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Persona Community Thread |OT4| The Golden Number


Have you not finished her S Link? (Mega spoilers)

Her whole predicament is that she had a boyfriend who killed himself because of her and it's gotten her labelled as a bad person ever since.

I have no problem with her being bisexual at all (And honestly, the way her S Link deals with loads more mature aspects than pretty much all the others in the game would make sexuality fit in rather well), but I don't think there's anything that even suggests she's into girls.

As someone who is staring at a Vita screen with Saori's social link maxed out, with IRC open and the people of the chatroom confused.... I must ask.

What in the HELL are you talking about and where did you get that spoiler tagged info from? o______O;


As someone who is staring at a Vita screen with Saori's social link maxed out, with IRC open and the people of the chatroom confused.... I must ask.

What in the HELL are you talking about and where did you get that spoiler tagged info from? o______O;

Is this a no?

It's in her final day.


That was her uncle, not her boyfriend. It is mentioned at one point that her uncle was her first love.

That's.... actually pretty interesting.

Where's it say that?
With the wording, I had always assumed it was a boyfriend.

EDIT: It never says that the two people are one and the same. Standing by what I said.


That's.... actually pretty interesting.

Where's it say that?
With the wording, I had always assumed it was a boyfriend.

Daimaou digged up the script for you. OBVIOUS P3P SPOILERS BELOW.

<<+Daimaou>> reading the script there's absolutely nothing about a previous boyfriend
<<+Daimaou>> There's... one thing that I never told you.
<<+Daimaou>> I did love someone... But he's no longer with us.
<<+Daimaou>> I made him suffer, and forced him into a corner...
<<+Daimaou>> My parents severely blamed me for the incident.
<<+Daimaou>> huh
<<+Daimaou>> I don't remember that at all
<<+Daimaou>> Do you remember your first love?
<<+Daimaou>> Mine... was my uncle. Heh... I mean, I was a little girl. It's not
<<+Daimaou>> that unusual, right?
<<+Daimaou>> ...That's why I wanted to hurry up and become an adult...
<<+Daimaou>> it's not that far off
<<+Daimaou>> weird the wikia didn't mention it at all though

EDIT: It never says that the two people are one and the same. Standing by what I said.

There's another line
about praying for her first love's soul
at one point. I don't recall it's exact location off the top of my head, but seeing as writers don't work in a vacuum, the conclusion is logical.


I'd say it's open to interpretation.
She talks about them as if they're two different people. And didn't she get sent away when she was like 16? Hardly a little girl.

There's another line
about praying for her first love's soul
at one point. I don't recall it's exact location off the top of my head, but seeing as writers don't work in a vacuum, the conclusion is logical.
She talks about praying for him at the church in her final letter. That's not what you mean, is it?

Without seeing the exact line, it probably won't affect my interpretation.

Either way, it shows that she likes men.


I'd say it's open to interpretation.
She talks about them as if they're two different people. And didn't she get sent away when she was like 16? Hardly a little girl.

That's the problem: there's no other details to support your interpretation by the game, where as the script provides evidence to the former.
Especially considering her parents and the fact that the two details come in her Rank 10 event and in her letter on the final day.

It's pretty vaguely written, but it does not make sense from a writing standpoint to introduce an element of a story if it's not relevant.

She talks about praying for at the church in her final letter. That's not what you mean, is it?

Without seeing the exact line, it probably won't affect my interpretation.

Either way, it shows that she likes men.

I'd have to find it again. Which requires hunting through youtube videos or yet another playthrough of Persona 3 Portable (and I'm sitting at well over ten playthroughs so I'm not in the mood for that. :p)


That's the problem: there's no other details to support your interpretation by the game, where as the script provides evidence to the former.
Especially considering her parents

It's pretty vaguely written, but it does not make sense from a writing standpoint to introduce an element of a story if it's not relevant.

I actually disagree. Given the nature of the story element, it develops her character. It makes her seem strange and shows that she has some pretty heavy issues.


Once again, Dai and Lem to the rescue. Obvious P3P spoilers in this block.

