This download is taking one million years.
This download is taking one million years.
I also want to point at that Nintendo's QA is still one of the best in the business. Invisible load times, zero bugs, everything feels robust and clean. As a comparison, last night on PS3, Sonic Generations froze and Drake traversed the floor in Uncharted 2.
I think the whole Sunday release date thing is part of a strategy by Nintendo, for what reason I don't know... it could be that they are trying to deter the hardcore fans that they know will want their new titles on release day from ordering from an online retailer... because obviously they can't deliver on SundayHow are they supposed to swing RDD, when UPS/FEDEX/USPS are not available?!
Unless you're not an American, then I have no idea how that works for you...
Dang, saw the Miiverse community up right before heading to bed. So jelly I have to wait until Sunday to pick up my copy at GameStop
How big is the download?
It's around 3.85 GB.
Highland/wilshire? My brother....
got my gamestop code at midnight download took about 45min. Been playing for about an hour and a half and i dont want to put it down ; ;
It's a great game! I got mine earlier today and played for 5 1/2 hours already.
I started a new run yesterday. Man, even something as simple as starting a new game is a complete bullshit thanks to Wii U's OS:
- One save slot, great, that's just great;
- I figured out I will move my Pikmin 3 complete save to my USB drive;
- But I can't move the saves (there are two save files for one slot, wtf) without moving Pikmin 3 update file thanks to the WiiU OS;
- Moves everything, disconnecting the USB drive;
- Restarting the console;
- Console is searching for the USB drive that is disconnected and take 30 seconds to figure out there is nothing to search anymore in USB port 1;
- Launching Pikmin 3... since I wasn't able to move the save files separately than the rest of the Pikmin 3 stuff, the update download again...
- ... And finally 90MB and 5 mins later I can start the game with a new save file.
Wow, just wow. Anyway I did it and was able to replay the game again.
Further thoughts:
- The completed game timer is strange. I mean, it's pretty worhtless since days have a fixed duration. So, what? It's the few seconds you cut when going to the menu in the evening to finish the day, + the last seconds on the last day when you beat the final boss that makes your record? No I think they actually count the time you take in the space ship, because you can look at the map before starting a new day.
What? Really? That's strange...Completed game timer counts day restarts (my 10-day 100% run right now is at about 30 hours since I've been doing a lot of restarts to try things out even though I'm at day 4).
Edit: Just saw that someone's been posting saying that the timer doesn't count resets. Again, I've done 3 days and am starting on day 4 (about 1 hour of playtime with no resets) and clocked up over 30 hours of ingame time already on this save file.
Im in love gaf. Been playing for 5 hours. The game is very intricate, especially the level design, from the get go.
The charm has been amped a notch and the presentation is absolutely delicious.
My favorite line so far?
ALPH: they don't call me the keen engineer for nothing!
BRITTNEY: nobody calls you that.
ALPH: true. *sigh*
Nintendo localization shines again.
Over 5 years in development seems rushed to you? K...
Nice catch! I didn't dare to take pictures there for the sake of my pikmins.A few of my pics:
That area just looked breathtaking to me.Nice catch! I didn't dare to take puctures there for the sake of my pikmins.
I am playing this inbetween sessions of completing ass creed 3. Man the difference is insane. That nintendo polish!
I covered this question in the FAQ & Tips picture at the top of this page actually! This question has been asked a LOT.So im collection all the fruits after beating the game yesterday, im in the garden of hope and I still cant figure how to get up the zone at the nort of the map, the one that has like a bronze box in the floor that does nothing but put a number above the pikmins you throw there.
Im trying to look somewhere in the internet of how to get up there and still I cant find it, all the guides go straight to beating the game.
Can someone help me get up there?
So there's no way to get Pikmin today unless you have that GS preorder?
I covered this question in the FAQ & Tips picture at the top of this page actually! This question has been asked a LOT.
Check your KopPad for an area hint. If you still can't figure it out, here's another hint:look for the red jumping pad
"Hi, I'm calling to see if you have copies of Pikmin 3."
Did you order it online? I think you mean Tuesday...Monday is a holiday
From Future Shop, I don't see any holiday on Monday in Quebec...but there's one in Ontario and the pkg is from Mississauga NOOOO.
Oh's already in Montreal, thank God!
for those who aleady beat the game
?how many days took you to save Olimar from the golden creature, before the real boss battle
When does this unlock on the eShop channel for download? *In the US
From Future Shop, I don't see any holiday on Monday in Quebec...but there's one in Ontario and the pkg is from Mississauga NOOOO.
Oh's already in Montreal, thank God!