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Phantasy Star Online 2 Import |OT| YOUR MAJESTY


The new exp requirements per level:

Lv 40 - 41: 91.420
Lv 41 - 42: 123.860
Lv 42 - 43: 160.000
Lv 43 - 44: 210.000
Lv 44 - 45: 270.000
Lv 45 - 46: 420.000
Lv 46 - 47: 580.000
Lv 47 - 48: 750.000
Lv 48 - 49: 930.000
Lv 49 - 50: 1.120.000

For comparison, the exp requirements per level before the update.
Lv 40 - 41: 91.420
Lv 41 - 42: 283.860
Lv 42 - 43: 480.000
Lv 43 - 44: 690.000
Lv 44 - 45: 950.000
Lv 45 - 46: 2.000.000
Lv 46 - 47: 3.500.000
Lv 47 - 48: 5.300.000
Lv 48 - 49: 7.400.000
Lv 49 - 50: 9.700.000

And the original exp requirements per level when the level 50 cap was released:

Lv 40 - 41: 91.420
Lv 41 - 42: 2.834.000
Lv 42 - 43: 3.627.520
Lv 43 - 44: 4.643.230
Lv 44 - 45: 5.943.320
Lv 45 - 46: 17.829.990
Lv 46 - 47: 22.822.380
Lv 47 - 48: 29.212.650
Lv 48 - 49: 37.392.170
Lv 49 - 50: 47.862.000


Update and maintenance notes translated and posted on bumped!
Sorry it took so long ><
Ricardo has posted the full Excube/Photon Drop Shop listings, which can be found here.

After clearing all Ruins quests I have to say that the design of the new field is top notch. The main boss, on the other hand, is rather easy. That fight was MUCH harder with 3 random lv 40 people without subclasses...
Anyway, 13 new screenshots in my minus PSO2 folder:






relies on auto-aim
Reading all this makes me want to play again.
Is leveling from 25 to 40 any different? Does the Matterboard matter now?

Also, thank you Keii for your work.
Nope, not having that problem, ezodagrom. You might wanna do a file check.

After clearing all Ruins quests I have to say that the design of the new field is top notch. The main boss, on the other hand, is rather easy. That fight was MUCH harder with 3 random lv 40 people without subclasses...
Anyway, 13 new screenshots in my minus PSO2 folder:
It's interesting that they design encounters on the assumption of rather weak players. Makes sense why encounters just get rather piss-easy when you're running with players with high-level subclasses, tweaked out skill trees, and X soul + tech/power/shoot III on everything.

Oh, and since we're plugging screenshots... Here's mine: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=2285718DCE0CBB9D!175&authkey=!AGwfBXXzWWVsC3s

There's a lot. Though I've yet to take pictures of the ruins...



Reading all this makes me want to play again.
Is leveling from 25 to 40 any different? Does the Matterboard matter now?

Also, thank you Keii for your work.
The exp requirements from 25 to 40 haven't been changed, but since September or so the lvl 20~30 range is alot better than before.

In this lvl range, there was only the hard mode forest quests and 1 caves quest between 20 and 24, and the remaining caves quests and the desert quests between 25 and 29.

Now, between lvl 20 and 24 there's also tundra and mines in normal mode, and between 25 and 29 there's also the skyland and ruins normal mode, and the forest, caves and desert free fields in hard mode (these free fields used to require lvl 30, they now require lvl 25).

Nope, not having that problem, ezodagrom. You might wanna do a file check.
Already did a file check, still have the issue. It's weird that the shadow momentarily reappears when I switch clothes (during the brief instant that the character has the low quality grey model), once the character is loaded, the shadow disappears again. This is also only affecting my characters, shadows show up fine in other players characters.
Right now it's late, I'm about to go to sleep, but tomorrow I guess I'll try disabling Anisotropic Filtering in the graphics drivers, I doubt this is causing the issue though.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Reading all this makes me want to play again.
Is leveling from 25 to 40 any different? Does the Matterboard matter now?

Also, thank you Keii for your work.

Basically what ezodagrom said. They've also drastically lowered the CO goals for the lv cap CO's so it isn't such a grind.

As for the Matter Board, the first 5 pages are pretty useless. Once you get to the 6th page though the drops start to get good. Most have 3+ abilities in the lv 2/3 range you can either hoard to add abilities to your equipment or sell on the player shops for some extra meseta. Near the end of the 7th page you unlock a story quest that takes place in the City map and has a Ragne for the final boss.


Does the Matterboard matter now?
Items you get from it aren't bad, you get access to at least 3 new NPCs as partners and, like Kill said, to a mission with Ragne.
Don't expect to 100% them all before the december update though, I've killed a total of 50+ Quartzes and Vardhas and haven't got any of the 4 items from them...
It's interesting that they design encounters on the assumption of rather weak players. Makes sense why encounters just get rather piss-easy when you're running with players with high-level subclasses, tweaked out skill trees, and X soul + tech/power/shoot III on everything.
One can only hope that the "endgame" content that Sakai was talking about before will actually be challenging.
Right now it's late, I'm about to go to sleep, but tomorrow I guess I'll try disabling Anisotropic Filtering in the graphics drivers, I doubt this is causing the issue though.
Have you tried switching in game shadow settings?
It figures, I went out of my way to take screenshots of my negative experience to go and my sudden levelup from mid-44 to mid-47, and it turns out interface was turned off so nothing I was actually trying to capture was captured >.>;
It figures, I went out of my way to take screenshots of my negative experience to go and my sudden levelup from mid-44 to mid-47, and it turns out interface was turned off so nothing I was actually trying to capture was captured >.>;

I remembered about it and enabled GUI :p

From 46 to 50 by just teleporting to Floating Continent when Killthee was killing something. All this leveling exp is a total mess.


