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Phil Spencer admits defeat in console space, and doesn't think great games would help Xbox's market share.


Hard to Kill
MOTHERFUCKER, you are trying to buy Activision and saying that "good games wouldn't help" W H A T

Consider...alright this is not twitter

Xbox deserves better, it is time for him to go, because saying shit like this, helps no brand. Satya do your thing
Don't forget the we can't compete because sony is making deals with 3rd parties....While trying the biggest acquisition in gaming 10 times more than the previous one ....That they also made....But sony's bad they have timed exclusives, we buy publishers ....The hypocrisy there is incredible.

Edit: I forgot but with minecraft they also have the 3rd biggest deal in the history of gaming....But it is sony that buys everything...
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Gold Member
Yep, it just highlights even more that the topic title is not something in the interview at all and a heavily skewed statement to give off a whole different message. (y)

You're mad.

He says quite openly that Xbox can't compete with Sony and Nintendo, and also says that great games wouldn't change Xbox's market share. It's bolded in the quote, and timestamped on the video.


If i was him i would just make the Series X more powerful than the PS5. More expensive but still more resonable than a powerful gaming RIG. It would be a good selling point unless Sony decides to make a PS5 Pro.

Sure it would be hard to pay more than $599 for a console, but there's no reason to get an Xbox when the PS5 peforms just the same and all Xbox games come out on PC.
It doesn’t matter how powerful the console is if you don’t have the games and content to go with it. Plus if you got a good PC you have access to Xbox games and can play them better than what a successor could.


We lost the worst generation to lose in the Xbox One generation, where everybody built their digital library of games.

I said that last year. At least he doesn’t have his head in the sand on this one.
Phil’s position is the result of Xbox One being decimated last generation when it was the most important generation to win with paid online by all parties and much higher didgital purchases locking users to a digital catalog.

I can’t fault him. The moves to embrace PC and cloud are right given they are far back in third place.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service

Don’t make your consumers pay $500 for your consoles if you don’t intend to support them with your first party video games. This explains the multiple lean years Xbox has had since he took over. He’s not interested in actually making video games. There’s probably why he bought Minecraft instead of actual gaming studios back in 2014.

I hope to god this is a wake up call to Phil’s fans here on gaf who continue to defend him. I want all of you calling for his resignation. Riky, darkmage, adsmsaaple, denchdekard, punishedmiku, I’m calling you all out directly.
I don't want him to resign. I've explained my position in detail. I think one of the biggest advantages Nintendo and Sony have is continuity of staff. I think starting from scratch is a dumb idea. You can think whatever you want. I like the moves he's made. I also think the CMA was dead wrong, but that's out of his control.


PS5 and Xbox have almost the same hardware

The main difference are the games, Phil

Dude have been on this position for more than a decade and still havent figured out that games are the most important thing.

During the 360 era Xbox was at a better marker position, how? Games.

"We lost the worst generation to lose in the Xbox One generation, where everybody built their digital library of games."

Why would I build a digital library of games if I could pay for Game Pass?

You shot yourself in the foot, you idiot

I really dont know how they can comeback from this position. GP has done more harm than good for Xbox.
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I don't want him to resign. I've explained my position in detail. I think one of the biggest advantages Nintendo and Sony have is continuity of staff. I think starting from scratch is a dumb idea. You can think whatever you want. I like the moves he's made. I also think the CMA was dead wrong, but that's out of his control.
Sony changed heads 3 times during the PS4 generation...


Terrible headline man, straight-up console warring.

What he's saying is not defeat, he is telling you that Game Pass is their brand.

The numbers don't lie, it's just that most here live in a fantasy world where if you make a great game, everyone will buy your console. Truth is, there is a small handful of studios that can create software that sells consoles, and you can count those studios on one hand. Xbox has none, and most of the big important audiences are tied up in free-to-play games or Pokemon/Animal Crossing.

This is why they shifted to Game Pass, because they learned from the Xbox One days that the path back to the Xbox 360 success is not there anymore. PC, Game Pass, and mobile is the big thing for them.
I get what he is trying to say with that statement, but the way it was worded is horrendous. Great games are still important. It doesn't matter if you are selling a console or a subscription service, you NEED great games to sell either/or.

You NEED to give an incentive to subscribing to your services/eco system.
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"We lost the worst generation to lose in the Xbox One generation, where everybody built their digital library of games."

Why would I build a digital library of games if I could pay for Game Pass?

You shot yourself in the foot, you idiot

I really dont know how they can comeback from this position. GP has done more harm then good for Xbox.
Thats what I am saying


Man, I'm speechless. Not even Don Mattrick would have the courage to utter those words.

Didn't him see Sony struggle through PS3 and the infamous hacking of the PSN, starting to developing their internal studios and becoming a major contributor to their catalog, Sony on PS1 and PS2 was totally dependent on third party support to move units, on PS3 they saw their market share collapse, all the major titles multiplat and performing better on the 360. Having quality games that you can't play anywhere else is what bring Sony back.

Nintendo pretty much survives thanks to their outstanding output of great games.

I think the ABK deal broke him, he truly believes that the only way forward is to own COD...

