Was this ever posted?:

Was this ever posted?:
The "thanks mountain dew" is killing me
And DEW Nation is here for you, too!
they're 19 years early, but it's okay, let them come.
That's very kind of you because those cats would be dead 19 years later.
cats live for 43 years
Well, technically a gif, and then a 'fav frame' from the gif, just to make it last longer
Looks like we are a community now
Looks like we are a community now
The thread got moved into gaf purgatory.
Also noticed the 'Rate The Avatar Above You' thread was closed with no follow up. Guess that means no more avatar rating threads?Immediate loss of charm, abandon thread.
i'm not even going to post in this thread anymore
lol I hit community and saw the funny pics thread in it.
Just a cool pic in general.
The caption was: My dad (left) holding me and me (right). No one knows that I'm black nor do they believe he's my dad
Genes are a crazy thing. There is one country where it seems like most of the genes are recessive, I think it was Somalia.