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Persona Community Thread |OT4| The Golden Number


Well fine. He gets to be Frederick Yoshiwara, then, because I just watched Metropolis this week.


So we'll go with Fredrick Yoshwara. Fred for short.
I didn't mind Yukari I saw where she was coming from and her reasons as to why she is doing what she is gives her a clear reason why she is so hesitant with everyone. Since
she wants to find the answers to her dad.
I didn't mind her in the answer at all, since if you do her S.l with her in FES you find out why she would act like how she is. The two that are one tracked minds are Mitsuru and Akihiko to me, Junpei and Yukari have more fleshed out to them probably because you interact with them more in the story to know how they are feeling about everything.

I don't mind the MaleMC responses I just see him as the type to either be blunt about it or 'trying' to be nice.

PK Gaming

I'm not sure what you mean by the image, but I agree that the interaction is great.

It does a lot of other things too. The themes it deals with, and the way it off-handedly mentions regular things that aren't really mentioned off handedly in games like this made it really feel significant to me.

Saori clearly had a crush on FeMC

It's hella subtle, but it's there


Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1) I love Rise. To start I thought they might push her bubbly personality too far, but they actually measured it perfectly. Her positive energy became a core element to the Investigation Team's dynamic and I loved that she always seemed to take combat/whatever was happening in the TV world so seriously. She's your scout and it's no joke for her. I wanna note that I think the game uses her to great effect right off the bat. The commercial she's in is one of the first things you see at the start of P4 and there's a good chance you judged her. When you meet her later at Markyu, she's not the same girl in the commercial. Again, just really getting to the heart of what P4 is all about.

2) Her social link is excellent. I think it's a really nice reminder that stars are people too, but more importantly, that there are entertainers that really are passionate about what they do. Rise sort of fools herself into thinking she doesn't like being an idol, but she does. And you know what? That's perfectly alright. It's great to see her really get in touch with that element of her true self. (Yup.)

3) Just like her S. Link, I think Rise's shadow is a great representation of her internal struggle. She likes to be seen. She likes to be sexy. She's a star, baby; a star.

4) Cool design. I love the visor.

BONUS: That P4DAN costume!

I love this PK. We have a lot of months until we get to play P5. I think you should do this each month for one character. It's awesome to stop and reflect.

Too bad that the choices you have to make are really gross.

The only character whose S. Link I don't feel that great about, in retrospect.


her lines often sound like spliced soundbites

ramrod slamlord

Can't stop laughing at that name.

Also My favorite Fuukaism is: "TherR2NMEZ!"

Like, jeez, Fuuka. It's four words, not one.

Anyway, just got to the glowing pink save shrub in P1. Couple of thoughts here:

-Dude, Philemon, are you Hexadecimal? Because I'm okay with it if you are.
-Suddenly the stuff about Facades and the butterfly savepoints make so much sense to me.


Yeah it's pretty amazing, and if I remember this right it's one of the links where the protagonist takes an unusually active role, almost punching a particulary unsavory girl. Not to mention how genuine their relationship feels.

Was Marie's S.Link done by the same people though?

Nah, it wasn't. I was just being silly.

Saori clearly had a crush on FeMC

It's hella subtle, but it's there

It's pretty clear that Saori is into guys, not girls.


Can't stop laughing at that name.

Also My favorite Fuukaism is: "TherR2NMEZ!"

Like, jeez, Fuuka. It's four words, not one.

Anyway, just got to the glowing pink save shrub in P1. Couple of thoughts here:

-Dude, Philemon, are you Hexadecimal? Because I'm okay with it if you are.
-Suddenly the stuff about Facades and the butterfly savepoints make so much sense to me.
You'll get used to that grid movement pretty soon. And the first person movement is way better than P2's movement so far.
don't hate on Yukari man because she's the most realistic character in Persona, the same with Junpei, tho I still love the whole cast of Persona 3 to death.



You my PBro

We'll find something.

Life finds a way.

About what the best S.Link is, and why it's Naoki Konishi.

Ehhh. I think that Naoki's is a really good one and I feel bad for not doing it my first time through, but the best ones for me so far have to be the power hour that is Nanako-Dojima. Death is the worst because
frickin' old lady isn't even really the Grim Reaper. SO DISAPPOINTED.
Actually one of my favorites.

what is her zodiac

Final Fantasy Tactics Persona cross over where you have to juggle Arcana and Zodiac signs would be insane.

FeMC is canon to me!

That's what I wanna bicker about.

I think I've already commented that the way I'm playing this game it's as if both characters are going through at the same time. Like, both protags exist, they just don't interact with one another.


Instead of bickering about whether FeMC is canon or not, let's talk about how awesome this fanart is.

As a huge fan of P3MC, I approve this drawing to be the best fanart of P3MC ever.

P.S. Sorry for interrupting the Saori talk.
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