Yes Sony's vision paid off. I sticked with PS3, granted it was a frustrating ordeal at times. A worse performing port here, an outage there.. But Sony, during the co-op heyday, invested in games like Uncharted, TLOU, Infamous, God of War. Those experiences weren't the norm, and while Uncharted had multiplayer from the second game onward, it wasn't its main draw. It paid off on PS4, just look at what numbers Santa Monica, Guerrilla, Sucker Punch and all managed to ship on that system. They elevated the system while MS was still stuck in its own vacuum.


Before making excuses that releasing high quality games won't shift the needle, maybe give it a shot?

it's been nearly 15 years since they've tried, and it seemed to work pretty well then.

If they cared so much about console sales then they wouldn't have gone day 1 PC, because that's where the hardcore are going to be playing them. Just giving people a way to play their games without actually having to invest into their ecosystem.


Gold Member
PS5 and Xbox have almost the same hardware

The main difference are the games, Phil

Dude have been on this position for more than a decade and still havent figured out that games are the most important thing.

During the 360 era Xbox was at a better marker position, how? Games.

"We lost the worst generation to lose in the Xbox One generation, where everybody built their digital library of games."

Why would I build a digital library of games if I could pay for Game Pass?

You shot yourself in the foot, you idiot

I really dont know how they can comeback from this position. GP has done more harm then good for Xbox.
He knows they're important and he speaks out of both sides of his mouth.

Otherwise, he would not be trying to buy up all the storied 3rd party publishers and IPs to play permanent takeaway from the competition. Games they would have had already and does nothing PR wise but feed the most fanatical console war retard machine.


This quote should also put a final nail in the cofin on the morronic narrative that Nintendo doesn't compete directly with MS and Sony.

When even the highest autority of Xbox admitting that Nintendo is competing with them and losing to them, is the moment you realize that saying anything contrary to that is stupid beyond belief.
I don't want him to resign. I've explained my position in detail. I think one of the biggest advantages Nintendo and Sony have is continuity of staff. I think starting from scratch is a dumb idea. You can think whatever you want. I like the moves he's made. I also think the CMA was dead wrong, but that's out of his control.
That seems like a major sunk cost fallacy. Xbox have had this dude for, what, 10 years? And he still hasn't figured out Xbox needs high quality, exclusive games to sell it's consoles? And now he's admitting defeat (whether he believes it or it's put on to try to get sympathy for the Activision merger, is another story)?






I think it's been a bad couple of weeks for Phil, and that affected some of his tone/phrasing.

I also think he has been hearing this complaint ("Xbox has no good new games; it's just Halo/Forza/Gears") for about a decade now, and he needs a way to deflect it. Saying that great games won't (by themselves) make much of a dent on console sales is his way of trying to deflate the criticism that Xbox keeps getting.

You know he must've heard the same complaint a thousand times. His response used to be, "We're committed to making great games. Don't worry. They're right around the corner." But after years and years of that, it just doesn't fly anymore. This is a different tack, a different angle. "Great games really wouldn't (by themselves) help us beat Sony or Nintendo" in terms of console sales (so please stop talking about MS's lack of them).

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
That seems like a major sunk cost fallacy. Xbox have had this dude for, what, 10 years? And he still hasn't figured out Xbox needs high quality, exclusive games to sell it's consoles? And now he's admitting defeat (whether he believes it or it's put on to try to get sympathy for the Activision merger, is another story)?
I don't think that's what he said at all.


Gold Member
What surprises me most is how concludes it explitictly not true when… well tbh… have they really executed on that approach and failed?

Edit: I mean a consistent, high quality output spanning several years with the absolute lowest water mark being 1 or 2 ”meh” games and not 1 or 2 ”this is a dumpsterfire” games
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I see the embarrassing takes in this thread continue...
The only embarrassing take is the head of Xbox is openly stating on a public platform that making great games wouldn’t move the needle when all three current console manufacturers have periods that prove otherwise. Xbox with the 360, PlayStation with the PS4, and Nintendo with the Switch.

Trying to spin that in any positive way is equally embarrassing.
Those are the words of someone who has given up.


That seems like a major sunk cost fallacy. Xbox have had this dude for, what, 10 years? And he still hasn't figured out Xbox needs high quality, exclusive games to sell it's consoles? And now he's admitting defeat (whether he believes it or it's put on to try to get sympathy for the Activision merger, is another story)?
well he's not admitting defeat. it's more that he thinks he needs some other gimmick to sell consoles because great games won't cut it. but it's a massive cope because... what exactly are the great games that xbox has been releasing? I mean there's allegedly hi fi rush... and uh.... uhmmm????


Previous nintendo console sold 13 million units. Solidly third place.

Just saying.

Nintendo has a different approach to consoles these days tho.
Microsoft could try the same, but it's extremely risky, as we also have seen in the past with Nintendo.

The Xbox 360, even tho vastly superior in almost every way to the PS3, still narrowly lost to it... I think that says a lot


But that's true. If even Xbox 360 era was not able to beat Sony, then after Xbox One where they lost in a generation when people started building up digital libraries - there is no chance they can win a console race.
So we are just gonna act like the WiiU wasn't a 15M selling console in 4 years and come before the Switch which has now outsold the PS4?
I see the embarrassing takes in this thread continue...
Extreme takes yes, but can you point out something that they are saying that is outright wrong or not implied from what the head of Xbox has said?

You know, educate us.


Well, how about investing in gaming development, instead of trying to seize IPs? I'm sure those tons of money would allow some pretty huge gaming projects.
If you have the talent to develop them, that is.
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