Speaking of Adachi, I'm disappointed that they kept him as an (seemingly) evil character. Maybe they had to. It's pretty obvious what will drive P3's story in Ultimax, and I guess they needed him to help with P4's.
Honestly, too early to tell. Atm they seem fairly ambiguous but there's no good way to judge.Speaking of Adachi, I'm disappointed that they kept him as an (seemingly) evil character. Maybe they had to. It's pretty obvious what will drive P3's story in Ultimax, and I guess they needed him to help with P4's.
I'm about to start this game called Persona
Do you guys think Akihiko is in it?
Speaking of Adachi, I'm disappointed that they kept him as an (seemingly) evil character. Maybe they had to. It's pretty obvious what will drive P3's story in Ultimax, and I guess they needed him to help with P4's.
Yeah, just an educated guess. I mean something has to be shown by September, right? LOL
Dantis you playing Xillia? I'm surprised.
I think we shouldn't worry about P5 until we've seen P4D. P5 is a long way off until we at least see something of P4D, I think.
This is what I've also been thinking for the last few days, yeah. Let's just take it step by step.
But I thought P4D was confirmed for 2015We have to see it soon, I still think. If anything, I'm surprised that we haven't seen it yet. I still think it will come out around October time.
I play many games. In terms of variety, I play more than most people, I imagine.
But yes, I started Xillia yesterday. It sure is a Tales game.
But I thought P4D was confirmed for 2015
But I thought P4D was confirmed for 2015
Oh, I guess I assumed 2015 when they previously said it wasn't that in development (or whatever they actually said).In the US. iirc it's 2014 for Japan
But I thought P4D was confirmed for 2015
You didn't like Tales of games? It's okay, I didn't care for them either until I bought Xillia on PSN for $10. I enjoyed it.
We're basically guaranteed to see some P4D at TGS
Oh, I guess I assumed 2015 when they previously said it wasn't that in development (or whatever they actually said).
On the plus side, two of the three characters I've met in Xillia are more likeable than anyone in Graces.
Actually I could see P5 being at TGS. Hmm..
Graces suffers big time fromA cute dumbassoverly naive protagonist.
Xillia's party is solid overall. I think there's one character I outright disliked among the cast. (Leia), and even then she's not insufferable
Hey guys, just wanted to drop by and say that Persona 4 has the best sound track in any game period imo. Only soundtrack for a game that I enjoy every song, I even got the OST on my ipod. Such an catchy and happy ost. I hope who ever was in charge of the OST for P4 is in charge of 5.
We have to see it soon, I still think. If anything, I'm surprised that we haven't seen it yet. I still think it will come out around October time.
In the US/EU
From what I've seen, Milla is awful. I really dislike her design too.
Nothing is confirmed for EU.
Xillia's party is solid overall. I think there's one character I outright disliked among the cast. (Leia), and even then she's not insufferable
I really should be up to date, considering that I'm looking forward to the game more than a lot of people >_<Fall 2014. Get with the times, man.
I may be thinking of the wrong game, then.They never said this. In fact, they said the total opposite in December/January when they stated that the base game was essentially completed and they were focusing on implementing more songs.
Hey guys i've just heard fromm another forum that apparently in the second film they make Makoto/Yukari the canon couple..
Again it's just what someone said but they apparently kiss on the beach in the film.
Also Makoto has new moments/interactions with aigis as well
From what I've seen, Milla is awful. I really dislike her design too.
He is indeed. He did Persona 3, Persona 3 Portable and Catherine too.
I like them, but they're the fast food of JRPGs.
On the plus side, two of the three characters I've met in Xillia are more likeable than anyone in Graces.
Nothing is confirmed for EU.
Hey guys, just wanted to drop by and say that Persona 4 has the best sound track in any game period imo. Only soundtrack for a game that I enjoy every song, I even got the OST on my ipod. Such an catchy and happy ost. I hope who ever was in charge of the OST for P4 is in charge of 5.
Vita is not region locked though. Just like with P4G retail stores will sell the US version within 1-2 weeks, so the official release date doesn't really matter.
Now Persona Q on the other hand...
Hey guys, just wanted to drop by and say that Persona 4 has the best sound track in any game period imo. Only soundtrack for a game that I enjoy every song, I even got the OST on my ipod. Such an catchy and happy ost. I hope who ever was in charge of the OST for P4 is in charge of 5.
He is indeed. He did Persona 3, Persona 3 Portable and Catherine too.
oh awesome. I liked P3's soundtrack as well but it has nothing on P4's. Haven't played Catherine yet though. One day I'll play it, I promise.... I wish I was still in High School, so much free time during those days
also I don't think we'll see P5 at TGS, TGS has been total shit for like 3 or so years straight.
Real talk: Persona 5, still pure turn-based RPG or do you guys think we'll get an ATB or even Actionesque battle mode?
Although I can't necessarily agree with that, it's easily Top 10 material (maybe even Top 5, but that's a LOT harder for me to narrow down, personally).
And I would definitely be surprised if Meguro wasn't back on for 5.
Turn based but with chrono trigger esque battle transitions and FF13 like animation.Real talk: Persona 5, still pure turn-based RPG or do you guys think we'll get an ATB or even Actionesque battle mode?
Meguro is already confirmed for 5.
Sorry to do this but.....The canon couple part ant true, what happened was the same events in the game till you get a choice, the choice part does not happened because shadows appear and Aigis fights them off.
Fast food of JRPGs? Huh. I've never heard that before. like when you're playing it; it's all good but then when you finish you're left empty' filled with regret, until the next time you play?
He's the best.
Actually, I've heard it being called that before from this lovely Kotaku article, from around when SMT X FE was announced. Let's just say that this article is.....special to say the least.
At least Vesperia had Yuri, who is a candidate for best JRPG protagonist.
That's Kotaku for you.I don't really like that article. It mentions SMT but keeps on referencing to Persona, which won't on SMTxFE at all.
It's confusing to introduce SMT and its spin-offs to newcomers because a lot of my friends always think Soul Hackers plays the same as P3P or Devil Survivor just because they have the name "Shin Megami Tensei" on the cover.
Sorry if it sounds like a rant, but I'm just tired of people mentioning or referencing Persona in the upcoming SMTxFE.
I don't really like that article. It mentions SMT but keeps on referencing to Persona, which won't on SMTxFE at all.
It's confusing to introduce SMT and its spin-offs to newcomers because a lot of my friends always think Soul Hackers plays the same as P3P or Devil Survivor just because they have the name "Shin Megami Tensei" on the cover.
Sorry if it sounds like a rant, but I'm just tired of people mentioning or referencing Persona in the upcoming SMTxFE.