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Pics that make you laugh |OT4| Aw yiss. Motha. F*ckin. Reposts.

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It is not.

Leaving aside how shopped the EA logo is (dat aliasing, dat cut and paste job), and the fact that there is no such sale ongoing on the front page, Steam is not going to give them an excuse to withdraw even more products from their store by being actively hostile.

Party pooper. I was going to check the front page myself, but Steam takes for freakin ever to load on my POS PC.



So weird, even if this gif is reversed.


I'm not American but I'm told I had to wear one of these as a kid (the leash, not the scooter thing).
Apparently I did a lot of walking off and falling into bodies of water. I have no memory of it though.

probably from all the times you fell into bodies of water.


Yeah, it's rare but I see those on occasion in the UK as well. Although they're proper ones that harness around the shoulders, that looks home made.


Don't worry, it was all staged. But yeah, I guess that's one of the examples of rape culture and even tho I usually like Louie, sometimes he's more cringeworthy and disgusting than funny.

Dear God, I've raped so many women I have never even met.


Me neither. kid in red shirt is double fucked by the guy with the cap?

Kid in the red shirt has a hatred for people with hoodies. When he was young one was shouting at him....so later in life when he became a drunk he wanted to take it out on another hoodie (ironically by using the same words).... but got punched in the face.

Yeah I have no idea what the comic is about.
It's some wrestling game. Giantbomb did a pretty amazing quicklook on it, but I can't seem to find it.

I know that (it's WWE '13), I'm just wondering what stream it's from, or if it's a guy just making these .gifs for whatever. I imagine the latter's the case
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