As an aside, why aren't you a part of the Steam group? :O
I was trying to talk about how great Tomb Raider looks yesterday in chat, but everyone else is lame and just telling me how shit Tomb Raider and Uncharted are. IF YOU WERE THERE I COULD HAVE TALKED ABOUT IT TO YOU AND I WOULDN'T HATE EVERYONE LIKE I DO NOW.
Which character? If we take Naoto for example, can you think of many other characters like her? She's stern, confident and unsociable, and unaccepting of the fact that she's a girl. She is of average general intelligence but incredibly observant and perceptive. She sees her gender as a flaw and so she masquerades as a man, apparently to great success. Her strengths are her logic and rational, and her weakness is that she is strongly emotional when her rationale fails.
Are there really so many game characters like that to the extent that she is a cliche?