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Persona Community Thread |OT4| The Golden Number


Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1. Rise always came off as a rather down to earth girl that keeps it real and likes to tease her friends. I like and respect that. I don't like her Risette perosna though. It comes across as annoying and fake (kinda the point). It's on of the reasons I don't like pop idols to begin with.

2. I thought her social link was rather good. She constantly says she wants to get away, and when that finally happens, she realizes how much she misses it and how it was a part of her. It's easy to relate to.

3. The second most powerful shadow theme in the game next to Kanji's. Sucks having everyone think of you as pretty much only jailbait.

4. Meh, the satellite design looks weird.

Bonus: Epilogue


See that's where you're wrong. It's not made "to appeal to a certain subset of the fanbase at a very low level".

It's made to look like a typical idol outfit.

And it does.

It's relatively tame for something apparently made "to appeal to a certain subset of the fanbase at a very low level". I bet smed didn't even pop a woody when he saw it.

Maybe! As you can probably guess, I only have a vague idea of how idols look in real life, and that knowledge is just what I've picked up from seeing Kotaku articles and ads on YesAsia, haha.

But it was absolutely designed with the idea of being sexualised, and the ways it does so are, like I say, pretty crass. It didn't have to look like that, Soejima chose to draw it that way. And yep, it's pretty tame! But most videogame sexuality is tame and weird, particularly in Japanese games (some Western stuff has moved away from it a little, I feel).

The bolded is hilarious.


Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1) I really like Rise as a character, but the "SENPAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~~~" thing always bugged me. I think this always had more to do with my main complaint of "links existing in bubbles" than anything else. Her on Valentine's in the friends route for example was perfect, and kind of more what I wanted out of her. Then again, she's probably the type of personality that even if someone's taken she probably wouldn't be against flirting just to see the reaction. She strikes me as kind, but not opposed to some good natured trolling if the situation arises. In this she really is a good "bro" character. Also, if links didn't exist in bubbles, I could easily see her playing matchmaker like she did in the one study scene(or trying to and failing spectacularly).

2) Social link was very interesting, and a nice idea that even if you get what you think you want, it doesn't meant you'll wind up happy. Also has a "don't know what you got til it's gone" vibe. Only thing that bugs me is the romance flag of it, where if you try and do the normal human thing, it means you're with her now. Overall her story was a very nice one, and finished in a great spot considering all of the social links really start at the shadow confrontations. She goes from thinking that there isn't a version of her that's real, to then realizing that all of her is real, just different facets. If anything because of this, she'd make a good Fool in a modern persona, really.

3) Shadow confrontation is what it should have been considering her role as navigator. Was interesting to see them go with the "stripper" idea when just an actor or actress thing would have sufficed, but I can see the symbolism with it(moreso when you realize a shadow is the LAST thing you'd want to admit to anyone else).

4) Of her Personas, I think only her first one, Himiko, was a good one. The other designs range from "meh" with Kanzeon's "Satellite dish out the ass" to horrid with Kouzeon with the space motif. Honestly, I always felt when it comes to these things that less is sometimes more. Others were handled ok, hers and Teddie's I think were the worst of the bunch(outside of Himiko, which may be among my favorite designs).

BONUS: Favorite outfit is actually her default school uniform. That she's one of the only one on the cast that does literally nothing to alter hers shows enough about her character(not wanting to stand out 24/7), and that she looks damn good in it.
In the context of the regular plot I was pretty meh on Rise the whole way through, but her character really shines in her S. Links, which were great. Funnily enough I feel pretty similarly about Yosuke. I got nothing else to add.


I'm just going to point out that I don't even dislike Rise's outfit in P4D. If all the ladies wore similar clothes I wouldn't care. I'm not sure I'd play as them though, haha.

The first beach volleyball game was actually pretty fun. Never did care for the fighting games all that much though.

I played the first game when I was about 15, so a lot of the stuff that bothers me about those games didn't back then. I find some of it pretty gross when I think back to it.

