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Phantasy Star Online 2 Import |OT| YOUR MAJESTY


The patch notes bumped post has been updated with all 5 Shii's Client Orders. Enjoy!
So how much text is translated? Is there an overview of what the translation actually provides? I could be coaxed into playing this again if I felt comfortable with it, ha. Besides, I <3 PSO
Well, according to the known issues posted in the first link in the OP:
* The following are believed to be server-side and cannot be translated by a client patch:

- Item names and descriptions.
- Title names and prerequisites.
- Matter Board names (possibly)
- Parts of the Campship Partner Terminal (possibly)

* Much of the story/descriptive text is untranslated, as are most Event Tablet names.
I've added the part about rare units, but if you're hunting for let's say Quartz Caliber, the Quartz double saber, breaking its horn, wings and tail won't help you, although it will make you feel better.

Then what's the point of making breakable parts beside a real short temporary stun on the boss?
That part confuses me as it does less damage than hitting other areas from what I've seen.

Nearly every boss has a weak spot that is either exposed only after having broken other parts, or is exposed more often once other parts are broken. Dark Ragne's core gets exposed each time a leg is broken, and if all four are broken he stays down for a ridiculously long time. Breaking Vol Dragon's tail powers him down if he's done any form changing and gives easy access to both his horns for a bit. Big Vadar has a core hidden in his chest that is exposed very seldom unless you break off both his arms and his center cannon first.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Is this what you guys told me about those green crystal being finally used for something when I asked?
Yup, the green crystals are Photon Drops. Hope the shop has some better stuff though cause that incomplete list is a bit lackluster.

Nerdy Fergy

Neo Member
I just started playing yesterday on Ship 2. I am loving this! I am playing a ranger, but if I wanted to mess around as a force, would I need to buy points to unlock a second character, or if I reach a high enough level, then can I pick up a new class like in FFXI/XIV?

Also, is there anything as a new player you wish you would have known about that you found out later?
I just started playing yesterday on Ship 2. I am loving this! I am playing a ranger, but if I wanted to mess around as a force, would I need to buy points to unlock a second character, or if I reach a high enough level, then can I pick up a new class like in FFXI/XIV?

Also, is there anything as a new player you wish you would have known about that you found out later?

Did you take anyone's invite code? Both the inviter and invitee benefit.

Changing class is a matter of walking to the class counter and picking the class you want to change to. The class counter is in the center first floor of the lobby, opposite the nurse station. Can be done at any time you or your party are not in an active quest, at no cost.


I just started playing yesterday on Ship 2. I am loving this! I am playing a ranger, but if I wanted to mess around as a force, would I need to buy points to unlock a second character, or if I reach a high enough level, then can I pick up a new class like in FFXI/XIV?

Also, is there anything as a new player you wish you would have known about that you found out later?
If you want to join the GAF team, send an in game whisper through the visiophone to Keii (player name) or wunderblizz (player name). Other managers aren't online too often nowadays. The guide to sending those can be found in the op.
More than a day searching for Rappys for my Techer 5 skill points quest. At last, this afternoon I could complete it and finally focus on leveling my Force to 45.

Of course, now Rappys are everywhere. Just now I had a Code Arrest full of Lantern Rappys. It let to me 2 Pumpkin Rods (I have 4 5 already) and 9 stars Twin machinegun Ishurai. I haven't even unlocked Gunner yet.

I want a proper Talis NAO.

* Untekked 5th one.

Before going to sleep, I made my mind to get rid of some drops I had and didn't know what they were useful for. Turned out I had 6 drops for the 'Forest exploration request'. Infinite crossburst facepalm, one more, Fail.


Trailer of the newest #PSO2 update - "Destroyer of History" is live. Update itself is coming in early November.
Update's site is live as well, but it's all stuff we knew already.


Caves Hard mode quests:

Dragonkin Ecological Survey - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woUd6r2Zd-0
Kartargot Extermination - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfLt-tlOb0U
Subdue Caterdran - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBxzJESu_jY
Volcanic Cave Exploration - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-mX8SONQXo

And an extra video, duo run of the Volcanic Cave Exploration.

(A small note, both cave exploration videos were recorded back in July, I only uploaded them recently though).

Nerdy Fergy

Neo Member
Did you take anyone's invite code? Both the inviter and invitee benefit.

Changing class is a matter of walking to the class counter and picking the class you want to change to. The class counter is in the center first floor of the lobby, opposite the nurse station. Can be done at any time you or your party are not in an active quest, at no cost.

I actually made the account a few months ago, but just got around to playing, so I did not use an invite code :( I should have made a new account and done that.

Thank you for the info about the class counter.
Found a infected Tranzexia, so dark he was unidentificable, and he dropped a lvl 11 Zondeel. It looks as useless as Sazonde without zonde skillbook. Better than nothing, since some guy with me only got money.

