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Phil Spencer admits defeat in console space, and doesn't think great games would help Xbox's market share.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I don't want him to resign. I've explained my position in detail. I think one of the biggest advantages Nintendo and Sony have is continuity of staff. I think starting from scratch is a dumb idea. You can think whatever you want. I like the moves he's made. I also think the CMA was dead wrong, but that's out of his control.
Sony fired kutaragi after the ps3 debacle. They have gone through six CEOs since the PS3 gen started. Yes Kaz was promoted to be CEO of Sony Corp but the rest were either fired or demoted. The guy before Jimbo was there for less than two years after taking over from Andrew house who was killing it with the ps4.

No one is starting from scratch. Its the mentality that needs to change. A video game manufacturer cannot believe that games won’t make a difference. That services and specs are more important. They need a guy who will spend billions on first party instead of gamepass and acquisitions. Honestly, the $8 billion he spent on zenimax has been a total waste. Starfield was always coming to Xbox but he blew his budget on zenimax and we have seen first party struggle to produce games because they didn’t have a leader who believed in their games and only cared about acquiring content for gamepass.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion

Working over time to try and recoup his stock market losses I guess, hopefully hes on the $200/hr package.

Sorry meant to post this:

To take a step back and hear him earnestly, on a technicality, he is right. Xbox games release same day on PC. It invalidates the need of their console, and everyone already knew this.

To add onto this, his strategy has been to make gamepass more of the leading charge/service than a cost expensive piece of tech sold at a loss, which is why he’s been so adamant about making sure it’s solid on nearly any platform it’s being used on.

His answer was poorly worded though.


Where they fall flat is that they are focused on consumers to jump ship. All the while they are offering a cheaper Series S SKU. Try to reel in PS5 players, develop reasons to buy an Xbox next to their PS5. And perhaps they might favor your ecosystem. There is a goldmine really. Its not like 100% of PS5 gamers don't want a second system.
Sad. Guy is so wrong. Problem is they waited two console generations to release quality first party titles. If Xbox started releasing quality games right now id buy an xbox lol period. Maybe im in the minority but i doubt it. I was ready to buy it at launch and had my money set to the side for it but when i seen it had nothing new in terms of UI or controller or games i just said to myself why am i buying this lol is this even a new console ? You have to entice people for christ sake i mean sheesh. This guy unquestionably should be fired. I actually love Xbox as a brand and to see this does upset me as a fan i wont lie.


Honestly if I was in charge I would just make Xbox go 3rd party, keep making consoles and hardware for the hardcore fans but put your games on all platforms (you're literally one platform away from that).
The brand just isn't strong as Playstation or Nintendo worldwide (and that's all on MS because they've been neglecting a lot of countries for generations now).
Terrible headline man, straight-up console warring.

What he's saying is not defeat, he is telling you that Game Pass is their brand.

The numbers don't lie, it's just that most here live in a fantasy world where if you make a great game, everyone will buy your console. Truth is, there is a small handful of studios that can create software that sells consoles, and you can count those studios on one hand. Xbox has none, and most of the big important audiences are tied up in free-to-play games or Pokemon/Animal Crossing.

This is why they shifted to Game Pass, because they learned from the Xbox One days that the path back to the Xbox 360 success is not there anymore. PC, Game Pass, and mobile is the big thing for them.
Please explain to me what the fuck is the point of game pass when the XBOX lead says they dont see the point in trying to compete with releasing bad ass games!?


Well it certainly explains the last few years of XBox pretty handily.

I can't imagine a company man actually admitting this, much less the head of XBox gaming. I'll need to listen to the whole interview.

Monumentally idiotic thing to say, IMO.


Ok, in context I guess it makes more sense. He's saying that having a handful of great games wouldn't switch XBox's position from 3rd to 1st, and that part is true. But damn, making great games should be something they strive for regardless of pecking order or changing their console war placement. Their release schedule has been abysmal for a lot longer than this shit year, and saying he prefers to let his teams have creative freedom certainly doesn't seem to be paying any dividends. Sounds like ineffective management from the very top down. Also one last "throw Mattrick under the bus" moment. Get it in while you can, I guess.

It reminds me of a commentary made here in Gaf not long ago about a premium console not being the point of a console maker.

Ok, not releasimg great games wouldn't suddenly put them at the top, but so what? You don't wanna make great games for your fanbase base then? Whats the point of making games then? The point of their game studios?

