Yeah I'm with Potemkin on a response to that.
so i just got a ps3. should i play the first P4 fighting game in preparation for the second? i know there's story. i could probably get it for cheap.
God, that's almost as bad as the fanfiction I found of my school's president fucking Bill Cosby.
I would say yes normally, but if the US version is anything like the JP version, then we should be getting some sort of DLC that summarizes the events of the P4A story (the fighting game story). P4A's story is broken up into like 10 or so different stories that a good number of them has overlapping and similar events, so it's kind of a drag to go through.
So, I would just wait for P4AU and play through the summary included with it (the DLC is included with first print copies in Japan iiirc).
Wait what? Is this really a thing?
After a quick google, I found this:
I believe you now.
so i just got a ps3. should i play the first P4 fighting game in preparation for the second? i know there's story. i could probably get it for cheap.
I haven't played P2 but are those spoilers of what happens in the game or just background information of the characters?
God, that's almost as bad as the fanfiction I found of my school's president fucking Bill Cosby.
Well you can't just leave us hanging now.
Also, with it being Pride month and all, I thought I'd remind everyone of one of the best scenes from the P4 Animation:
Pepsi's better.
But I don't like coke. ;__;
Or Chie.
What's going on with Maya's arm?
God, that's almost as bad as the fanfiction I found of my school's president fucking Bill Cosby.
Background info. Nothing that will make sense until it happens.
Your last image there is a very blatant endgame spoiler, as Caladrius noted. That's not background information at all.
When it comes to glass bottles, Coke is totally better than Pepsi. Nothing beats Coca-Cola from the glass bottle. Except maybe a good root beer.
Not like you'll have any idea who that guy even is.
Not like you'll have any idea who that guy even is.
Well you can't just leave us hanging now.
Also, with it being Pride month and all, I thought I'd remind everyone of one of the best scenes from the P4 Animation:
Edit: Can't forget this gem, of course:
Not like you'll have any idea who that guy even is.
You seem upset, that or have shit taste.
I don't even drink soda anymore.
You seem upset, that or have shit taste.
I don't even drink soda anymore.
I wonder if they'll change Yu's personality. I personally wouldn't mind if they adopted his P4A personality.The P4GA better up the ante
I wonder if they'll change Yu's personality. I personally wouldn't mind if they adopted his P4A personality.
It's been a while since I played Arena's story, but was Yu's personality different there than from the anime? I don't remember noticing much of a difference. Also HeavenSmiley, you can't leave us hanging on the Bill Cosby story lol.Probably
I hope they give him a more cohesive personality. Anime Yu was a mishmash of stoic and goofy, which was great and all but... he didn't really feel like a complete character. During certain scenes, he came across as more of a vehicle for Persona 4's funnier dialogue responses (see King's Game). He comes into his own in the last episode, but that's like... the last episode.
It's been a while since I played Arena's story, but was Yu's personality different there than from the anime? I don't remember noticing much of a difference. Also HeavenSmiley, you can't leave us hanging on the Bill Cosby story lol.
So about the Persona 4G ending...
The gas station attendant transfers his powers by shaking people's hands? ... Okay. That's pretty lame. I haven't finished his dungeon yet but that is so random.
I love reading your posts Pepsiman.
So about the Persona 4G ending...
The gas station attendant transfers his powers by shaking people's hands? ... Okay. That's pretty lame. I haven't finished his dungeon yet but that is so random.
Something about this picture is absolutely magical.
Rise x Naoto is the best.There are all sorts of random pairings. I've seen a decent amount Ai x Saori or Rise x Naoto. Super surreal.
Something about this picture is absolutely magical.
Rise x Naoto is the best.
I spent my evening playing the Etrian Odyssey Untold demo to find out whether I would enjoy Persona Q since I didn't like EO4. Surprisingly, I enjoyed Untold a lot more...
Did we have any rumblings of a release date for Q?
Did we have any rumblings of a release date for Q?
what do you think of the persona games?I get the feeling that you guys think I'm not spending enough time here.
what do you think of the persona games?
Oh really? I have them both, but I haven't played Untold at all and I've only played a bit of EO4.
moderation business, i knowI think you were misunderstanding her meaning.
God, that's almost as bad as the fanfiction I found of my school's president fucking Bill Cosby.
It might just be me being a huge casual, but I'm not into games that are artificially difficult thanks to rather huge health bars even at the very start of the game (EO4).
So since it's looking like Ultimax will wrap up P3's story, what are your opinions onWould it take away from P3's ending?reviving P3MC? Should (s)he be saved?
Absolutely terrible idea that should not be done, takes away from P3's ending, completely spits in the face of the game's main theme and entirely negates The Answer and what it stood for. AlsoSo since it's looking like Ultimax will wrap up P3's story, what are your opinions onWould it take away from P3's ending?reviving P3MC? Should (s)he be saved?