I do remember enjoying the volleyball though.


but the beach games are shit :(

I liked the first one back in the day, never did play the second one. (heard it was shit though)

I played the first game when I was about 15, so a lot of the stuff that bothers me about those games didn't back then. I find some of it pretty gross when I think back to it

Well yeah, it was really shameless with it's fan service. IE: Zooming in the camera/fapfapfap camera modes.

That's DoA though, the back of DoA5's box literally says "featuring the hottest girls in gaming" or some cringe like that.


Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1) By far, my favourite main character in P4. She's breezy, playful, and above all, genuine. I think what separates Rise from the chaff, as far as that bubbly idol archetype goes, it's that Rise has some real texture to her. There's a sincere, natural warmth that you get from her, and she rarely ever seems like she's forcing it. She radiates charisma from her every pore. I really want to say more, like how she looks after her friends, or how serious and how goal-oriented she really is, how that determination (and really, everything else) really speaks for a serious inner strength, but all I have to say is that Rise is the full package.

2) Her Social Link is one of my favourites. Not the favourite, which jointly goes to the Dojimas, but I really liked her Social Link. It did a great job exploring how she arrived at her decisions up to that point, added the context to let her know why she felt pushed out, and tackled a lot of things fairly well. Like, I actually really liked how it acknowledged how disposable idol culture was, with everything going on about Kanami, and that girl who'd been sending her the letters telling her about her life. I don't think it was necessarily a huge aspect to it, but it was there, and added substance to Rise's retreat from that world. Nice resolution, Rise is, of course, a fun personality in the first place, it was highly enjoyable.

Had no problems with the hug because I've never been able to say no ever. :p

3) Her problems were interesting, and I really wouldn't say they're hard to relate to, necessarily. We'll never be Japanese idols, but the reason for Rise's self-loathing is directly connected to how she thinks of herself. Which is, sure, affected by other people (which is where the Shadow comes in), but I don't think Rise ever has image problems, per say, more of an identity problem. She's stuck between two people she wants to 'be', and it's pretty obvious how self-conscious she is about it. How many times does she ask you if you were excited to meet/be friends with 'her', or 'Risette', for instance. She's looking for the person she 'wants' to be, and going up against the person everyone else 'wants' her to be. She doesn't think she can meet that in the middle. And I think when you boil that down, there's something pretty down-to-earth to that.

Her Shadow, like any other Shadow, was a pretty extreme exaggeration of those identity issues, and for that, it did its' job super-well.

4) As classy a design as she deserves, at least Himiko. Really liked the satellite theme, although I've always thought the visor that goes on her head was sort of dumb. I think I might have preferred a more... mystical thing going on there. Can't pick it apart much further than that.

Bonus: I'm gonna go ahead and vote for the New Year Yukata.
Does anyone know where I could find the images of all the cast similar to the Rise one that PK used?
Regarding the questions, I agree about the Personas, the last one in particular seems too exaggerated.
I liked her a lot, especially during my second playthrough. I really liked how she teases the MC while showing how she actually feels at the same time.
Obviously the major problems are the one that I feel the game has in general: the S.Link was kinda separated from the main story and in my opinion, while interesting, felt a bit repetitive (that's a problem I had with pretty much everyone though)
I wonder why they didn't just show last Friday's PQ trailers on the new show, or at least show off the design of the PQ 3DS LL/XL bundle.

It would've made the show more interesting, but I guess this is just a concept.


I wonder why they didn't just show last Friday's PQ trailers on the new show, or at least show off the design of the PQ 3DS LL/XL bundle.

It would've made the show more interesting, but I guess this is just a concept.

Gotta go through that Siliconera article recapping the whole thing, but it would have been nice if something cool was shown. It was always advertised as a talk show, though, so I guess it'd be fairly unreasonable to expect big announcements from it, even if it's backed by Atlus.

