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Peter Molyneux 30-Min Video Interview: B&W2, Movies, DIMITRI...

Peter Molyneux: Kikizo Video Interview


This is a brand new Peter interview on all of Lionheads other projects and some new Fable discussion (eg sexual content, scensorship and stuff).

Again massive (30 mins, 91MB) and quite well presented.

- Which Lionhead projects he is most closely involved with at the moment and how the schedule will develop
- The people working on Black and White 2 and The Movies - what they bring to the project.
- Black and White 2 - "It's going to be <i>absolutely</i> awesome" - why? What's it all about?
- A lot of new mechanics and the use of physics in B&W2 - explain.
- The Movies - the concept and the system behind it.
- The AI systems in The Movies - Lionhead's best AI yet?
- The Movies "breaks out of the bounds of a normal game" - why?
- Peter says something significant is going to happen to AI... what, why?
- Sexual content in Fable - how, why? Discuss!
- Why has it taken the industry taken so long to put sexual content in games?
- Censorship in Fable - infamously - what are the implications on the original vision?
- Why censorship will become a REAL issue to games...
- "There will be some game or system that'll be very controversial in the next couple of years..."
- At long last - Peter talks about Dimitri for the first time! "If I told you more, you just wouldn't believe me."
- The stage Dimitri is at and how big is the project? How does Lionhead perceive the project?
- Next generation - what has Peter's initial impressions taught him?
- "We have to stop games taking four years."
- XNA and why Peter hopes it works.
- How will the Xenon/PS3/N-Rev thing play out? What is next gen's potential?
- The death rate of the games development scene - issues - discuss.
- Re: Developers - have you considered satellite scheme like Karl Jeffrey & Climax?
- "The Pitch" - How do you convince publishers your games will sell?
- "You just can't design in the blue sky."
- "There are not enough people with enough confidence to invest in £20m projects..."
- "That's the day we start making crap to be honest with you." - what day's that?!
- Do you agree with Satoru Iwata's stance that games are too complicated? Fable's pretty complicated!
- "People don't want to feel like they're learning..."
- Are you ever tempted to make really simple games?
- Exclusive - Peter would love to make a soccer game! Why?
- Rag Doll Kung Fu - what the hey?
- Wario Ware - "My mouth dropped open"
- "There's been very little to make me excited..."
- Peter discusses Half-Life 2, Doom 3 - the PC's potential...
- Plus a sneaky outtake...


Got the video queued up, I can never get enough of hearing this guy's thoughts about gaming. But I can already tell what some of the replies will be. Hopefully the banstick will be ready. :)


Chili Con Carnage!
Cool stuff, what was the cut discussion about? BC? no details necessary just wondering.


force push the doodoo rock
peter molyneux is soooooooooooooooo full of himself jesus. the guy gives a new ten hour long interview every 2 weeks.


Chili Con Carnage!
did you even watch it?

He is far from full of himself in this interview.

This is the same meeting as the Fable one 2 weeks ago, this is just non-fable related stuff.
Ghost said:
did you even watch it?

He is far from full of himself in this interview.

This is the same meeting as the Fable one 2 weeks ago, this is just non-fable related stuff.

Also, he hardly does an interview like this "every two weeks". This is a mammoth online interview that you'd be hard pushed to get from Molyneux once a year on this level.
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