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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice |OT| Khura'in, not Kurain


I'm on case 3 and all of the Khura'in music is giving me some real Okami vibes.

That said, I love what happens with the day 1 investigation
and Rayfa being filling the assistant slot (and surprisingly not Ahlbi).


I mean wouldn't you be bitter if you couldn't achieve your dream? She devoted her life to one thing - and unfortunately is often the case - it didn't pan out. At least until now. I thought her character made perfect sense as a girl with crushed dreams. Especially in a series where basically all the supporting characters get what they want, sans I guess Larry.

You can also look at it as a genius that found out that sometimes things don't go their way or it isn't as easy as they think it should be. That totally works for her character and there really isn't a need to have a full-on story arc at all. Characters can grow even if it's the most boring (to the player) obstacle.

Ema in AA6 is easily the most complete version of her character. Prior to AJ in the time line, she's just this young genius that's energetic and a bit spunky. Reality hits her a bit in AJ and she's a bit jaded and a little grumpy but by the time AA6 rolls around, she's achieved her dream and is back to her old self. She still has her stress coping habits and is a little less energetic overall aside from when she is doing what she loves.


These Khura'in name puns will be the death of me, I swear. Deid Mann is looking very subtle right now compared to some of these.


The subtle changes to Trucy's model in this game makes her look a lot more mature. I like it.

Case 2 stuff:

I really like her "sad smile" model. It's a really small change but I think it's that what makes it so effective.

Trucy in general is pretty good in Case 2. Nice to see her get a bit of development after being completely sidelined in AA5. It was cool to see her talk magic without it being monopolised by magic panties or whatever.


Oh man Ema's animations <3

Case 2 stuff:

I really like her "sad smile" model. It's a really small change but I think it's that what makes it so effective.

Trucy in general is pretty good in Case 2. Nice to see her get a bit of development after being completely sidelined in AA5. It was cool to see her talk magic without it being monopolised by magic panties or whatever.

Yeah I've always kind of maintained that as much as defending your partners ends up being a predictable rite of passage, it at least allowed us to learn more about the characters and sympathize with them too. Trucy kind of just "existed" as a goofy sidekick in AA4 and she didn't seem that important in the grand scheme of things other than being something of an accessory for Phoenix's story.


Oh man Ema's animations <3

Yeah I've always kind of maintained that as much as defending your partners ends up being a predictable rite of passage, it at least allowed us to learn more about the characters and sympathize with them too. Trucy kind of just "existed" as a goofy sidekick in AA4 and she didn't seem that important in the grand scheme of things other than being something of an accessory for Phoenix's story.

Aye. Good on the writing team for spending a bit of time with her. She's a likeable character - just been given fuck all to do.

I actually hoped that she would play an assistant for one of Nick's cases, would be nice to see their dynamic in that context. Though I suppose that wouldn't do much for the whole accessory thing.


So far Case 2 feels like a follow up to Apollo Justice which I really like. I wasn't a fan of how much stuff 5 basically ignored.

Case 2 Day 1:
The Gramarye's seem to have a thing for being involved in cases with secret tunnels or passages.
Hmm, weird, Case 2 was super predictable, particularly
the twist towards the end
. I hope this won't be the case for the following cases. I also do wish they'd pay a bit more attention to instances where you can point out contradictions with multiple pieces of evidence.
Still, I'm enjoying myself. And this is probably the first time I've grown to really like Ema. Trucy has been a joy as well. The new prosecutor though? Ain't feeling it just yet.

Hmm, I thought the
Retinz reveal kind of came out of nowhere since he looks nothing like Reus even considering he had aged. The twin thing though should have been obvious since well teleportation tricks usually = twins, but it still got me.

Now case 4 on the other hand:
The killer is obvious since she appears so briefly during the opening that by the time you realise that the trial will take up the whole episode, there is only time left for one final confrontation. And since AA doesn't forget characters, she obviously fit that role.


Man, Ema returned to her fun personality comparable to her earlier appearance in the series. That's great. While I did like the sulky Ema from AA4 (MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH- oh she snackood me) she's far more awesome now.
Can't say I agree.
There was too much pointing at that revelation. First of all, if we're going off of appearance, their hairstyle is very similar. He just looks like an older Reus. In fact, I found it weird that the initial Reus didn't look like he had aged at all. Secondly, he was a very capable magician and the game explicitly mentions that. Finally, Retinz had shown to have a severe distaste for the magician family and while everyone else's reasoning was explained, his wasn't. It was very obvious that Reus could easily have had some level of dislike of the magician family he was thrown out of and all of these instances, paired with the fact that the game explicitly would not go into Retinz' dislike for Trucy and her legacy, made it super easy to figure out that he was the real Reus. I then just made the guess that if the game was going to go the "twin" way, the victim was probably some imposter. And you know the rest.