<<+Daimaou>> They sent me out as an exchange student and I never knew when I'd be
<<+Daimaou>> able to return to this country.
<<+Daimaou>> My parents must have not wanted to see my face.
<<+Daimaou>> Because I was sent far away, to a country where I had no one to rely
<<+Daimaou>> on, I didn't go to school at all.
<<+Daimaou>> A church took me in, and I prayed for his soul every day.
<<+Daimaou>> I prayed for him, and that he would forgive me for being too weak to
<<+Daimaou>> kill myself and end the pain...
<<+Daimaou>> is the chunk you were talking about
<<@Sophia>> <3
<<@Sophia>> You're awesome Dai!
<<+Daimaou>> comes immediately after "My parents severely blamed me for the incident."
<<+Daimaou>> Lem linked the script, so he deserves at least some of the credit

I actually disagree. Given the nature of the story element, it develops her character. It makes her seem strange and shows that she has some pretty heavy issues.

You can disagree all you want, but as the text above shows:
The mentioning of her Uncle as her first love comes in the rank 10 event, and the letter in the final day has both her first love being mentioned and the lover pretty much one after another.

It doesn't get much more obviously written then that.


That's in the final day again. Doesn't change anything.

the letter in the final day has both her first love being mentioned and the lover pretty much one after another.

It never mentions a 'first love' in the final day letter.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I think there's room for interpretation for sure. I actually really like that there are different ways to look at these things.


Again, writers and storytellers do not work in a vacuum like that.
There would be no reason to bring up her first love again in the letter and have it immediately precede the text about her parents and the incident if it was not relevant.
It never says first love in the final letter. It says "I loved someone once".

They are not the same thing. Especially after what she seemingly tells you in the previous event as an entirely separate thing.

I'm not altering my interpretation on this, and it doesn't interest me for you to alter yours either. The original point that she's interested in men is valid either way.


Man you need to check for edits better. I edited my post so fast in response to yours the edit message didn't even come up.

On that note, if we're going on interpretations, Dai linked me the script and there is this little gem burred in in the final day scene:

After we started being friends, I began to want something more than
a casual friendship...
I wanted you to come to understand me...

Also, wow, re-reading the finale of the social link reminds me how good the new social links in Persona 3 Portable are.

To anyone new to our lovely community, this is what happens when me and Dantis go at it on story details. :p


I'm surprised you'd all forgotten the specifics of it, to be honest. I guess the rest of you didn't find it as affecting as I did, haha! I loved it. She's my favourite secondary character. She is a legimately good person who just has just been dealt a shit hand. The conclusion to her story
in the PA Room
was such a great moment.

It would be actually really nice if Saori was bisexual, because of the way it handles everything else as very off-hand. If the Persona Team were going to write a bisexual character, I'd definitely imagine her to be written in such a way that it wasn't obnoxious and in your face.

Man you need to check for edits better. I edited my post so fast in response to yours the edit message didn't even come up.

On that note, if we're going on interpretations, Dai linked me the script and there is this little gem burred in in the final day scene:

After we started being friends, I began to want something more than
a casual friendship...
I wanted you to come to understand me...

Also, wow, re-reading the finale of the social link reminds me how good the new social links in Persona 3 Portable are.

To anyone new to our lovely community, this is what happens when me and Dantis go at it on story details. :p
At least we're on topic! I really, genuinely like that we can see the same things differently. I think it's a sign of good writing, and something that probably doesn't happen too often in games.

P3P's S Links give me real hope for Persona 5.


I'm surprised you'd all forgotten the specifics of it, to be honest. I guess the rest of you didn't find it as affecting as I did, haha! I loved it. She's my favourite secondary character. She is a legimately good person who just has just been dealt a shit hand. The conclusion to her story
in the PA Room
was such a great moment.

It would be actually really nice if Saori was bisexual, because of the way it handles everything else as very off-hand. If the Persona Team were going to write a bisexual character, I'd definitely imagine her to be written in such a way that it wasn't obnoxious and in your face.

I haven't done my seemingly yearly playthrough of Persona 3 yet again, and I've played Portable less so the details aren't as fresh in my head.

On that note, I started a save as the male protagonist in P3P but never really got that far with it.... Might be something to continue.

At least we're on topic! I really, genuinely like that we can see the same things differently. I think it's a sign of good writing, and something that probably doesn't happen too often in games.

P3P's S Links give me real hope for Persona 5.

Best part is, I don't think we spoiled any details from her social link either. Which automatically makes us awesome~!


I've never played through P3P as the male protagonist. Should probably try it sometime.