My first rare boss.
Found a infected Tranzexia, so dark he was unidentificable, and he dropped a lvl 11 Zondeel. It looks as useless as Sazonde without zonde skillbook. Better than nothing, since some guy with me only got money.

My first rare boss.

I have a teammate who swears Zondeel is the best tech in the game - apparently it's ridiculously powerful against a large group of enemies, especially if you use another zonde tech immediately afterward to ignite it. He also says he could use it to group up enemies in a way that one rod swipe would restore all his PP at once.


Patch notes for this week's maintenance are up.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the new version of the permission fix is required every time there's a client version update, right?
Patch notes for this week's maintenance are up.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the new version of the permission fix is required every time there's a client version update, right?

I've been playing on the same install since closed beta and I have yet to need any permissions fix.


I've been playing on the same install since closed beta and I have yet to need any permissions fix.
Me too, that's why I'm asking - looks like some people aren't able to run the game without them.

A huge post containing planned November and December balance changes is up on the PSO2 players' site - I'll translate it and post it on bumped later.
So they are nerfing the game to more casual players.

Let's see how they implement those changes before say anything.

I don't have issue with most of the changes as listed, and being able to take more than 20 COs will be a godsend (I'm constantly at the limit as it is now and missing out on lots of exp opportunities by not being able to take everything). I do find it pretty funny that they are decreasing the exp scale even further, though the current scale isn't all that unreasonable.


So they are nerfing the game to more casual players.

Let's see how they implement those changes before say anything.
But they've just said they're implementing them?
I don't have issue with most of the changes as listed, and being able to take more than 20 COs will be a godsend (I'm constantly at the limit as it is now and missing out on lots of exp opportunities by not being able to take everything). I do find it pretty funny that they are decreasing the exp scale even further, though the current scale isn't all that unreasonable.
It's not unreasonable, but put yourself in a place of a more casual player - getting to 50 currently requires hours and hours of multiparty grinding. It's not surprising for someone who has played more old school online games like PSO1, Ragnarok Online, Lineage 2 etc., but most gamers nowadays don't want to spend hundreds of hours of doing the same content just to get to the max level. Times have changed.
It's not unreasonable, but put yourself in a place of a more casual player - getting to 50 currently requires hours and hours of multiparty grinding. It's not surprising for someone who has played more old school online games like PSO1, Ragnarok Online, Lineage 2 etc., but most gamers nowadays don't want to spend hundreds of hours of doing the same content just to get to the max level. Times have changed.



Speaking of Matter Board, why do we have to wait until December for the drop rate fix. Guess I should stop hunting for Vardha and Quartz until then.
Can someone please get on and send me an invite to Team Neogaf? Pretty please? :x

Player ID's same as my SN here. I whispered all five of you and nobody's answered, which I assume means nobody's on/not AFK. Blargh!


Can someone please get on and send me an invite to Team Neogaf? Pretty please? :x

Player ID's same as my SN here. I whispered all five of you and nobody's answered, which I assume means nobody's on/not AFK. Blargh!
I'll do it in a sec.

Edit: And done.
How goes the acquisition of team points on team neogaf? We've actually decided to stop watering our tree for the time being so that we can actually afford to buy some stuff!


How goes the acquisition of team points on team neogaf? We've actually decided to stop watering our tree for the time being so that we can actually afford to buy some stuff!
We're on level 2 (obviously), got both photon effect duration and pop rate on level 2 and have watered the tree for 10k yesterday or the day before. Around 1800 points right now, so I guess we still have ways to go.
What makes you say that? They didn't really outline how they'll make them perform better.

Seems like they're just going "buff numbers" instead of addressing how terrible the skills are as well as how they're laid out on the tree. Sega's been doing a good job addressing concerns (albeit not as timely as I'd like) so we'll see.
I do find it pretty funny that they are decreasing the exp scale even further, though the current scale isn't all that unreasonable.

In a long term, actual scale is better than to be able to level up from mid 37 to 40 in a single Floating Continent MP as I did with my hunter.

Unreasonable was the Exp Full for months like we had not so long ago. And I guess there still many months until level 60 cap raise. I stopped to play this game for weeks just because of the Exp Full issue.

Talking about other things, I saw today rare Fang Banthers:

Big one dropped lvl 14 Surprise Knuckle PA. After the funny and powerful Zondeel (I checked again thanks to starcreator) I expected some other Tech, but better than nothing.

