Betta Lines
Well I tried, but it was just too hard to follow.massive comic
Well I tried, but it was just too hard to follow.massive comic
1, 2, 4
Friend of mine just got this beautiful girl recently:
I actually forget what it's called.... damn. Anyway I want one. Except they are prohibitively expensive.
Its a lizard.
Are you sure?
Made me smile. Via DeviantArt:
Please tell me "Cecelia" isn't talking about a child when she says "NOW I NEED ONE OF THOSE."
Please, please tell me.
I've always loved Mario and Luigi growing up.
Life in a nutshell. It sucks.
Made me smile. Via DeviantArt:
Mostly about the notion that judging people is pretty useless since they are this way for a reason, or they will change in the future.Yeah I have no idea what the comic is about.
You have access to the internet and I presume you live in a 1st world country. Get your shit together, life is great!
Mostly about the notion that judging people is pretty useless since they are this way for a reason, or they will change in the future.
A thug became a nice grampa and his grand daughter became a divorced mom who do not want to spend time with his child. Ect.
Love this comic, was looking for it for some time.
"Have fun with Miku!"
Cecilia is talking about a child.
Cecilia is talking about a child.
My life's great. But life in general on this planet seems not to be (if you take a look on living conditions of the majority of earth's population).
Girl is hearing for the first time in life with an implant:[IMG]
[URL="Full video."]Full video[/URL].
How does someone learn how to speak english if they haven't been able to hear anything for their entire life?
Ah, wasn't actually completely deaf before.
I think saying it's the first time she's ever heard herself speak is a bit of a stretch though the clarity with which she can hear now is assuredly much better than what she was hearing before.
Full video.
How does someone learn how to speak english if they haven't been able to hear anything for their entire life?
Ah, wasn't actually completely deaf before.
I think saying it's the first time she's ever heard herself speak is a bit of a stretch though the clarity with which she can hear now is assuredly much better than what she was hearing before.
Full video.
How does someone learn how to speak english if they haven't been able to hear anything for their entire life?
Ah, wasn't actually completely deaf before.
I think saying it's the first time she's ever heard herself speak is a bit of a stretch though the clarity with which she can hear now is assuredly much better than what she was hearing before.
Made me well up.My life's great. But life in general on this planet seems not to be (if you take a look on living conditions of the majority of earth's population).
Girl is hearing for the first time in life with an implant:
Made me well up.
Thought this was funny pics thread not make me cry on Thursday thread....
I love it either way. Beautiful! She looks so happy! Shit like that gets me every time.
This is what a cochlear implant sounds like. What she hears is worse than that because she's been implanted as an adult.
Aww fucccccckkkkkk....... just got done wiping tears from my face.... jesus christ that's fucking WONDERFUL!
Übermatik;49326852 said:
Jesus fuck. It's like the audio version of Geordi's visor.
My, aren't you fun.
I was just curious how somebody that supposedly couldn't hear herself AT ALL could learn to speak perfect english and did some research on it. Decided to share the results.
I guess I should have just said I cried and decided not to bother with expanding my knowledge on the subject. Next time I have a question like that I'll just live in ignorance. Lesson learned.
Übermatik;49326852 said:
Übermatik;49326852 said:
I was just curious how somebody that supposedly couldn't hear herself AT ALL could learn to speak perfect english and did some research on it. Decided to share the results.
I guess I should have just said I cried and decided not to bother with expanding my knowledge on the subject. Next time I have a question like that I'll just live in ignorance. Lesson learned.
Übermatik;49326852 said: