
Not my picture.
This is "/v/ - the audiobook".
I warned you bro. I warned you about cats.
Holy shit LOL
CADI don't get it. :<
Maybe this will help:
Maybe this will help:
Yeah but still, what does this mean? I saw a bunch of derivatives at some point and I still didn't understand it.
From Wikipedia : "A following Zero Punctuation episode about video game webcomics, while addressing what he feels are inappropriately abrupt shifts in comic genre and tone, makes reference to the now infamous Ctrl+Alt+Del storyline in which Lilah miscarries.[38] In an interview with Joystiq on August 29, 2008, when asked about the miscarriage storyline, Jerry Holkins of Penny Arcade said that "Tim Buckley is the antichrist, and I think [that] storyline was the first horseman of the Apocalypse." while Mike Krahulik stated "I think he's an art criminal."[3][39]"
CTRL ALT DEL did a comic arc with a pregnant girlfriend which ended in a Miscarriage. The comic lost a lot of fans who thought it was really badly done and shameful. Penny arcade called CTRL ALT DEL the work of the devil because of that comic.
Here the original.
4chan used the template to make it into a meme, and transform all of his comic into something that end with the 4th Miscarriage panel or make reference to it. Some of the stuff is really dark or bad taste and so that's why I usually avoid posting the stuff here.
But in the end he looked better... right?
Maybe this will help:
lol, his friend never reactsI'm gonna break the internet with this, but finally I found out the guy was helped before something went wrong:
ok lol thats pretty goodOf course, bald is a beautiful thing.
Übermatik;86167015 said:
Isia Radwańska.
Übermatik;86167015 said: