Terrible dancing and some more clean clips of Dancing music
Teddie isn't even trying at all.
Terrible dancing and some more clean clips of Dancing music
Maybe Persona 5 will push Atlus into bigger league territory and they can afford Laura Bailey another time.
I think Troy was asked this question at a panel last year, and he said something along the lines of "I moved on from that role". Don't know where the video is, but it was posted in a previous OT.I think it's more dependant on her not having so many projects that year.
I mean, the year Troy Baker got replaced, he had a lot on his plate too, right?
The SMT X FE game was on Nintendo's E3 stream and now I know way more about that game than I do Persona 5.I wasn't expecting that.
They talked about how each of the side characters would have side quests/stories that help them achieve their goals/dreams in the game. Also completely showed off exploration, dungeon crawling, and battle system.
The SMT X FE game was on Nintendo's E3 stream and now I know way more about that game than I do Persona 5.I wasn't expecting that.
Anita Sarkeesian isn't happy that Persona 5 isn't on both sides of the E3 badge.
Nah, she's just salty that it's not Yukiko on the badge instead.
Anita Sarkeesian isn't happy that Persona 5 isn't on both sides of the E3 badge.
Not seeing the logic in how Rise in an idol dancing outfit is somehow unfortunate?;
The problem is you're looking for it.
Anita Sarkeesian isn't happy that Persona 5 isn't on both sides of the E3 badge.
I mean I can understand pointless fanservice that's degrading. But I don't think Rise's idol outfit is that on it's own. Just sounds like making a mountain out of a molehill.
I mean I can understand pointless fanservice that's degrading. But I don't think Rise's idol outfit is that on it's own. Just sounds like making a mountain out of a molehill.
If it was up to her, every women except her, fictional or real, would be dressing in heavy armor that hide every inch of their skin from head to toes.
It's just someone tweeting their opinion on Twitter. She doesn't like the image as should be expected from her previous talks and posts. Nothing wrong with thinking so, and people who disagree can just ignore it or shrug it off like all other similar opinions/GAF posts.
It's just someone tweeting their opinion on Twitter. She doesn't like the image as should be expected from her previous talks and posts. Nothing wrong with thinking so, and people who disagree can just ignore it or shrug it off like all other similar opinions/GAF posts.
If it was up to her, every women except her, fictional or real, would be dressing in heavy armor that hide every inch of their skin from head to toes.
It's also someone who prides over being the "face" of feminism in video games. Meaning she has a very, very large following. This isn't some no-name person
And what valuable info will we obtain in discussing Anita saying she doesn't like the badge?
For those who didn't get to see the SMT X Fire Emblem gameplay
also lol the game has something called "Performa"
Also there are phone/texting conversations in the game. Makes me think Persona 5 will have that as well.
That she's overrated as a media figure and shouldn't be discussed further.
Overrated because you don't like her, right?
That she's overrated as a media figure and shouldn't be discussed further.
For those who didn't get to see the SMT X Fire Emblem gameplay
also lol the game has something called "Performa"
Also there are phone/texting conversations in the game. Makes me think Persona 5 will have that as well.
Overrated because you don't like her, right?
Overrated because you don't like her, right?
Yeah... let's not
Moving back to things worth people's time, #FE at least has some good music for the dungeon.
Let's end it here
Catherine had a texting mechanic too. Kinda fun to change your responses erasing your previous comments.
I really can't stand the idol-centric setting. It's just so.....ugh
She's not a terribly great media critic at times, which is actually her biggest problem. It's why I find myself agreeing with her on general themes, but disagreeing with her when she actually gets to specific criticism. Like that "criticism" of Rise's design in Dancing All Night, it feels like attacking something to simply have something to say, not actual valid criticism backed up by logical points. Which is also coincidentally probably why it was said on Twitter, a place great for short-hand attacks on someone or something, but not in-depth discussion.
To say the least, as far as Persona goes, there is far worse stuff in Persona 4 Golden's new content.
Agreed, best we just move on. As much as I'd like to say more on the subject, anything further would just derail the thread. Or worse: start an argument.
Overrated because you don't like her, right?
P5 PV2 in 7 days right?
Yeah, Even sooner if it's leaked.
Remember, when PV2 is released, don't post any images of it here, and usetags for any new info. Better yet, keep the discussion of the trailer to the inevitable Gaming side thread.
Please be respectful of everyone here on a media blackout.