A Dead Diehard
The Almighty.
Live version is epic.
The Almighty.
Live version is epic.
Teddie's and Margaret's character renders are sort of bad.
Also the Shadow World DLC? That's a previously announced track, so wipe at least one from the track number.
Atlus are really being shitty with the DLC in this. No idea what they're thinking. Feels like the game loses more and more value every week.
I believe there are multiple Shadow World remixes. One or two in the main game.
This is a new remix, it's not one of the three in the base game.
The Almighty.
Live version is epic.
Goddamn. The beginning gave me goosebumps lol.
Also I have to say, I get like symphonies for long-running series of games, like FF and Zelda. But this is more like.. a rock concert. For 2 (?) games.
Don't get me wrong, P4 has incredible music. I just never thought I'd see something like this. But this is Japan, people go watch a 3D projected anime girl sing computer-generated (I think?) songs there, guess I shouldn't be surprised.
e: I wonder how it is there. Do only "real nerds" go to these kinds of concerts? Is being a big and/or loud videogame nerd frowned upon there?
It's so weird to see someone actually singing the battle themes and shit,this is amazing
The music in the games is fantastic, it's hardly surprising that people pay to see them live. Hell, god only knows how much it pains me not being able to attend these shows myself.
And though at the start they only had the music from the 2 games, the spin-offs, animes and ports provide more than enough material for a fresh setlist every year.
Yeah, yeah. At first I was like whaat. Whaaaaaaaaat what.
But now I've had the video play for a bit over half an hour on my other monitor and I gotta admit, it does look like a lot of fun lol. I doubt I'd pay for the ticket myself but if someone got me one and wanted me to come with them, yeah, why the hell not? Should be a pretty fun experience
Goddamn. The beginning gave me goosebumps lol.
Also I have to say, I get like symphonies for long-running series of games, like FF and Zelda. But this is more like.. a rock concert. For 2 (?) games.
Don't get me wrong, P4 has incredible music. I just never thought I'd see something like this. But this is Japan, people go watch a 3D projected anime girl sing computer-generated (I think?) songs there, guess I shouldn't be surprised.
e: I wonder how it is there. Do only "real nerds" go to these kinds of concerts? Is being a big and/or loud videogame nerd frowned upon there?
It's so weird to see someone actually singing the battle themes and shit,this is amazing
And that concert doesn't even compare to the more recent ones. They were removed from YT though.
Ah, that's a shame. Suppose they haven't been uploaded to any other video service?
Why even pull concert videos. It's not like anyone will ever go, "oh, I saw the concert on Youtube, I'm never gonna go check them out live now that I've experienced it already".
Was that a casualty of those Russian scammers a year or so ago? A whole boatload of Persona-related videos fell victim to that mess.
If I remember correctly the last concert they had in Feb with the P5 announcement was in one of the biggest concert venues in Japan and had a sizable audience.
The shows are released on dvd/bluray.
Don't ask me how much I spent importing them from Japan.
Hah wow, wasn't expecting that. Good for them though, Persona getting bigger and more popular can only be a good thing.
As an aside, this leaves us with 16 songs to go around the cast. So it won't even be three songs per character.
What are they thinking, man.
Seems like Marie will be DLC after all. :V
Seems like Marie will be DLC after all. :V
If she's not in the base game, I bet she won't be in at all because I don't see them putting in the effort to construct the unique choreographic flourishes or the dialogue for when she's chosen as a partner character for any song.
Definitely would have thought Marie would fit in before Margaret for several reasons (she's more popular than Margaret, she has an epilogue design, P4tGA, she'd have more of a dynamic with the IT and Margaret, etc.). The possibility for Marie is still there, but I think it's gotten considerably more slim after the last Famitsu DX Pack posters were revealed.
I would have wanted to see seaweed Kanji in those scans.
I saw the scans and one of them had the song Marie did for the closing credits in that anime.
Dantis is right it seems like this is losing value.
And that concert doesn't even compare to the more recent ones. They were removed from YT though.
I think the best was the original, Live at Akasaka Blitz.
Dantis is right it seems like this is losing value.
Seems like Marie will be DLC after all. :V
So what if Marie is not danceable? Good thing she's not rendered because Margaret's render does not capitative her true beauty.
Yup, as 84X states, Marie was never even announced to begin with, so nothing's been lost.
P4D probably compares favorably to the Project Diva series in terms of features, from the 3D models, to the number of songs, to the game's story mode. P4D even has online leaderboards.
Over 30 songs in the base Diva f gamE. project Diva f has tons of custom accessories and several outfits. Characters available on ever song. All P4D is doing for me at the moment is the leaderboards. And theyre probably just static. And a story mode.
I dedicate this post to sadness
; ;
Not sure if serious...
We've seen the last of her, bro. ;_;
Good, along with Golden Chie, I'm glad I played vanilla.
The vanilla one sounds too old for me.
It does make me wonder if she'll be in the game at all.We've seen the last of her, bro. ;_;
She ain't my moe, no.Do you consider Marie to be moe?
Well once you had one, you cant go to the other.
I played Vanilla PS2 version first, I prefer Erin.
The voice just fits the character waaaaaaaay better.
The vanilla one sounds too old for me.
Do you consider Marie to be moe?
So what if Marie is not danceable? Good thing she's not rendered because Margaret's render does not capitative her true beauty.
Over 30 songs in the base Diva f gamE. project Diva f has tons of custom accessories and several outfits. Characters available on ever song. All P4D is doing for me at the moment is the leaderboards. And theyre probably just static. And a story mode.
Well once you had one, you cant go to the other.
Though something about this just makes me think people are still bitter about the character lock... and I can't really blame anyone for that.
It was interesting to see that most people don't really care about that, from a previous GAF thread.
Maybe people should ask Shuhei Yoshida a whole lot if Persona 5 is coming out this year.
I think Erin's voice fits Chie better. Just a preference.