Going off topic for a second, as I want to discuss something related to the IRC chat room that's slightly important. The community thread provides me with a good place to get people's feedback on the subject, as everyone can read it and reply to me in the manner of their choosing.
Right now, officially and in theory, most spoilers (including all Ultimax/PQ ones) are currently banned within the main channel. The topic title encourages people to take these discussions to #pspoilers instead. At first, I was kindly referring people to the channel and this wasn't an issue. We had some really good discussions in the spoiler chatroom, and all was pretty well. However, as time has gone on, more and more people are no longer using the channel for discussion and the user count in there has dropped significantly. Adding to that, discussion of P3 and P4 spoilers has started to pretty much occur openly within the main channel, with Ultimax spoilers becoming increasingly common too.
So this leaves us with a bit of a problem. People obviously want to discuss the spoilers, and they aren't joining the spoiler channel to do so. I presume this is because many users who join are actually using the web client to connect, and probably don't care or don't know how to join the other channel.
At any rate, I'd like to hear as many opinion this as possible. Right now, I propose three possible options myself:
1) We enforce the no spoiler rule more rigidly. This would effectively ensure no spoilers within the main channel at all as long as an op or halfop is around, as we could hand out warnings and throw people in there as needed. I don't really like this option myself, because the chatroom has always been kind of that "cool" place to hang out. Where almost anything is generally okay as long as you don't do something totally asshole-ish, adhere to the network rules, and don't piss of the people with op/halfop status. Plus, as the spoiler channel covers multiple games, people would have to worry about getting spoiled for a game they didn't want to see.
2) We largely drop the no spoiler rule for Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 4 Arena, and Ultimax. These games are the most openly discussed in the main channel, and unofficially small talk for P3/P4 spoilers has pretty much been happening. P3 and P4 are popular enough, and the statue of limitations on them long gone that at this point it shouldn't be a big deal unless you're going out of your way to intentionally harass someone with spoilers. Likewise, Arena and Ultimax have pretty quick story modes that don't take a whole lot of commitment beyond just reading them, so they'd be largely excluded from the rule as well. P1 and P2 spoilers would stay in the spoiler channel due to the fact that a significant chunk of people have not played them compared to P3 and P4, and Persona Q and Persona 5 spoilers would remain in there for obvious reasons. In regards to Persona Q specifically, anything from the 4th dungeon onward would stay in the spoiler channel, adhering to Atlus's own request to not spoil the game. Also big serious story discussions would possibly be filtered to the spoiler channel as well, seeing as they'd cover every game.
3) We drop the no spoiler rule entirely, going back to the way we were before. Some people really liked this, because they didn't have to watch what they said in there. However I know a few people including Venfayth, the owner of the channel, were against this because it made it a gamble if people got spoiled or not.
I'm curious to hear what other people, especially the regulars who visit the chatroom, think. I'm also open to any other sound proposals as well. If it wasn't obvious from the size of the paragraph above, right now I'm considering running with option #2. But any input would be nice.
EDIT: Seems like #2 is largely winning out in terms of popularity. If Ven has no objections, we'll run with that.