My bet is on the dance instructor.
Too obvious.
Making the ugly, creepy person into the culprit is old hat. Unsuspecting culprits are the new rage these days!
My bet is on the dance instructor.
...and this super vain, "I'm so fabulous" one.
Wonder if that's what they're going for, which could be cool. I thought it would kind of be the same with Nozomi, but she has an earnest expression in the recent P4D music video:
I hope they're cool characters. I think they look cool, at least, aside from maybe Sumomo, but she could be decent as well, especially if she has a dynamic with Nanako.
They'll all be the villians.
Controlled by some evil god or something. It's Persona after all.
I'm not great on Japanese mythology but is there some God of underserved fame that can be summoned by their collective will or something?
Just picked up 5 vita games for my recent vita purchase from GameStop and among them was P4:Golden. I don't know what to expect from this game as I got it solely from word of mouth. It's definitely out of my comfort zone as the only JRPG I've played is Pokemon. The cashier at GameStop was super excited that I was buying it btw. Was he one of you guys?But yeah, it's going to be fun to finally be able to understand what the Persona commotion is about.
The cashier at GameStop was super excited that I was buying it btw. Was he one of you guys?But yeah, it's going to be fun to finally be able to understand what the Persona commotion is about.
Just picked up 5 vita games for my recent vita purchase from GameStop and among them was P4:Golden. I don't know what to expect from this game as I got it solely from word of mouth. It's definitely out of my comfort zone as the only JRPG I've played is Pokemon. The cashier at GameStop was super excited that I was buying it btw. Was he one of you guys?But yeah, it's going to be fun to finally be able to understand what the Persona commotion is about.
Everytime i see that Nozomi chick (the red one Flux posted) , i see a adult version of Minako lol.
Loving her design and my favorite kanamin kitchen girl (until now) just for that.
Yeah, who the hell actually likes the negotiation system?
>I love it!
>Nobody sane.
>I'd rather play pokemon.
Yeah, who the hell actually likes the negotiation system?
>I love it!
>Nobody sane.
>I'd rather play pokemon.
Does anyone else feel like some of the choices of who dances to what seem slightly... weird?
Kanamin having Shadow World, Naoto having Heaven, Yosuke having Your Affection... Heck, it's even weird that Narukami has Dance. The whole song screams Rise.
I think I was expecting them to choose songs that fit the character, I guess? But it feels like the criteria (whatever it was) was different. Maybe they just based it on nothing, and went with whatever they felt like at the time.
PD: BTW i dont get a word of japanese , but looking that PSC gameplay , who can play with the shadow characters , so they are using Shadow Yosuke and Shadow Nanako in those videos ... right ?
Kanji should have Backside of the TV
You can choose to change the character's headphones and whether or not to give them shadow eyes... there's probably more to it but that's all we know.
Haha, does he not? Who does? I can't imagine the song with anyone else.
Unsurprisingly, yours truly. Most core fans enjoy it.
Give me 360 macca.
An artwork of dancing P3MC AND FeMC?!
Someone hold me.
How about a Megidolaon to the face, does that agree with you?
Unsurprisingly, yours truly. Most core fans enjoy it.
Hope that's not an edit.
"Most" ? You know that's what they call weasel words, right?
I certainly don't enjoy the negotiation system as it was seen in Persona 2, at any rate. I'm marginally more fond of the P1 and SMT3/IV ones, even if the later has a tendency to result in silly deaths early on in the game when negotiating.
Ever see this?
Ever see this?
Unsurprisingly, yours truly. Most core fans enjoy it.
Ever see this?
Ever see this?
That looks like Devil Survivor 2, so it's probably real, lol. That game had a lot of silly and hilarious dialogue choices in it.
Looks like a game I should play
Or was DS2 the one with the painfully dull story, at least compared to the other one?
I feel like giving one of them a try, but I want to do the one that has a good story.
DS2 has a decent story, and does a good attempt at having (slightly) different ideologies than L/N/C.
DS1's is fantastic.
Have you played Soul Hackers? That's the king.
No, but I'll look into it when I get some money. Goddamn shame 3DS games never seem to drop in price though, it's still 45 euros. 40e from Amazon uk. Does the game offer difficulty options, btw? Many SMT games have been a bit too hard for my liking, P4's easy difficulty was probably the best one for me.
Anyway, back to Persona: has there been anything about what P5 versions will actually get localized? I'm thinking of selling my PS4, it's been gathering dust for a long time now, but I'm a bit concerned. IIRC, only the PS4 version of the DQ action RPG (Heroes?) is getting localized and I've got this weird feeling that the same thing is going to happen with Persona 5. I'd be perfectly fine with the PS3 version, a game like Persona doesn't need high resolution or framerate or anything.
It's $15 in the US now, saw it at GameStop. And yes, there's an app that changes difficulty.
It's a fairly easy game, though, apart from some nasty bosses. Buffs are broken.
Dat region lock
Gosh dang it Nintendo, get with the times
Lisa Silverman and Naoto dancing? Nice
Looks like a game I should play
Or was DS2 the one with the painfully dull story, at least compared to the other one?
I feel like giving one of them a try, but I want to do the one that has a good story.
Replaying P4 for the first time in six years, and the game is surprisingly much more intelligent than I remembered. None of the characters can be easily boxed into familiar tropes and it touches on some pretty heavy themes with varying degrees of grace, like grappling with sexuality, institutionalized sexism, the harshness of Japan's school system, and losing loved ones to disease.
It's certainly much deeper than the spin-off titles have painted its characters.
Or the light novels, or the anime, or really anything after the original game. I'm looking forward to P4DAN for the remixes, but I'm glad that Atlus will move on to the next main installment after that. And I'm happy that P5 looks like it'll be quite different from P4.Replaying P4 for the first time in six years, and the game is surprisingly much more intelligent than I remembered. None of the characters can be easily boxed into familiar tropes and it touches on some pretty heavy themes with varying degrees of grace, like grappling with sexuality, institutionalized sexism, the harshness of Japan's school system, and losing loved ones to disease.
It's certainly much deeper than the spin-off titles have painted its characters.
Lisa Silverman and Naoto dancing? Nice
Give me 360 macca.
Thanks, have a punch in the face as a return!
Or the light novels, or the anime, or really anything after the original game. I'm looking forward to P4DAN for the remixes, but I'm glad that Atlus will move on to the next main installment after that. And I'm happy that P5 looks like it'll be quite different from P4.
Yes I did. I just love seeing them together.Ever see this?
I hope we don't see as many spinoffs of P5.