Truth be told I actually was more hoping for Chie, but I didn't want ti to tie into the whole "Persona 4" podcast thing. hahaha
Actually Igor or Margaret would be really awesome. (Not Elizabeth because that's The Persona Podcast's mascot)
Actually Igor or Margaret would be really awesome. (Not Elizabeth because that's The Persona Podcast's mascot)
Did you droor this? It's very good.
edit: Ah, google images says it's not yours :B Still awesome.
Guys, how's the PSN version of P3 FES? I wanna play the original game with all dem graphics and no Direct Commands.
Guys, how's the PSN version of P3 FES? I wanna play the original game with all dem graphics and no Direct Commands.
Guys, how's the PSN version of P3 FES? I wanna play the original game with all dem graphics and no Direct Commands.
Save data glitch can erase your data sometimes, but multiple saves should alleviate this. Some textures look weird at times, other flash repeatedly. The floors on one of the later blocks of Tartarus flash quite a bit, as well as the exterior of the monorail and the high cut battle armor.
Keep multiple save files, get ready for strobing golden shadows and the block of Tartarus giving you a supreme headache, plus the last boss strobes like the shadows.
A bit buggy IIRC
*Sigh*Save glitches and some funky graphical issues.
The save thing you can get around by making multiple save files.
So it's pretty bad.
So it's pretty bad.
Hey, you got in contact with those guys, right? What did they say?
Spencer Pressly(owner) contacted me randomly on twitter saying he was going to "check out the competition, haven't really spoke to him besides that though.
I'm (probably) not getting my P4A update, but I can get the next BlazBlue. Do any of you suggest trying an earlier game in that series? I've never played.
Let's just keep changing the image every 'cast
I have a rough idea for a banner image though, it's basically a Jack Frost podcasting
BlazBlue's story is a convoluted mess. If you want to at least have a base understanding of what's actually happening without going to a wiki page, you'd need to get both Calamity Trigger and Continuum Shift Extend. If that doesn't really matter and you're just in for the gameplay, get CSEX because that's pretty much how Chrono Phantasma will play.
Yeah, that sounds good. It looks silly at a glance. I'm in for the gameplay. Is the Vits port of CSEX any good?
Yeah, that sounds good. It looks silly at a glance. I'm in for the gameplay. Is the Vits port of CSEX any good?
The Vita port of CSEX is excellent if you don't mind not being able to play with a fight stick or controller.
Playing Bioshock Infinite after playing Persona 4 for God only knows how many hours is the worst thing ever.
Can't help but to picture Kanji every time Booker opens his mouth :\\\\
That happened to me a couple years ago.
I randomly decided to pick up the original Brothers in Arms on Steam, main character is voiced by Troy Baker. Then I played Persona 4 again right after, heard Tory Baker as Kanji of course. Then Catherine came out, low and behold Troy Baker was Vincent.
Troy baker is also playing Joel in The Last Of Us, dude is in everything.
I didn't even recognize him as Booker until I was a third of the way in. His performance is so calm until after you get to Elizabeth.
I didn't even recognize him as Booker until I was a third of the way in. His performance is so calm until after you get to Elizabeth.
That's the thing.
At first I didn't recognize him too; all fine and dandy. But as the game went on for a bit, then I realized it was him, and THEN Kanji started to disrupt my thoughts![]()
Couldn't shake off the feeling all the way to the end(
Levine should've thrown a "Get bent!" in there somewhere. I bet he likes P4. Sure.
Haha I doubt Ken likes JRPG's, I remember him railing on FF7 way back in the day on GFW Radio.
Haha I doubt Ken likes JRPG's, I remember him railing on FF7 way back in the day on GFW Radio.
All that glorious Laura Bailey in Soul Hackers has to be one of the best things about the voice track.He is. He's so good though, I'm cool with it! Ditto Laura Bailey!
Yes, Troy Baker, you're awesome, but goddamn Kenji.
Yeah, that sounds good. It looks silly at a glance. I'm in for the gameplay. Is the Vits port of CSEX any good?
That's going be a lot of work unless we use copyrighted images.![]()
So I was thinking something like this
I also want to draw characters wearing headphones though because that sounds fun