For whatever reason, I didn't once question the fact that he hadn't aged, not sure why heh.
I mentioned this briefly in PoliGAF, but I'll elaborate more here: Roger Retinz is totally Donald Trump:
* Only cares about TV ratings
* Gambling-themed architecture
* Tasteless and tacky
* Addicted to posting stuff on social media
* Likes to show off how wealthy he is
(case 2 spoilers follow)
* Pulls cons on people
* Kicks people off their property
* Holds long-standing grudges against people
* A villain


Stuck in the dumbest way in Case 2. Where am I supposed to
dust for fingerprints on the closed coffin? Already found the mystery handprint on the top. Nothing else is showing.

Ed: Found it. Gah, not a sequence I enjoyed.


Just got to case 2 and its soooo nice to see E
ma not being a grouchy bitch anymore! She's like her old younger self but more mature. I also love that the writers acknowledged all that stuff in AA4


I think I'm over half way into Case 2 by now but spoilers about what I assume is this case's biggest mid-point "twist"

Man this is the first time in a while where an Ace Attorney case actually threw me for a satisfying mid-case loop. Even though the Bonny / Betty secret twin trope might be considered a cheap cop-out it makes total sense in the context of this particular case and it heavily subverts some extreme expectations that the case was setting up in the preamble. I went from liking this character, to hating her and now really liking both of them.

That said it's really hilarious that the case is essentially a parody of MAGIC PRANK [GONE WRONG] type things.

I really like a lot of what I'm experiencing with AA6 so far. The writing in particular feels like such a step up from AA5. I feel like this game is a lot more "adventurous".


Man, I absolutely love Apollo now, after Dual Destinies and Case 2 of this game. The team did a good job of showing how he's different from Phoenix, he is a little better at preparing himself and also dealing with witnesses. Man...
Troupe Gramarye sure have a messed-up history.

The music in Case 3 is great so far, those 3D investigation scenes are also a big step up. Good old Maya..
always getting accused with murder

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Loving all the music so far! I wish more games had day 1 free limited DLC. Makes you feel rewarded for being an early adopter.


Finished the first case. That was fun.! Really like the animations for this game; especially for the true culprit with the case lol. Nooooot entirely sure how I feel about the setting overall though. The Insight system in particular was kinda confusing at first, but it seems interesting? Next case is Apollo/Athena focused though, so I guess I'll worry about that later.


Alright, I'm only on the second case of this game so far, but it is already better than the entirety of Dual Destinities. I've played all the Ace Attorney games and I'm tellin' ya, the story, the vibe and characterizations were all off in Dual Destinities from the get go. Spirit of Justice seems to me like a HUGE return to form. The first case of this game is one of my favourite Payne cases in the series. It's complicated in a way that first cases usually are not. And Trucy's role in the second case is pretty heavy. Idk, I'm liking the tone and world building of this game way more than DD. I felt like DD was both trying too hard and also really flat at the same time.

I loved AAs 1 to 4 and disliked 5 and AAI 1, so it has been quite some time since I've been pumped up to be in this universe, I'm so happy that SoJ is turning out to be a great AA game, I'm excited to get through it. Buuuut it's also important that the final case of the game needs to be captivating, so we will see.
Case 3 Investigation Spoilers:
There's some real cognitive dissonance going on in Khura'in... like here the Tsundere princess just runs around following you around and it's all in good fun and her parting line is basically "I'll see you dead tomorrow!". Everyone is so damn bloodthirsty.

Can't beat that embarrasment animation though.
Man, that first case was really not good.

The first half was alright. It was a bit slow, and there were too many sudden flashbacks and points where you had to go over the same thing over and over, but it was at least serviceable.

But as soon as the culprit takes the stand the whole thing became a dumpster fire. The culprit made me miss Moe the clown, because he was just so annoying.
The long, unskippable singing was just obnoxious, and his whole character was really annoying.
I felt like the whole thing just completely fell apart at that point, and I was just constantly hoping "maybe this will be the end of the case" only to get another "sorry, not good enough".

Probably one of my least favorite cases in the series.
The release of this game finally motivated me to play dual destinies.

My god, that yokai case was horrible. I love AA with all my heart, but this is almost making me want to stop playing the game.

Also, I always felt like text could go a bit faster, but it seems particularly blatant in this version. Or maybe I have grown more impatient for some reason.


The release of this game finally motivated me to play dual destinies.

My god, that yokai case was horrible. I love AA with all my heart, but this is almost making me want to stop playing the game.

Also, I always felt like text could go a bit faster, but it seems particularly blatant in this version. Or maybe I have grown more impatient for some reason.

i just turn on the skipping option, but yeah there is definitely performance issues with this game which is why text always seems kinda sluggish.