Oh, I found a poor clone living in the wild:

And for closing the post, a Quartz full set units (+1) in a single boss drop:



So, annoyed with how weak I am compared to our OP forces, I've decided to pimp my equipment, using the saved up money.
5 mil meseta later I've got 2 new +10 weapons. Fun fact, the 8 star twin dagger was a LOT more problematic to grind than that 9 star double saber. Hell, I wasn't even able to attach a Quartz soul to it, despite trying about 6 times.
Would buy Knuckles as well, but the ones obtainable via Player Shops aren't enough of an upgrade over my current equipment to justify the price. Guess I'll hunt for the 10 star ones.
As I see, Hunters/Fighters have evolved to be tanks. The better hunters I have played with, use Warcry to provoke enemies and take the damage, so Forces and Rangers can do their job.

You dont even have Warcry learned :/

I'm glad you spent some money, though. Now you need to afix all your units better :p


As I see, Hunters/Fighters have evolved to be tanks. The better hunters I have played with, use Warcry to provoke enemies and take the damage, so Forces and Rangers can do their job.

You dont even have Warcry learned :/

I'm glad you spent some money, though. Now you need to afix all your units better :p
I'm not going to be a tank, since it's the most boring job ever. And you're able to dish all that damage because of my weak bullet anyway, thank you very much!

About the units... Yeah, but I'll start the item hunt after this week's patch, since new area = new drops, plus the drop rate is supposedly going to be fixed.
That's my point. Right now you can provide more utility than damage.

We nuke bosses faster when you are with us thanks to this. But, for example, Jenny make our lives easier thanks to warcry. In fact, it's easier to Hunters to hit enemies and deal more damage when they provoke enemies.

Of course, I talk about hunters in a 3-4 players team. Soloing is another history.


That's my point. Right now you can provide more utility than damage.

We nuke bosses faster when you are with us thanks to this. But, for example, Jenny make our lives easier thanks to warcry. In fact, it's easier to Hunters to hit enemies and deal more damage when they provoke enemies.

Of course, I talk about hunters in a 3-4 players team. Soloing is another history.
Problem is, I probably wouldn't be able to equip the cockroach legs with /HU, plus I've totally ignored Warcry on my skill tree so I'd have to use 3 points just to get it to level 1. I'll think about it when I see the changed XP requirements for 41+.
Talking about skilltrees, one thing I would pay some money is for a new one, since I wasted 6 points badly on my Force one. That and more storage slots :p
Talking about skilltrees, one thing I would pay some money is for a new one, since I wasted 6 points badly on my Force one. That and more storage slots :p

I haven't bought more skill trees yet, but I have a teammate that has several he switches between so he can quickly move between fire and ice builds.

I've gone premium twice already and bought the extra inventory slots - so I went from being constantly 50/50 200/200 to being constantly 100/100 200/200 300/300.


I haven't bought more skill trees yet, but I have a teammate that has several he switches between so he can quickly move between fire and ice builds.

I've gone premium twice already and bought the extra inventory slots - so I went from being constantly 50/50 200/200 to being constantly 100/100 200/200 300/300.
I've bought premium as soon as it was possible and have it currently paid for until the end of 01.2013. Of course I've bought the 50 additional backpack slots as soon as I've realized that they are not a per-month/week purchase and most of the time I have around 50% of my inventory/storages full. How can you fill yours so quickly? :D
Had a surprisingly productive Vardha emergency. A rear armor unit (10*) and a double saber of some sort.

Just after I bought, synthed, and ground an 8* talis at a teammate's urging, this talis drops.

Took about 20 minutes to get it to +8, and it's the most powerful thing in my arsenal. Not sure if I'll be trying to +10 it.

I've bought premium as soon as it was possible and have it currently paid for until the end of 01.2013. Of course I've bought the 50 additional backpack slots as soon as I've realized that they are not a per-month/week purchase and most of the time I have around 50% of my inventory/storages full. How can you fill yours so quickly? :D

I tend to store anything that has Technic abilities or a soul on it, either for future sale or synthing. I'm pretty lazy about putting things up for sale and synthing though, so stuff just accumulates.


Nico broadcast stuff:

Ruins Very Hard from lv 42!

Other vhard mode quests will have their level requirements lowered.

Sakai is expecting quite a lot of people to become 50 after the changes to xp required for 41+.

Aaaand I have to go. Sigh.

People on PSO-W claim to have seen a lv 50 player with 6 mil total xp during the stream.

Bonus - trailer of the second part of the "Destroyer of History" PSO2 update, featured during the live stream - link (the new boss appears only in the Story Quest).

Edit 2:
Ricardo has posted the new information we got from the stream on bumped.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
The Techer changes sound great. Wands badly needed a buff and hopefully the changes to Shifta/Deband Advance make them useful.