Looking at the PSC site, at least, maybe it won't actually only have three episodes total. Maybe it'll be a regular thing, unlike the revived Persona magazine... but probably not.

Ah well, March approaches and I'm expecting something other than PQ media blitz in the coming month.


Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1. Love her, she's a really good character and is just a lot of fun, she's a very good assist party member.
2. Enjoyed it, except for the douche moment where not comforting her while she's crying is the only way to not date her and get rank 10.
3. Dug it, her shadow fight was pretty cool. "FEAST YOUR EYES"
4. Love the radar gimmick, Rise's all out attack is awesome.
Bonus: Uhhh I guess I liked winter outfit the best.


Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit
1) I really like her. Not my favorite character in the game, but probably my 2nd favorite girl after Yukiko. I like her upbeat personality and she's a fun character. The "SEEENNPAAIIII" thing gets annoying after a while, but I never really minded it that much.
2) Once again, not my favorite, but I like it all the same. Was pretty interesting to interact with a retired idol. The hugging = YOU'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP thing was kinda sudden, but once again, didn't mind it.
3) Her shadow was really neat, though I had to fight it when everyone in my house was asleep...
4) Why she gains stat ups when she doesn't fight, I don't understand, but hey, she's a pretty useful navigator. Design-wise, her Personas are alright.
Bonus: Her default clothes or her ski trip one!


In case anybody is interested in the Soejima drawings that were broadcasted today:

Seeing stuff this rough by Soejima makes me feel better about myself, haha.

It's nice to know that he doesn't just spend five minutes on an image and it comes out perfectly polished.
Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1) Very good character, I was convinced that I was going to hate her when I first met her, but she ended up being my second favorite girl in the game.

2) Her social link is good and it really shines a light at how normal and down-to-earth she is. I swear it was like hanging out with one my friends in real life. I've never taken the romance path with her, but its on my list.

3) Her problems, involving her shadow/ the problems she faces in her social link are some of the most realistic and complicated ones I've seen in any game. They are deceptively simple, at first you think are about the cliche "I don't want to be in the spotlight anymore" teen idol trope, but as you get deeper and deeper, you come to understand that its more complicated than it could ever seem, as she rides the emotional roller-coaster of wanting to be admired and beloved, while at the same time feeling that in order to be admired by people she has made a "fake" personality, and realizing that if it came from her, it can't be a "fake" personality.

4) I didn't really like the designs of her first to Personae tbh, but her new ultimate Persona in Golden looks a lot cooler in my opinion. Gameplay wise, there's not much to say, she's broken and not maxing out her social link is a mistake for any new players.

Bonus: I'd say her best outfits are the summer casual outfit, and her ski outfit.


We've said it countless times, but this series really needs more platonic options for female social links.

I feel like the series is scratching an incredibly underserved western itch with the ability to really connect with characters on a day to day basis, but it's still got one foot in its distinctly japanese dating-sim roots. Seriously, just a few simple, minor tweaks here and there and you've dropped that japanese dating-sim feel completely. It's actually so close to feeling natural that when it does start bringing up the relationship stuff it actually becomes more obvious despite it not being that big of a deal in the game.
Seeing stuff this rough by Soejima makes me feel better about myself, haha.

It's nice to know that he doesn't just spend five minutes on an image and it comes out perfectly polished.

I know this might sound a bit off-topic or random, but you're a great artist, Dantis. I'm glad Soejima's sketches on PSC helped you realise how complex or hard it is to make good character designs, which you do. You make great character designs.


I don't get it.

I mean, what more than what it already does in that you can remain friends with them if you want to?

Female social links with no intimate relationship options whatsoever. Or at least a way more natural way of bringing up the "ARE WE GOING INTIMATE?" part.


Female social links with no intimate relationship options whatsoever. Or at least a way more natural way of bringing up the "ARE WE GOING INTIMATE?" part.

Oh... I guess. You and I both know that people would be upset if there was a female approximately the same age as the protagonist that they couldn't romance in the process of an S. Link.