This defeatist type of attitude is why you guys at Microsoft sucks at games. It doesn't matter your "position", this is a fanboy warring crap you guys cultivate because Microsoft waste too much time talking shit on social media. Being third place is meanless, they could be in 3rd but be selling as much as PS5 and still deliver games people even outside of your install base would look foward(like me still having a modicrum of hope for Fable).
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Sony fired kutaragi after the ps3 debacle. They have gone through six CEOs since the PS3 gen started. Yes Kaz was promoted to be CEO of Sony Corp but the rest were either fired or demoted. The guy before Jimbo was there for less than two years after taking over from Andrew house who was killing it with the ps4.

No one is starting from scratch. Its the mentality that needs to change. A video game manufacturer cannot believe that games won’t make a difference. That services and specs are more important. They need a guy who will spend billions on first party instead of gamepass and acquisitions. Honestly, the $8 billion he spent on zenimax has been a total waste. Starfield was always coming to Xbox but he blew his budget on zenimax and we have seen first party struggle to produce games because they didn’t have a leader who believed in their games and only cared about acquiring content for gamepass.
I 100% don't agree with you. I think Phil's much better than some of the potential alternatives.

Gamepass is a smart strategy for them because it's designed to coexist in a Sony dominant world. Series S is also similar. These are similar moves to the ones Nintendo has had to make to exist in adjacent markets. I think he's right. And I'm sure he spends on 1st party. Money isn't the issue.

I think most of the loudest people on here have been wrong, over and over.
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Gold Member
Why would I build a digital library of games if I could pay for Game Pass?

You shot yourself in the foot, you idiot

This is the elephant in the room at nobody discusses much. The fact is that that you get a clean break the moment you unsubscribe from gamepass, and by extension there is zero incentive for a consumer to stick with the ecosystem. As a consumer they stand to lose absolutely nothing if they were to go elsewhere. No library of games, no psychological burden of the sunk cost fallacy, nothing.

So unless gamepass is constantly firing on all cylinders there is nothing stopping people from looking and going elsewhere the moment they feel its not meeting their expectations.

They already had a tough job on their hands as it is and their current business model is making it tougher.
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While it‘s true that Starfield won’t do much on its own, I‘m pretty sure there would be a noticeable market shift if MS made CoD exclusive tomorrow. There absolutely are games that are big enough to permanently alter the sales trajectory of a console, and CoD is certainly one of them; GTA is another. But I agree that, without an exclusive megaton like that, it‘s nearly impossible for XBox to be anything other than 3rd place this gen. The only exception would be if MS managed to release a portable/hybrid Series S; in that case I could see XBox‘ fortunes turn around pretty quickly.


Gold Member
This is so baffling. I’ve played that clip like 10 times and still can’t believe what I’m hearing.

Like how can anyone say that when Nintendo’s strategy is literally just delivering great games. Look at how well they’re doing despite having the weakest hardware on the market. People just want good games.
Field of Dreams 30 day movie challenge GIF


I know why they (MS) wants to push it but what is the point for me as a consumer?

If they keep releasing stinkers and broken games it dosen't matter weather they offer a console or not, the service would not be worth it.
I get Gamepass on my pc for free with my broadband and I don't think I would get it if I had to pay for it...


voted poster of the decade by bots
While it‘s true that Starfield won’t do much on its own, I‘m pretty sure there would be a noticeable market shift if MS made CoD exclusive tomorrow. There absolutely are games that are big enough to permanently alter the sales trajectory of a console, and CoD is certainly one of them; GTA is another. But I agree that, without an exclusive megaton like that, it‘s nearly impossible for XBox to be anything other than 3rd place this gen. The only exception would be if MS managed to release a portable/hybrid Series S; in that case I could see XBox‘ fortunes turn around pretty quickly.

This exactly. They could do some serious damage with a hybrid handheld. Though I am surprised Phil would frame it this way. He also fails to mention (unless I missed it) that 3rd place is still a huge amount of sales/revenue, it's nothing to sneeze at.
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Time always tell...it wasn't console warring when we talked about Xbox and Spencer's situation....

"oh, how do you know that?" "I wanna see receipts"

There you go from the devil's mouth himself.


