No, I'm pretty sure I also signed up before they did. It's just I've never posted in this thread, just lurked.
Well, back to lurking!
No lurking for you!

No, I'm pretty sure I also signed up before they did. It's just I've never posted in this thread, just lurked.
Well, back to lurking!
I'm pretty sure the plant isn't real, but I'm hedging my bets.
Okay we have to call it a truce, or else NeoGAF will implode.
Okay then fight Clydefrog since he's always looking for a fight.
i don't think he'd want to fight me. i have pigs
Okay then fight Clydefrog since he's always looking for a fight
i don't think he'd want to fight me. i have pigs
What are talking about, I found this image all by myself.hey, thief!
This hurts so bad thanks Gaming side
Wow. Never really thought about it, but seeing this kinda breaks the magic and immersion I've had of Star Wars for the past 30+ years...
if you didn't notice, it's not by Ransoomair
You are employees of [insert store name]! Whatever comes through that gate, you will stand your ground!"Okay then fight Clydefrog since he's always looking for a fight.