I want a videogame boss to be created after this
That has Suda 51 written all over it.
What sites do you guys use to find these pictures?
Space Jam
Are you going mad?i love these kinds of pictures
quick, someone post the one with the guy getting hit with the bat
edit: clydefrog's got yo back
Come on, man. Where's your pride
Unfortunately, recent allegations that Charles is in contact with a white supremacist group and had appeared on a white nationalist podcast have provoked an increasing number of people to dismiss his work as genuinely offensive, under-researched, archaic and gross. I caught up with him to see if he was the Mel Gibson or the Ali G of the art world.
Ginger kid at the front
Nascar edition :
Fucks given: zero.
Found this in my mail box.
I bet whoever took that picture put the sign there.
Found this in my mail box.
Dunno if this has been posted, but this is the right thread for reposts:
Dunno if this has been posted, but this is the right thread for reposts:
everyone is quoting squiddybiscuit's jesus when I posted it the page before![]()