YesIs that the Mega form?
Spider are our friends.I refuse to believe this.
I refuse to believe this.
Yup. Sat here for a couple minutes "dancing" my mouse.
Is that the Mega form?
This is actually a very clever to use if you are trapped in a burning building and cant get out, it allows you to breathe "fresh" air
This is actually a very clever to use if you are trapped in a burning building and cant get out, it allows you to breathe "fresh" air
This is actually a very clever to use if you are trapped in a burning building and cant get out, it allows you to breathe "fresh" air
While you burn to death
I just lost it.
I refuse to believe this.
No fun allowed: Of course there aren't. What would they eat? How would 3 spiders have space for 1 web inside a single keyboard? How would spiders deal with your constantly crashing the roof down on their heads?
Of course it isn't.
Not all spiders spin webs.
It is bad I think this is kind of awesome?