While it‘s true that Starfield won’t do much on its own, I‘m pretty sure there would be a noticeable market shift if MS made CoD exclusive tomorrow. There absolutely are games that are big enough to permanently alter the sales trajectory of a console, and CoD is certainly one of them; GTA is another. But I agree that, without an exclusive megaton like that, it‘s nearly impossible for XBox to be anything other than 3rd place this gen. The only exception would be if MS managed to release a portable/hybrid Series S; in that case I could see XBox‘ fortunes turn around pretty quickly.
I can't play backseat ceo. But i think there was an opportunity to make the series s everybody's backup console. like how many people have a ps5 or pc and also a switch. but unfortunately the games being on pc day one and also there not being that many exclusives really limit how many consoles xbox can move. but then phil makes a statement like this and it's like, well maybe he doesn't really get it at all.
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Gold Member
I think most of the loudest people on here have been wrong, over and over.

Quite the opposite actually. We have tons of threads that have discussed the Xbox as a platform, from the strategy, to the games, to the overall direction and intention of the brand/ecosystem.

So many people have outlined the pitfalls of the direction they are taking things in, both from a financial/sales perspective and a quality (of games) perspective. Everything is coming to pass and it didn't need to be this way.


No point giving me great games huh? No point me giving you my money then. This is an absolute moronic thing to say regardless of how many caveats you place around it.

He has surrendered and is beaten down. It's like watching a nihilistic cheerleader or taking advice from a pacifist military general. When you can't do your job, just go. Don't kill the brand to justify your failings and continue collecting that paycheck.

This is worse than the wii u or the last days of WCW.
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Honestly if I was in charge I would just make Xbox go 3rd party, keep making consoles and hardware for the hardcore fans but put your games on all platforms (you're literally one platform away from that).
The brand just isn't strong as Playstation or Nintendo worldwide (and that's all on MS because they've been neglecting a lot of countries for generations now).
I think this is what they were aiming for with that cloud box thingamajig. No console with actual hardware just a streaming connection. But that seems to have fallen apart also. The Samsung thing on tv's excited, let me see, um, no one?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Quite the opposite actually. We have tons of threads that have discussed the Xbox as a platform, from the strategy, to the games, to the overall direction and intention of the brand/ecosystem.

So many people have outlined the pitfalls of the direction they are taking things in, both from a financial/sales perspective and a quality (of games) perspective. Everything is coming to pass and it didn't need to be this way.
I don't think competing directly against Sony in the same style is a winning strategy. Nintendo came to the same conclusion.


There's no reason to get an Xbox Series X if you can just buy a PC.

If he wants people to buy an Xbox, he needs better solutions. Sony's solution was to release their exclusives 3-4 years after their debut on consoles.

as a dedicated PC gamer, I'd say there are about 2500 reasons to get an Xbox Series X.
I got a Series X and I can't even think about upgrading my PC now.. it's the worst time ever to be a PC gamer.


I know why they (MS) wants to push it but what is the point for me as a consumer?

If they keep releasing stinkers and broken games it dosen't matter weather they offer a console or not, the service would not be worth it.

Yeah, the boon is that some indies and third party games are there day one and you have to pay up for them on PS5. But lately Extra is delivering the goods too. And while Sony games aren't there day one, they are eventually there. And with the PS5 having a better first party library than XSX, if you jump in today, I'd argue PS Extra is better even as you get access to Demon's Souls, Returnal, HFW etc. Day one on gamepass doesn't mean shit if they either release nothing (mine ran out after 3 years and all I remembered were Halo and FH5), or dumpster fire like Redfall.
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I know why they (MS) wants to push it but what is the point for me as a consumer?

If they keep releasing stinkers and broken games it dosen't matter weather they offer a console or not, the service would not be worth it.
Ding, ding, ding. When people say Gamepass is the Netflix of gaming, they're right, but not in the way they think. Gamepass, like all streaming services, is trying to justify it's existence when compared to it's competitors by putting out exclusive content regardless of quality.


He looks/sounds completely defeated. That was far from Phil Spencer's best moment. Kind of depressing.
I ABK went through he'd be leading some crazy rally making a statement like he did when they closed zeni. That was about bringing games and gamers to xbox. He was going to do the same thing. They haven't been able to so they were willing to take franchises away from others. And they still would.


PC + Playstation + Switch = Gold. Been telling this for a while.
You can also do PC + Switch if you don't mind waiting a few years to play playstation games on PC (in the future some will even release day one on PC too).
Or even PC only if you're a fucking pirate. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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