What's wrong with you
I think there's a tumblr where people submit their own pictures of their kids.
What the fuck dude
never happened to you?What the fuck dude
What the fuck dude
What. The. Actual. FUCK!
Amazing. Only on the internet.
The whole series is really good. Scientifically accurate Spiderman and Turtle Ninja are really cool.
Fuck Science! It's ruining my childhood.
Thanks. that was interesting and pretty funny.
Here an another nostalgia ruining fact.
The floor is not made of lava.
Dude. You're killing me. Okay, how much of this is photoshop. Seriously I have bad eyes.
I couldn't do this until I learned how to pull out that cheap ass "I have a fire-resistant tunic" card.
Its not fake. He actually did go on lava and set himself on fire for a picture.
He missed the first picture, because he got set on fire without his shoes going on fire, so he was surprised.
Fun fact about hot stuff, there is stars that we know of that are cold enough to be touched by the naked hand. Of course, if you get close enough to a star you would be ripped to shred by the gravity, but still.
What horrible cosplay. She still has her pinky. I can't jerk off to this lack of determination
Let's start a twitter campaign #bringanimatedavatarsbackonGAFj/k. I can imagine why it got disabled