People am I wrong or does Apollo have the better Objection music this time around? I like how his theme remixes have evolved.

PS. I never got the hate for the Yokai case
Case 3 Part 1 Trail Spoilers:
Alright, this case is really awesome so far. PW got completely schooled! Normally I hate it when protagonists are hit with the idiot stick but... the prosecution's argument actually makes alot of sense and I can actually see why the Guilty verdict was reasonable especially after it was proposed Maya was the masked crusader. I think this is the first technical guilty verdict since JFA that PW actually has on his record, and I'm glad it was well deserved. Well guess we're lucky that PW is saved by a dead body...
I haven't finished case 2, but I'm really put off by something that happens on the first day.

Hey idiot, you signed a contract with a minor. She can void it! Hey Apollo, hey Athena, aren't you lawyers? Do your job!

This goes off the assumption that this isn't addressed later. I'd gladly eat my words if they figure that one out.


So how many more freaking games before we finally get AA4 'hobo' phoenix as dlc outfit :/
That's particularly annoying since they even went and made a quick flashback to it in AA5.

And yeah, remember to download the costume DLC if you have the game now. It's free for the first week.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Finished the first. I was surprised how long it was, and THE HIGH STAKES nature of it! Wow, what a way to start!

The game definitely has a VS Layton vibe to it, which I like. It's definitely different than the normal series tone. By the way, do yall remember that they lead us to believe in that game
Maya got freaking burned alive!!! Holy SHIT. I couldn't sleep.that night! I mean the game gave you no indication immediately afterwards that wasn't real and didn't just happen! Maybe I'm gullible, but other than the faith that "this is a videogame and they wouldn't seriously kill off a main character"... They didn't make obvious that didn't actually happen. The series is known for telegraphing clues ahead of time, I felt like there wasn't nothing before that gave a clue that the whole thing was a ruse... Other than standard videogame logic.

So yeah, case one gave me flashbacks to VS Layton...


Did they change up the iris's of the character a bit?

Maybe thats why phoenix looks more 'evil'. heck even Trucy kinda has that 'look'.


Finished case 2. Very solid case, I was afraid it would be as bad as AA5's 2nd case at first.
It also makes me wish this was an Apollo Justice focused game.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I'm on case 3 and all of the Khura'in music is giving me some real Okami vibes.

That said, I love what happens with the day 1 investigation
and Rayfa being filling the assistant slot (and surprisingly not Ahlbi).

I just finished that part of the game. I really enjoyed that decision as well. Great idea.
Also great because I'm hoping/imagining this will serve as a launching point for character development for Rayfa and the advancement of the relationship between Phoenix and her. I've only played through Case 3, Day 1 Investigation, but I'm wondering who will end up being the defendant of Case 5. I was originally thinking it could be Nahyuta, but now I'm wondering if it could be Rayfa. I imagine it has to be someone that is a lawyer-hater so this can prove to them why lawyers can be good.

Finished the first. I was surprised how long it was, and THE HIGH STAKES nature of it! Wow, what a way to start!

The game definitely has a VS Layton vibe to it, which I like. It's definitely different than the normal series tone. By the way, do yall remember that they lead us to believe in that game
Maya got freaking burned alive!!! Holy SHIT. I couldn't sleep.that night! I mean the game gave you no indication immediately afterwards that wasn't real and didn't just happen! Maybe I'm gullible, but other than the faith that "this is a videogame and they wouldn't seriously kill off a main character"... They didn't make obvious that didn't actually happen. The series is known for telegraphing clues ahead of time, I felt like there wasn't nothing before that gave a clue that the whole thing was a ruse... Other than standard videogame logic.

So yeah, case one gave me flashbacks to VS Layton...

Yeah, that made me sad. But I also liked that it happened. In fact, the way that that game ended up undoing all of the stakes and suspense was what I saw to be the narrative's undoing.
The game definitely has a VS Layton vibe to it, which I like. It's definitely different than the normal series tone. By the way, do yall remember that they lead us to believe in that game
Maya got freaking burned alive!!! Holy SHIT. I couldn't sleep.that night! I mean the game gave you no indication immediately afterwards that wasn't real and didn't just happen! Maybe I'm gullible, but other than the faith that "this is a videogame and they wouldn't seriously kill off a main character"... They didn't make obvious that didn't actually happen. The series is known for telegraphing clues ahead of time, I felt like there wasn't nothing before that gave a clue that the whole thing was a ruse... Other than standard videogame logic.

His entire life and profession reprogrammed, then later forced to watch Maya being seemingly burnt alive, leaving him spiraling into a depression. It's darkly hilarious how much Phoenix goes through the ringer in that game.
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