I live close to where this happened. (Caracas avenue in Bogota)
Karma for this cunt.
If it makes you feel any better, it's clearly a different person who's been shopped/whatever in the mirror.
Looks male, actually.
Adaptation happens
I'm done with this thread.
Just a cool pic in general.
The caption was: My dad (left) holding me and me (right). No one knows that I'm black nor do they believe he's my dad
Genes are a crazy thing. There is one country where it seems like most of the genes are recessive, I think it was Somalia.
What potwór is this.
What potwór is this.
Looks like strzyga.
I live close to where this happened. (Caracas avenue in Bogota)
Karma for this cunt.
ok, whats this from??
I would never wash my finger again.
yeah, enjoy her dick-herpes on your finger
Looks like strzyga.
Lol. Nice to see home tongue on GAF.
[IMG ]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/144/6/8/big_brother_microsoft_by_memershnick-d66ghdn.png[/IMG]
yeah, enjoy her dick-herpes on your finger