Have you tried switching in game shadow settings?
So far I've tried messing with the graphics settings, disabling anisotropic filtering and catalyst AI in the graphics drivers, deleting pso2.exe, deleting the user.pso2 file, deleting a file that was inside the "Temp" folder, none of that worked.

Afterwards I tried logging in with my sister's account in my PC, the shadows for her character are perfectly fine. Tried logging in with my account in another PC, shadows are broken. So this is not affecting my PC, it's affecting my account. o_o
This is really weird. :\

EDIT: Turns out this is happening only with certain clothes, some clothes have shadows, others don't. It's possible that this may be affecting only AMD/ATI cards.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Found a YouTube channel with a couple of Time attack guides. The Forest video shows the shortcuts in A1 and A2 while the Lillipa video seems to be missing the shortcut in A2 but it gives a basic guide of the quest.


Few things:
The SEGA ID registration has been down for the past few days for people outside Japan which lead to speculations about the incoming foreign ID block. The site is working now for everyone, false alarm.

As you probably all know, the trailer for the 2nd part of the "Destroyer of History" update has gone live a few days ago. Because both Ricardo and me couldn't do a post on it on bumped I'm linking the PSO-W thread with information from the movie.

Am I the only one who find it stupid that the new 10 star units have awesome 4 part (3 units + weapon) set bonuses (+90 to all stats as opposed to +45 without a weapon), but while the units themselves are really good, the weapons are terrible? I'm not going to run around with a Vardha Double Saber which has 292 dmg on +10 while my current one has 553 dmg...

In other news, I've started Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity on the PSP and found it really weird that so few weapons from the original games were transferred to PSO2. That, plus I'd really love if the new weapons were put into the current classes instead of making us level other ones from scratch. Also, it's really weird, how the PSP2 fights are much harder than the PSO2 ones. Loving the game, though.
In other news, I've started Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity on the PSP and found it really weird that so few weapons from the original games were transferred to PSO2. That, plus I'd really love if the new weapons were put into the current classes instead of making us level other ones from scratch. Also, it's really weird, how the PSP2 fights are much harder than the PSO2 ones. Loving the game, though.

Axes for Hunters please...


Interesting post regarding the change in NPC AI. The most interesting part:
The OLD friend partner AI (before 7th Nov):
1. Only uses the weapon registered in slot 1
2. Only uses PAs/Techs in the weapon palette that are registered on the weapon in slot 1 (ie, not use PAs on a different weapon in slot 2, but will also use PAs on the same weapon on slot 3)
3. Only Uses PAs/Techs on the sub palette that are from the main class. (ie, Hu/Fo the AI will not use Resta even if its on the sub palette)
4. Will not execute some skills like Freeze Ignition/Poison Ignition.
5. Will only use Gunblade in sword mode.

The NEW friend partner AI (after 7th Nov):
1. Uses all weapons registered on the weapon palette. (eg. Launcher in slot 1, Rifle in slot 2, Gunblade in slot 3)
2. Uses all PA/Tech on the weapon palette/weapon as long the class can switch into it.
3. Uses everything that is on the sub palette including skills/PA/Techs from sub class, ie Hu/Fo will now use Resta even if they are holding a sword. If you have mates and Resta on the palette they will use either.
4. Will execute skills like Poison Ignition etc.
5. Will use Gunblade in Gun mode.
6. They will switch weapons to the one more suited to the situation. ie Gunblade sword mode when the enemy is close (in this example above)/ Gunblade gun mode when the enemy is air borne etc.


And I thought that dying a few seconds before Dark Aragni and not getting 20k CO xp and 25k kill xp was bad luck...

We were doing the City Point Emergency today with Zyrusticae and some random player and crystals popped near the end. We were able to protect them and proceeded to the rendezvous point with other players while having 2 minutes on the clock.
After that Dark Aragni popped but we got kicked before killing it and triggering cross burst, because we were 16 points short of the 500 required before the time ran out. :(


relies on auto-aim
And I thought that dying a few seconds before Dark Aragni and not getting 20k CO xp and 25k kill xp was bad luck...

We were doing the City Point Emergency today with Zyrusticae and some random player and crystals popped near the end. We were able to protect them and proceeded to the rendezvous point with other players while having 2 minutes on the clock.
After that Dark Aragni popped but we got kicked before killing it and triggering cross burst, because we were 16 points short of the 500 required before the time ran out. :(
That's what you get for not having 4 players with Weak Shot!


