I guess I should just be quiet and continue ogling the pictures of the girls with their tits out. Pack it up boys, as long as we have the titty pictures, we're okay. There's no discussion in cosplay worth having, because in the end, the only thing anyone cares about anymore are pictures of girls with their tits out.
Spoilers: She probably didn't actually play the game. The "in" thing to do in cosplaying right now is start cosplaying from something that looks like it's going to be popular months before the game is released. Drives me up the wall..
My English teacher back in high school jokingly started to do the same thing when we watched it.
Camera + Potential Public = Stupid stuffWhy would anyone do this?
And this is the loop in the discussion, where people go "GEEZE MAN! WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE! IT'S NOT LIKE IT, YOU KNOW, EFFECTS YOU OR ANYTHING!"
I guess I should just be quiet and continue ogling the pictures of the girls with their tits out. Pack it up boys, as long as we have the titty pictures, we're okay. There's no discussion in cosplay worth having, because in the end, the only thing anyone cares about anymore are pictures of girls with their tits out.
It could have be a little boy talking.
Watched this movie (Easy A) last month, probably the best teen movie of the last 10 years.
"Robin des bois"
Mean Girls would like to talk to you.
I feel like Mean girl was a lamer version of Daria popular group and the concept was pretty much the same as the Harriet the Spy.
Easy A was more realistic and modern.
but teen girls everywhere love and relate to Mean Girls. It's like, so true.
Reminds me how people usually helped Zoey first in the Left 4 Dead demo.
My English teacher had to run for the remote during the head chopping scene in Macbeth, and the hit and run in Great Gatsby...
To rewind them and show them each 10 times.
but teen girls everywhere love and relate to Mean Girls. It's like, so true.
They all seem to have smoked some pipe-weedElijah looks high.