry about doing all of that stuff on the Vita version which is much easier to do if what I've read about that version is accurate (I think you get more calendar time along with other stuff).

The winning factor is that on the PC I'm sitting at there's a ~19" nice CRT tv right next to me with a PS2 already hooked up to it that we'd left sitting here and I'd been meaning to move out of the living room forever, might as well use it.


I hadn't totally realized this, but looking at the new Persona channel website now, Persona 1 and Persona 2 are straight up dead since none of the games—not even the remakes—are in the list of Persona games. I first suspected this when the Persona 4 Golden TV listings didn't have any P1 or P2 content where there should have been.

Not quite sure why they decided to abandon them so completely. Is it just marketing? They're not bad games and they have some pretty cool characters, but I guess from now on it's time to forget them and the Persona series as we know it really is just relevant from P3 onwards.

Dr. Buni

Why? The plot is too ridiculous to be canon.
Then every game in the series is non canon, by your logic.

Persona Q might take place in an alternate "if" universe or something. Stop saying it is not canon just because you don't like the plot/art style/etc.


Then every game in the series is non canon, by your logic.

Persona Q might take place in an alternate "if" universe or something. Stop saying it is not canon just because you don't like the plot/art style/etc.

Why do we care about the canon in the persona universe? It's gone the way of the dodo ever since P4A anyway. Let's just take the stories of the main numbered games as truth and call it a day.


I'll just take whatever the actual writers say is canon as canon because it's their thing.

Wait, what is the plot of PQ?

Here’s the story: During the Yasogami High School culture festival, a clock tower appears in the school yard and the heroes of Persona 4 hear the echo of a ringing bell. The sound of that bell reaches the world of Persona 3, and its heroes, who were fighting Tartarus, are suddenly transported to Yasogami High School and trapped.

To return to their original worlds, the characters from Persona 4 and Persona 3 must try to get back the lost memories of new characters Zen and Rei, who seem to hold the key to this incident, and go dungeon-crawling to fight shadows.

If that's the main synopsis and there isn't some crazy twist at the end, it would be hard to think this happened without us, the players being, aware.


Wait, what is the plot of PQ?

I read earlier today that it takes place in the middle of Persona 3. The cast gets stuck in some sort of time thing, and gets sent to Inaba during the events of Persona 4..and the story is a sort of one off that involves a massive team up.

I can no longer locate exactly where I read that though, so take with a grain of salt.
Then every game in the series is non canon, by your logic.

Persona Q might take place in an alternate "if" universe or something. Stop saying it is not canon just because you don't like the plot/art style/etc.

But it won't be canon to the core Persona franchise. If it is and "if" game then it definitely isn't, that's exactly what the "if" games are by definition.

For example;

Persona is an "if" story line to the SMT franchise, and it is certainly not canon.
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