Oh... I guess. You and I both know that people would be upset if there was a female approximately the same age as the protagonist that they couldn't romance in the process of an S. Link.

And yet they were oh-so-quick to give more then one platonic in Persona 3 Portable. :(

No I'm not mad or anything after seeing this deleted scene (major P3 spoilers yo) or anything...


Female social links with no intimate relationship options whatsoever. Or at least a way more natural way of bringing up the "ARE WE GOING INTIMATE?" part.

I don't really have strong feelings about non-intimate female S.Links (although it'd be cool to have at least one like Junpei's in P3P), but I do agree that it'd be nice if they made the whole "Achieving intimacy" bit of it less weird. While I'm not a huge fan of Naoto's S.Link, I think they actually had the right idea here where you have to choose certain choices over the course of the S.Link to get intimate instead of just having one choice at Rank 9.


And yet they were oh-so-quick to give more then one platonic in Persona 3 Portable. :(

Junpei was for story reasons. All the other male SEES you could romance. You couldn't romance all the random other male S Links, but you can't romance all the other random female S Links as male protags either.


And yet they were oh-so-quick to give more then one platonic in Persona 3 Portable. :(

No I'm not mad or anything after seeing this deleted scene (major P3 spoilers yo) or anything...

Honestly P3P would be a better game with romance removed altogether. Like P4 doesn't bring up intimacy until "IT'S TIME" but P3 is like "HEY BRO YOU CAN'T PUT YOUR D THERE YET BRO HEY HEY HEY YOU'RE STILL A VIRGIN AIN'T YA YEAH YOU ARE HAHAHAHA CAN'T HIT THAT YET SON."

Every. Single. SLink with a female character. It's like "Yeah, thanks, I think I can tell we're just acquaintances based on us only being SLink rank 3, game."


I don't really have strong feelings about non-intimate female S.Links (although it'd be cool to have at least one like Junpei's in P3P), but I do agree that it'd be nice if they made the whole "Achieving intimacy" bit of it less weird. While I'm not a huge fan of Naoto's S.Link, I think they actually had the right idea here where you have to choose certain choices over the course of the S.Link to get intimate instead of just having one choice at Rank 9.
Too bad that the choices you have to make are really gross.


And while I'm in the mood to say things about P3 and make people hate me, here are some more complaints I have:

Yukari. Please die in a fire or stop being such a conniving, backstabbing bitch. You got Junpei beat up. Fuuka volunteered to join the team. Quit trying to make it sound like there's something wrong with Mitsuru.

The floor in Tartarus. Maybe it's that the camera angle is fixed, but I hate looking at the floor in Tartarus. It's all wiggly and it makes it hard as fuck to see the Shadows. Maybe that's the point, I don't know.

Tartarus itself. I don't think P4 is the paragon of good dungeon design, but this place is bland to look at and if it wasn't for the "change music option" I'd probably go mad from the two-beat song that plays in this place.

So far I'm not a very big fan of P3.


And while I'm in the mood to say things about P3 and make people hate me, here are some more complaints I have:

Yukari. Please die in a fire or stop being such a conniving, backstabbing bitch. You got Junpei beat up. Fuuka volunteered to join the team. Quit trying to make it sound like there's something wrong with Mitsuru.

The floor in Tartarus. Maybe it's that the camera angle is fixed, but I hate looking at the floor in Tartarus. It's all wiggly and it makes it hard as fuck to see the Shadows. Maybe that's the point, I don't know.

Tartarus itself. I don't think P4 is the paragon of good dungeon design, but this place is bland to look at and if it wasn't for the "change music option" I'd probably go mad from the two-beat song that plays in this place.

So far I'm not a very big fan of P3.

Back then I almost gave up on the game because of Tartarus alone. I know it's boring and tedious, but the ending made all that climbing worth it, at least for me.
And while I'm in the mood to say things about P3 and make people hate me, here are some more complaints I have:

Yukari. Please die in a fire or stop being such a conniving, backstabbing bitch. You got Junpei beat up. Fuuka volunteered to join the team. Quit trying to make it sound like there's something wrong with Mitsuru.

