Is this from a movie?
Is this from a movie?
I need this
ohhh dodger....
ohhh dodger....
Is this from a movie?
Looks like it's from an episode of Kamen Raider Wizard(?)
I wont lie, this is about what I think of America. If someone mentions a state and I'm curious where it is I just google it.Possibly also an Aussie
We need a Canadian costume, because Sexy Lumberjack is a big issue in America.
Canada is so much easier. And I still get confused with New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The rest is pretty easy.
Holy hell that's like 3 times as many states as I thought you had. I'm gonna blame south park for that.
We only have 7 states and a territory. Or is it 6 states and 2 territories. Whatever it is. Much more simple than Amurica and Canadia. But I'd still love to come to Canadia one day. All your squirrels and mooses and maple syrup
But Canada is still awesome.
I'm from Western Australia, so I couldn't give a shit about your American/Canadian/Neogafian states..Don't really care about the eastern states of Australia either - bastards leaching off our mining money.
north or south of the river?
I'm from Western Australia, so I couldn't give a shit about your American/Canadian/Neogafian states..Don't really care about the eastern states of Australia either - bastards leaching off our mining money.
Ok what the fuck is this picture.
South mate. Palmyra. Don't use that info to steal my identity.
^^^What is this from????
That's an Irish turnip jack-o-lantern.
happy halloween motherfuckers
Fuck that, finish the comic.
He's a skeleton. He doesn't have muscles. Those are all bones, broDidn't Skeletor always call He-Man a musclebound buffon?
They have exactly the same physique.