Hot Coldman
I'm gonna get first post again
I'm gonna make a thread, get that locked and then get banned for image spam again
(don't worry Mutes no I won't)
I'm gonna get first post again
Why does nobody want to reboot the thread?
Not really, but I'm only 25, and single at the moment. Most girls I know around my age, even if they like children, are not humouring having them any time soon.
But yeah, I just cannot envision myself with children. Maybe something will click one day and that reproducing/fathering urge will take over, as it has to some people I know, but I really cannot imagine anything worse.
I mean, I've met plenty of kids I like, but I don't want them as a constant in my life. That and babies are repulsive, hideous little creatures.
I'm gonna make a thread, get that locked and then get banned for image spam again
(don't worry Mutes no I won't)
you were banned for making the thread too late?
Moon Rain
Don't think so.I have to ask... Is this Logan Echolls from Veronica Mars?
Why does nobody want to reboot the thread?
White Crescent? I think my Jazz name was better.
Also, Pics That Make You Laugh |OT5| No Fun Allowed
Beautiful.fierce beast :O
sorry if repost
Pics That Make You Laugh |OT5| Not a Guarantee
I guess they don't like reboots.
whats fun about a poorly made cg?
Majestic Fire...
whats fun about a poorly made cg?