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Persona Community Thread |OT4| The Golden Number


Now that Rise February is coming to a close, I'm prepared to go for Yosuke march, as was promised.

However, since no one likes Yosuke, I'm thinking March is just March Bro Madness. Go with your bro. Yosuke, Junpei, or even some guy from a persona game no one's played.

Or do what you want, I'm not your mom.
Finally finished P4G. God I love this game so much. The new content is awesome. The game could last 300 hours and wouldn't get enough of this world and characters. There's just something special about this game, the characters, the music, the setting, I don't know if it's even fair to hold Persona 5 to this standard, hopefully it will live up to it but I'm not going to expect it.
So many costumes to wear in the dungeons!
I also loved that they
redesigned the characters for the epilogue, really nice touch, the girls looked amazing and lol at Kanji.
I also loved how they went back to that time when Nanako asked if the lady in the weather forecast decides the weather. The humor in this game is just too much.
Interesting how they handled Adachi's SL, I was wondering if it would end before you discover he's culprit or if not how they would handle it.

Some awesome extras too, the quizz show is great.
I'm glad we're getting so much Persona goodness in the next couple of years, now that I'm done with Golden the wait will be even more painful.

PK Gaming

Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit
Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.

1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona? Say anything that comes to mind.
1. I Like her design and bubbly personality
2. I think it's fucking stupid that you can't freindzone her without being evil.
3. Didn't really care about her personal issues that much but her shadow is awesome.
4. Absolutely garbage design, definitely one of the dumbest looking things in franchise.


Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1) I like her a lot. She can be a bit perky for my tastes, but she's not always like that. I like that's she so upfront about her affection for her 'senpai'; it's refreshing.
2) Her Social Link is great. But I like almost all of them, so.
3) Her problem is pretty normal, compared to some of the others. Her Shadow, while interesting, fit with those issues rather well, imo.
4) I love her Persona. I like it better than Fuuka's, anyway. Satellite face > glass belly every day. Then again, the last Persona I really liked had a high heel shoe for a face, so.
BONUS: Her outfit from the DAN trailer.


Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1)She's voiced by Laura Bailey. You'd have to be actual scum to hate her. I'm also a sucker for the "actually down to earth" archetype for celebrity female characters.
2) I love it. Mostly because her manager, Inoue, is such a crap person it becomes very clear why she quit. "Oh sure this job was terrible and ruined her life and physically drained her and drove her to an emotional breaking point. But that pain is totally great for her acting!" Fucking scumbag.
3)Oh, uh, see above?
5)It's all about the New Year's Kimono. Then the Ski parka, and then
Golden True Ending look.

Wish we could've had the ski costumes in game.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1) I think I like her because she's refreshing. You expect an annoying character but you get someone who's actually pretty warm and charming. I think she's more of a bro than Chie!

2) Her social link, while not bad, is actually kind of weak.

3) Her shadow/problem makes sense given her profession. Not the best, but not the worst. I liked that they tied in her ability to read everyone's weaknesses!

4) Her persona is one of my favorite designs in the series. It's incredibly classy - a great contrast from her garish and sexualized shadow.

Bonus: Best outfit? I dunno I always liked her summer casual I guess. *shrug*
Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1) She's awesome. Unlike everyone else she
actually had the strength to help out in a fight right after her Persona awakened when everyone else just colapsed like a pussy.
She has the kind of personality that makes her fun to hang around with.
2) I thought that the angle of a young celebrity dealing with fame was actually very interesting.
3) Her shadow shows us that
despite what she says initially she does like the spotlight to some extent which makes sense since she ultimately decides to go back to showbiz.
4) Her Persona seemed overpowered in Golden to me, her interventions make the game a lot easier. Design makes sense considering its function.
Edit: Hm, best outfit... I really liked her look in the epilogue.


Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1) Great character. Was convinced I'd dislike her when I first saw her because of her design, the opening scene and my preconceptions of what she'd be like as an idol character. Was completely wrong. However, I dislike her design a lot (Most of her outfits too) and thought she was much more interesting when you first met her and she seemed morose and subdued.

2) Average. Didn't dislike it! (Didn't really dislike any except for the fox and Margaret) Couldn't associate with her problems whatsoever, whereas with a lot of the characters, particularly the IT, there were a lot of points I could empathize with.

3) ^

Her Shadow was whatever.

4) No opinions on her Personas. Or any, really.

Best outfit is ski trip. It's dynamite. Don't remember her mid winter ones, though, so maybe they were good too.


4) Her persona is one of my favorite designs in the series. It's incredibly classy - a great contrast from her garish and sexualized shadow.

This is something I think I like a lot about Rise's character. She's flirty, but when you get right down to it, she's a class act. She's not overly sexualized or vapid like you sort of expect her to be when you're first introduced to her. I think both Rise and Kanji do a great job of subverting your initial expectations of them.


This is something I think I like a lot about Rise's character. She's flirty, but when you get right down to it, she's a class act. She's not overly sexualized or vapid like you sort of expect her to be when you're first introduced to her. I think both Rise and Kanji do a great job of subverting your initial expectations of them.

This is definitely tr-

Maybe not in the spinoffs.


This is definitely tr-

Maybe not in the spinoffs.

More like: not when she's being an idol. The whole point of her social link and all that stuff is that she is at least a little exhausted of being sexualized as part of her career. Not that she outright hates it, since she does go back, but that it does have some wear and tear on her. She realized she was fine with it when she thought about all the happiness it brought her fans.
Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1) Sure it's fan service but I like how they handle her. She's one of P4 most interesting character but I didn't know how to expect having to deal with an idol. She was on going. Yukiko was boring but had an interesting back story, Chie was crazy fun but Rise actually had a real life changing struggle and I liked that.
2. I kinda answered already but I liked it a lot. Her decisions in her S. link were impacting the rest of her career and life so I felt it matter a lot compared to most of the other S links.
3. I think they went nicely on the sex symbol theme and the idea that she wants attention and her shadow reflect that, it was colorfull and had the parabolic mirror from her persona. I enjoyed the design.
4. I loved her persona, probably my favorite in the game, very classy, loved the idea of the antena, and then the huge telescope. Favorite outfit, her basic black uniform (these stockings)


Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1) #TeamNaoto (Chie is a close one behind). She's fine...but Rise was portrayed to be a biiiit too clingy for my liking (especially in Persona 4 The Animation, which was where I first saw her). In battles I don't care for Pink-haired AOA clouds of doom, but her various buffs were pretty useful (only if they allow you a option to turn it off if you want to do it the hard way though)

2) I think Rise's SL presents the idea of Persona pretty well, in how initially she perceived how Idol self was a mask that she wore, but later learned to embrace it. Still need less straightforwardness crushing from her towards the Protag though (pretty sure some people prefer girls who are that way though *cough*)

3) Being an Idol can be tough, and I liked that she took a extended break when the general trope for Idol in games/anime/manga is that they are still in the industry. It shows how quickly popularity of idols can fizzle out (e.g there's always Kanamin to replace her) so her fears were certainly legit. Can't think of "OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ" whenever someone ask me to talk about Rise's shadow battle, but I kind of wished that it was less of a scripted battle and that you can legibly defeat her without the aid of a certain *someone*

4) Loved the design. I liked how the satellite steadily expanded in size. Not sure what to think of the 3rd form though, seems pretty cool but the telescope/planet is a bit...

BONUS: Marukyu Tofu working outfit. Shows a idol being down to earth and willing to help her aging grandmother out at the Tofu store. Plenty of filial piety aspects in that, which resonates with how I'm raised, being a fellow Asian and all.
Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?

She's cool but she gets annoying at times. I admire her overwhelming positivity, but she should be a little less clingy.

2) What do you think of her Social Link?

Not my favorite, but still a good one. I liked it when she ran into her old producer.

3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?

Realistic and pretty poignant, It is a common problem in that industry, if a little sugarcoated here. Her shadow was really weird and stuff, but again, thats the point, thats what the media does to idols like this. Again, a little sugercoated.

4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.

Her Personas are ok but nothing special. The final one with the planetarium is cool though!

BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

Tofu Rise



This is definitely tr-

Maybe not in the spinoffs.

In her defense, her outfit, cleavage or no, is still less terrible than Kanamin's "insert boobs in these McD's sleeves."

Because there was nothing there? Complete garbage filler content.

Yeah, I agree. The Fox is a crap Social Link. At least it isn't repulsive like the Fat kid social link in 3. And Margaret's was tough and expensive, but she DOES put out in the end, sooooo.


Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1)Love her. Best waifu. Real answer, I like her character, she's fun, bubbly, naughty, and just fun to be around.
2) I really liked her SLink, because I've always wondered what it would be like to be friends/lovers with a famous person while just being an average joe. I enjoyed helping her find her ambition again though.
3) Again, I've always loved the idea of dealing with famous people who weren't over exaggerated. Her shadow made me feel funny in the pants.
4) I wonder what kind of TV reception it gets?
BONOUS: Winter Uniform. She wears it the best. Dem thigh highs.

What's wrong with that outfit?

midriff=sexualized. duh.


I think I'd be okay with Rise's Dancing outfit if she lost the goofy headphones and zipped up her top a bit more. Like, those headphones, man. What is this, P3? Mega Man X? What?


Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1.- Awesome character all around. Cheery person, and surprisingly down to earth.
2.- Except for forcing you to be a jerk in order to avoid romancing her, it was very well done.
3.- The Shadow was well done regarding her problems, but I wasn't exactly sold on her problems The game makes them work fine, tho
4.- Wish she could be a party member :(

EDIT: Oh, this one's good too


Rise's is okay. My beef is more with Narukami's outfit.

You stole a headphone and wore a yellow scarf on your right arm and THAT'S your "dancing outfit"? Okay.....

Fair enough. Freaking Narukami will put on an apron to deal with kids but when it's time to get up on stage with his
canon in my head
girlfriend, he's like "Well I saw Advent Children and Cloud having a pink ribbon on his arm was the shit, so that's my costume. Oh, and I'll steal Yosuke's headphones."
Rise's is okay. My beef is more with Narukami's outfit.

You stole a headphone and wore a yellow scarf on your right arm and THAT'S your "dancing outfit"? Okay.....

I'm imagining that his was very last minute, like he went in to help and was like WHAT DO I HAVE IN MY CLOSET...OH THAT OUTFIT I WEAR IN EVERY OTHER GAME LETS GO


I know it's probably a joke to respond to this, but you honestly think this is "overly" sexualized? What the hell is just-enough sexualized to you?

The fact that even now I can bother you with such a small post makes me smile.

Dant-Kun, thats how idols dress, as stupid as it is, its realistic.

*something about how this is a problem with idols in general then*

midriff=sexualized. duh.

I mean, it was actually a joke, but it's a pretty crass design. It's purely fan service.

It's not exactly up to Soejima's usual design standards, haha. Pretty clearly meant to appeal to a certain subset of the fanbase at a very low level.


I mean, it was actually a joke, but it's a pretty crass design. It's purely fan service.

It's not exactly up to Soejima's usual design standards, haha. Pretty clearly meant to appeal to a certain subset of the fanbase at a very low level.

See that's where you're wrong. It's not made "to appeal to a certain subset of the fanbase at a very low level".

It's made to look like a typical idol outfit.

And it does.

It's relatively tame for something apparently made "to appeal to a certain subset of the fanbase at a very low level". I bet smed didn't even pop a woody when he saw it.


Since Rise month is coming to a close, I figured I'd ask you guys a bunch of Rise related questions.


1) What are your general thoughts on Rise? Why do you like/dislike her?
2) What do you think of her Social Link?
3) What did you think of her problems and her Shadow?
4) What are your thoughts on her Persona(s)? Say anything that comes to mind.
BONUS: Favorite Rise outfit

1.) Always really enjoyed her energy, albeit a bit tropey--but it was always welcome.

2.) She's one of the characters that benefits significantly from her social link. It adds a lot more depth to her character.

3,) Her shadow confrontation and problems reflected a lot of what you'll find if you dig into the child star/teen idol world. It was honestly one of the more the more interesting confrontations because it was, in a way, less relatable to most people.

4.) Not much to say here, not a particularly interesting Persona to dissect really.

5.) I really like her winter outfit:

There is no overly sexualized to dantis. There is just sexualized. And that means it is bad.

Except catgirls. And DOA.



I haven't watched whatever that show was earlier, but this was by far the best thing I saw from it through twitter


Yu is a man that has his priorities straight.


DoA is literally nothing but shameless fan service, that's the whole point of that franchise.

Reading Playboy for the articles argument incoming.

I'm on my phone going to SoCal Regionals so I'm just going to say

Rise is the best.

Remember: "Don't be scared of how dangerous your opponent is, make them afraid of how dangerous you are." Go Smed!
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