Man, I need to draw some Saori art. I also just remembered that one of the first things I talked about in the P4G OT was how amazing Saori's S Link is.


There's just no point in playing P3P in the male route, is there? I mean, you may as well just play FES at that point, right?


There's just no point in playing P3P in the male route, is there? I mean, you may as well just play FES at that point, right?
Hypothetically though, If you didn't have access to P3 or P3FES you would still at least want the male option.
Oh my god I just realized

February is over, which means its... YOSUKE MONTH :D
Ok guys, here's my chibi Yu Narukami Avatar, in support of the month of Avatars.

And pleaseeeee stop with all the Persona 3 talk.

Just joking lol.

All the P3 talk is making me super hype to try out the game. I must finish Beyond 2 Souls first (halfway through) :)

P3 is definetly my next game. I can't resist any longer. I played P4 over a year ago, and the fond memories that I have of that game are as strong as ever. Im sure P3 will give me just as much enjoyment.


There's just no point in playing P3P in the male route, is there? I mean, you may as well just play FES at that point, right?

Unless, like me, P3P is your only means of playing Male route for awhile. I feel kind of bad that so much of the game's been spoiled for me and that I'm playing it through what I understand is supposed to be the worst version, but on the other hand, replaying the July dungeon last night as FeMC made me realize that I'm still having fun with the game, so I can't really complain.

ON THAT NOTE, P3P July Dungeon Spoilers Ahoooy!
So Clara and the gang go to Shirakawa Blvd. Yukari forces herself into my party and a huge surge of annoyance comes as I realize I should've known this would happen. Basically kicking myself in the shins because I didn't build up Yukari at ALL last month, so she's 10 levels beneath the entire party. Worth it to make her have a nearly naked encounter with Junpei, I suppose.

For a guy who does nothing but train, though, Akihiko is lacking in some serious muscles. Step it up, Senpai. Theo's leading this race, man. You wanna lose to a guy who is afraid to go on the escalator by himself?

There is a grand total of one page of Saori fan art on Pixvi.

Sad. I liked her design and S. Link too.

Aw yeah, Rio and Saori. Them's the ladybros.

Persona 1

So I didn't play very far last night, but poor Fred Yoshiwara, who perhaps had a German ancestor or very mean parents, has no sense of direction. His friends haven't noticed it yet, even though he tried to leave town like, six times and got lost forever trying to find his way to a hospital that hasn't moved since their childhood. Fred sort of walks down halls really fast, kinda moves janky inside rooms, and he crashes into everything. He's a real clutz, but nobody seems to have noticed yet.

In terms of gameplay, I see why people say the game is dated. It feels distinctly less like a Persona and more like an SMT game. For added irony, I think SMT4 feels more like a Persona game than Persona 1 does, haha. What I mean by this is, things in P1 look more in line with SMT4, and yet there are things in SMT4 that are more in line with Persona. So like, the town map in P1 is the same style as SMT4. You fight demons instead of shadows (they might BE shadows but the monsters themselves are demons instead of things like Mayas or whatever). I don't know, maybe y'all who know this franchise better think I'm wrong and if so, cool, no problem. Just the impression I get.

WAY too many elements, though. Like, "Nuclear"? What? Kinda makes me feel that P4 is especially streamlined compared to P1. I mean in P4 I don't think there are even attack types, are there? If there are they're not announced like they are in P3.

So far Mark is best party member. Nanjo's a dick
hopefully his butler's death changes that
, and Big Sis is whoever. I gotta say, though, Mark's Persona being a dude in a grass skirt and big ol tiki mask probably would've been really, really unfortunate if this was Black Mark instead of Goofy's Hat Mark.

Philemon you look so boooomb.


I would love to see your reaction if I said "That's a great idea!" and actually went off and did it.
Lots of laughter, because you would just be digging that hole deeper than just catsuit taunting.
But hey, you'd be the first piece of swimsuit fan art for her, I bet you'd get to the top of the most popular page for her tag on Pixiv in no time!
Aw yeah, Rio and Saori. Them's the ladybros.

I really liked Rio too. My favourite design, but her S. Link was kinda eh.


Lots of laughter, because you would just be digging that hole deeper than just catsuit taunting.
But hey, you'd be the first piece of swimsuit fan art for her, I bet you'd get to the top of the most popular page for her tag on Pixiv in no time!

That sounds about right. If nothing else, you're at least honest!
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