The floor in Tartarus. Maybe it's that the camera angle is fixed, but I hate looking at the floor in Tartarus. It's all wiggly and it makes it hard as fuck to see the Shadows. Maybe that's the point, I don't know.

Tartarus itself. I don't think P4 is the paragon of good dungeon design, but this place is bland to look at and if it wasn't for the "change music option" I'd probably go mad from the two-beat song that plays in this place.

So far I'm not a very big fan of P3.

All of those songs are P1/2 remixes :p

Anyways, yea, Tartarus is my biggest gripe on normal P3 combined with the severely botched pacing of the game.


So things I'm liking about P3, so as not to sound like I hate the game:

-Junpei is Da Man.

-Famke doesn't get constantly reminded she's not eligible to fuck people yet. Like I did the first Akihiko SLink and I was pleased to not get a notification to that effect at the end.

-Tatsumi Port Island is a nice change of pace from Inaba, and I bet that if P3P's presentation wasn't shit, I'd enjoy running around it.


-Koromaru is adorable.

-Everybody's voice actor except Fuuka.

-It feels sufficiently different from P4. I'd hate it if both games were just more of the same.

-OST is ballin'

-Famke got a Hockey stick last night. So good.
And while I'm in the mood to say things about P3 and make people hate me, here are some more complaints I have:

Yukari. Please die in a fire or stop being such a conniving, backstabbing bitch. You got Junpei beat up. Fuuka volunteered to join the team. Quit trying to make it sound like there's something wrong with Mitsuru.

The floor in Tartarus. Maybe it's that the camera angle is fixed, but I hate looking at the floor in Tartarus. It's all wiggly and it makes it hard as fuck to see the Shadows. Maybe that's the point, I don't know.

Tartarus itself. I don't think P4 is the paragon of good dungeon design, but this place is bland to look at and if it wasn't for the "change music option" I'd probably go mad from the two-beat song that plays in this place.

So far I'm not a very big fan of P3.

I think P4 dungeons are just as bad as Tartarus, which is why I am glad they gave you the option to change the music. Also, the camera only ever bothered me in P3P. FES' camera was fine.

PK Gaming

Man you guys are awesome. I figured a couple of you guys would answer the questionnaire, but seeing such a large group of users giving their 2-cents makes me genuinely happy.
We've said it countless times, but this series really needs more platonic options for female social links.

I feel like the series is scratching an incredibly underserved western itch with the ability to really connect with characters on a day to day basis, but it's still got one foot in its distinctly japanese dating-sim roots. Seriously, just a few simple, minor tweaks here and there and you've dropped that japanese dating-sim feel completely. It's actually so close to feeling natural that when it does start bringing up the relationship stuff it actually becomes more obvious despite it not being that big of a deal in the game.

I honestly don't know how I feel about this

On the one hand, you're completely right; s.links feel very natural, but certain romance routes can kill that feeling by being forced or contrived. It can be jarring to see Chie go from being your very good female friend to your loveydovey blushes-all-the-time lover in an instant.

But on the other hand, I really like that the fact the choice is there. I don't think I would enjoy romance as much if I were only limited to dating just Yukiko and Rise.

So to sum it up
+I like the choice
-but I hate how it ends up hurting some of the integrity of the female S.links
+/- I'd rather they refine it rather than remove it all together.

I actually appreciate romance between Yu and Rise. Silly lead-in aside, Rise doesn't really change when you start dating her. She's still the same ole Rise (like during night conversation) and I hope they keep that sentiment when designing romance routes in P5. Just because you're dating someone, it doesn't mean you can't engage in a normal conversation.

PS: As an aside, same sex romance in P5 pls. I'm still miffed that they didn't make Yosuke a romance option.
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