As for the drastic exp changes, I'm guessing its cause they want more people to have access to the EXCUBE shop from the get go and I'm okay with that. Wish they would have mentioned something about V Hard CO's though.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Ran the Lilipa TA map right before maintenance today with Wunder and DJ. It wasn't so bad once we understood the basic route. We ran it in Normal under 14 mins (S Rank is 20) with just us 3 and got halfway through Hard before maintenance kicked us off. With 4 people and the shortcut that we missed in A2 we should be able to clear it in V Hard.


The quest is pretty much stop and go. You'll basically get to a room, red barriers pop up along with some enemies, and when all the enemies die the red barrier dies. A1 in particular is filled with invisible traps that once you cross a red barrier locks you in with a group of enemies so do not cross the maroon zones I marked.

The team should be split up into 2 groups for A1. Group A should be the 2 people with the highest AOE damage, while Group B should be the lower DPS group. Out of the 2 people in Group B one person should be able to do tech damage, specifically Sazan, for the detours/damage switches.

At the start of A1 you'll get locked in E5. Once the enemies die Group A & the non tech person in Group B head to E4 while the tech person in Group B uses Sazan to hit the damage switch F5. Two charged Sazans should do the trick, but do not go into the room or you'll get locked in with a Gilnas (switch opens a gate in E4 I believe, not 100%).

When Group A reach E4 they should focus on blowing up the dome to stop enemies from spawning (keep in mind Rafoie will do damage to the dome and the enemies inside) and then they should focus on killing the enemies. At the same time Group B should focus on the yellow tap switch in front of the dome (detour guy should help with the switch when he reaches it). Once the switch is closed everyone clears the enemies ASAP to unlock the button switch. Hit the button switch to unlock the blue gate and move on to D4 for the next set of enemies and then C4 for the next dome. Same strategy as last time, Group A on Dome/Enemies while Group B gets the switch first. Hit the button switch, move on to C5, kill enemies, move on to B5.

B5 will have a yellow tap switch and some enemies near it, but no dome. Same thing as before Group A enemies, Group B switch. When that's cleared head to B3 killing everything on the way while Detour guy goes down the ramp in B4 to hit the invisible damage switch (switch unlocks the gate that protects the explosion barrels in D2). Once you reach the corner in B3 a Gilnas should spawn kill it before moving on.

When you reach the fork in C4 Group A should head N to destroy the dome while both persons in Group B head S for the other dome. Once the enemies are killed tap the yellow tap switch and move on to C2. Same as before, Group A Dome while Group B taps. Move on to D2, everyone kills the enemies, try to blow up the barrels for the splash damage on the enemies before you go down.

After killing the enemies in the center of F3 the group should split into 2. Enemies will spawn SW and NE of the center so have one group go NE and one stick to the SW. After a couple of enemy waves 2 Gilnas will spawn, one N of the center and one S. When they die, the gate blocking A2 will unlock.


A2 is similar to A1 in that some rooms have red barriers pop up and you have to kill enemies, but it has the added hazard of spinning laser alarms. Trigger one of the alarms and red barriers you could have skipped will pop up with enemies. As you progress through the map you have to hit switches to unlock the gates that block A3. The way we did it is we split into 2 group, Wunder and DJ went N for the blue/yellow switch while I went E for the green switch, but it seems like there's a shortcut detailed on one of the JP wikis so I'll just post that route instead.

Group A is one person, while Group B is the other 3 people. Group A will head north towards the blue switch in C3 killing everything along the way to unlock the red barriers. Once he reaches the switch he has to remain on it for the shortcut to work (Not 100% sure on the Group A route, I always went E so I don't know if you have to clear D4 & D3 before reaching E3.).

Group B on the other hand heads east towards the green switch in E2/switches in E3, killing everything along the way. When Group B reaches E4 they have to split up into two groups. The left side will have to defeat a Signo Beat and two Signo Gunners while the right side will face 3 Sparzyles. Once they clear the rooms they can regroup and clear E3 together. Once that's done one person heads to the green switch in E4 (once again, remain on the switch) and the other 2 stay in E3 so they can stand on the red switches at the same time (Not 100% sure on this). When you press both switches at the same time a jumping pad will appear in F3 letting everyone sidestep the gate blocking A3.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
New English patch is available as well as patch notes for today's update. No new surprises, but it does confirm new CO's.

The manual also got updated with some screenshots of the new shops:


Looks like the EXCUBE shop carries My Room tickets along with FUN tickets and the 250% Rare Drop Boost ticket.

Here's the revised EXP requirements:

Lv	Total EXP required for next lv 	
40	1486140 	
41	1610000 	
42	1770000 	
43	1980000 	
44	2250000 	
45	2670000 	
46	3250000 	
47	4000000 	
48	4930000 	
49	6050000

Guess I should be lv ~47 as a techer and ~48 as a force post patch.
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