That's what you get for not having 4 players with Weak Shot!
Aragni spawned 10 or 20 seconds before time ended, even if we had 12 players with Weak Bullet we wouldn't be able to kill it. :(

Just spent an hour tuning my character's auto words. Be sure to try the upgraded NPC partner!
Good/weird loot today. Just as soon as Keii left, after being the only one obtaining Ragrants from rare Crys Draal (D:), a Code Avoid happened. MP and Jenny were close to ruin it, but in the end it brought me <3<3<3 Rear / Luxe Soir <3<3<3. Only leg unit left from that set.

Then we went to ruins, and both got, with only one run of difference, Ruins Charm, the third best sword of the game. I can't equip it and Jenny don't like swords. Shouldn't be so uncommom if we both got it. Also we fought a rare Zeshrayda, who drop shitty ranger PA, and Bantha, dropping nothing.

Meanwhile, everyone got Megiverse but me. And a bunch of others 8 and 9* things, whereas I didn't got anything over 6*.

But I got Luxe Soir, so I'm happy. And not only that, but Dodo was in god mode and grinded it from 0 to 10 without a single fail, just 47.500 meseta and 30 grinders. And then he affixed from scratch Ragne soul and Technique II to both Luxe Soir. So amazing.



So jelly. :(

By the way, since our team has like 40+ inactive members who have their PSO2 accounts but have left before the English patch and since this thread went to community it gets next to none exposure I had an idea yesterday - create a thread showing what new features/content were added to PSO2 since the release.
I could just update the OP, but since no one beside us currently playing is going to read it anyway, making a new thread seems like a good idea.


So jelly. :(

By the way, since our team has like 40+ inactive members who have their PSO2 accounts but have left before the English patch and since this thread went to community it gets next to none exposure I had an idea yesterday - create a thread showing what new features/content were added to PSO2 since the release.
I could just update the OP, but since no one beside us currently playing is going to read it anyway, making a new thread seems like a good idea.

I was just recently wondering if any news has come out with an update on the official english version.

And I admit that until I just read your post I did not know the english patch was released. I have not made time to keep up with PSO2 since I stopped playing about a month after release.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
I was just recently wondering if any news has come out with an update on the official english version.

And I admit that until I just read your post I did not know the english patch was released. I have not made time to keep up with PSO2 since I stopped playing about a month after release.
Nothing new for the official English version. They demoed it back in Sept at PAX Prime and repeated that it would launch in early 2013.


I was just recently wondering if any news has come out with an update on the official english version.

And I admit that until I just read your post I did not know the english patch was released. I have not made time to keep up with PSO2 since I stopped playing about a month after release.
After seeing this, I've decided to make the thread when I have some time this week. Stay tuned! I'll probably write a list of things to include here, so that anyone can comment on things I forgot about.


Information regarding the Vita version, straight from siliconera:
Sega is bringing Phantasy Star Online 2 to PlayStation Vita and like the PC version it&#8217;s free. Vita and PC players are in the same virtual world. You can even play with your PC character on the Vita and keep any items you earned since Phantasy Star Online 2 uses a shared server.

While the game is free, Sega also plans on selling Phantasy Star Online 2 in stores as a special edition. This bundle includes:

Eight costumes (two for each race) from Phantasy Star Portable 2.
Clad Cannon (launcher), Clad 6 (rod), and Wing Spada (sword) weapons from Phantasy Star Portable 2.
A Mag evolution device
Premium Set for 30 days
Fun 1000 ticket
Decorative Little Wing Stickers
A music disk with songs from Phantasy Star Portable and Portable 2.

The Phantasy Star Online 2 Special Package will cost 5229 yen ($64). The free version and special package will be available on February 28, 2013.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Information on the Vita version, straight from siliconera:
I was afraid they were gonna do something like that for the costumes.

I wonder how they're gonna handle transactions. I can't imagine Sony would let them bypass the PSN completely so it'll be interesting to see how they do it.


So...the PSO2 launcher is now in engrish, and it has languages in the language option. o_o


Of course, the options don't do anything, the game is still in japanese.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
How many updates have come up since my last post?
Well your last post was twenty minutes ago so..... one : P

In all seriousness, there's been 2 this month counting the one released tonight. The first one added the Ruins field and implemented some very good tweaks that came from player feedback. Tonight's update add's a new Story chapter/Matter Board, new costumes, and removes the Halloween event to make room for the 1 Million Arc's event.
A couple of new people, but I can't vouch for if anyone is sticking around on a regular basis since I haven't played much these past few weeks.

So, I haven't been the only one :D That's good to hear. I might get one tomorrow and/or Thursday since I'm off of work to see what's new. That and I miss feeling like the little brother of the team lol


For everyone doing the new Matter Board - you need to have all Zeno's COs cleared to trigger the first yellow node and if I'm not mistaken, unlocking some of the Zeno's COs requires to have the C5 node on the second board cleared. New COs show for both Echo and Zeno after that.


Been meaning to get back into this. Reinstalled it like, last week or so? Because it kept erroring me when updating. Did actually load it up (and wept at my still lvl 18 character) but needed to fiddle around with the settings so I quit out, tried to load it back up and gameguard error lol
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