Gamestop had one non pre order copy left yeah!I just picked one up and they had 3 extras. YMMV I'm sure though.
Hi! I'm considering picking this up today, but I don't own a Motion Plus controller. Is it still an enjoyable experience with the gamepad?
Well that was fun. Was watching my friend stream the early goings of the game and he just ragequit on the first boss. I'm honestly not sure if he's ever going to pick the game back up again. The reason: lack of swarming, because he got annoyed about having to throw pikmin to get them to do things, and because he believes that if he could swarm, he could get his pikmin to dodge out of the way of the boss' primary attack.
Personally I just think he's being kind of a baby, but has this been a serious problem for others starting up the game? I know you get the dodge and charge moves eventually, but how long do you have to go to reach that point?
This question might have been asked to death, but what if i'm a pikmin newbie (never played 1 or 2), Is 3 going to be easy to jump in and understand?
I do have a regular wii remote actually. Would that be a better option than using the gamepad?It works well enough IMO after you get used to it. However if you have a regular wii remote, it does support those as well evidently.
Personally I just think he's being kind of a baby, but has this been a serious problem for others starting up the game? I know you get the dodge and charge moves eventually, but how long do you have to go to reach that point?
I do have a regular wii remote actually. Would that be a better option than using the gamepad?
Well that was fun. Was watching my friend stream the early goings of the game and he just ragequit on the first boss. I'm honestly not sure if he's ever going to pick the game back up again. The reason: lack of swarming, because he got annoyed about having to throw pikmin to get them to do things, and because he believes that if he could swarm, he could get his pikmin to dodge out of the way of the boss' primary attack.
Personally I just think he's being kind of a baby, but has this been a serious problem for others starting up the game? I know you get the dodge and charge moves eventually, but how long do you have to go to reach that point?
Well that was fun. Was watching my friend stream the early goings of the game and he just ragequit on the first boss. I'm honestly not sure if he's ever going to pick the game back up again. The reason: lack of swarming, because he got annoyed about having to throw pikmin to get them to do things, and because he believes that if he could swarm, he could get his pikmin to dodge out of the way of the boss' primary attack.
Personally I just think he's being kind of a baby, but has this been a serious problem for others starting up the game? I know you get the dodge and charge moves eventually, but how long do you have to go to reach that point?
I lost like 2 of my 100 pikmin on that boss. Just lock on and you will see his attack from a mile away. And if he's down have all your Pikmin swarm him, you can to that at that point already.Well that was fun. Was watching my friend stream the early goings of the game and he just ragequit on the first boss. I'm honestly not sure if he's ever going to pick the game back up again. The reason: lack of swarming, because he got annoyed about having to throw pikmin to get them to do things, and because he believes that if he could swarm, he could get his pikmin to dodge out of the way of the boss' primary attack.
Personally I just think he's being kind of a baby, but has this been a serious problem for others starting up the game? I know you get the dodge and charge moves eventually, but how long do you have to go to reach that point?
-the art is fantastic, as expected for a pikmin game, but I honestly think the game is not very pretty, especially on a big screen tv. It is clearly a Wii game in 720p. Jaggies fucking everywhere!!! Such a shame. This is a game that needs to be in 1080p to truly appreciate.
So this was quickly becoming my GOTY. Then I discovered the camera lock on/charge move. Now it's my game of the forever. I'm so happy to be playing a new Pikmin after all this time.
the Charge!!! mechanic is seriously satisfying
Just look at this craziness
There is a day 1 patch, though it only is for the miiverse functionality apparently. You can play while it downloadsI saw Dax's comment about the system update, but that's just because he just bought his WiiU, right? There's no day 1 patch to play Pikmin 3?
I saw Dax's comment about the system update, but that's just because he just bought his WiiU, right? There's no day 1 patch to play Pikmin 3?
I think I lost more Pikmin in that first boss battle than in 1 + 2 combined.
RIP in piece.
Wii game in 720p? Wii game in 720p...-the art is fantastic, as expected for a pikmin game, but I honestly think the game is not very pretty, especially on a big screen tv. It is clearly a Wii game in 720p. Jaggies fucking everywhere!!! Such a shame. This is a game that needs to be in 1080p to truly appreciate.
I'm not a boy!I saw Dax's comment about the system update, but that's just because he just bought his WiiU, right? There's no day 1 patch to play Pikmin 3?
The jaggies aren't nearly as bad as I was expecting to be honest. Though nintendo has never seemed to see any importance in AA. Jaggies are one of my biggest annoyances in games, no matter how well done the art style is jaggies just kill all the visuals for me.
I've been playing and for me it's very clear that Pikmin 3 is 30 fps. But I have an annoying friend that can't accept that Pikmin 3 isn't 60 fps. Is there any official information (from any Nintendo rep) that says that Pikmin 3 is 30 fps? ;-)
Anyone else having trouble with the Secret memos? I just found a video that shows all of them, but what do they do?
Here's my haul for the day.
Got DKCR coming in the mail for me too.
It's 30fps. It's just got nice pp.
Can you use the map on the game pad to send a separate group somewhere?
On the whole if you've played the previous two games, or even just one of them then Pikmin 3 is a perfect sequel. If you've never had the chance to sample the game before then this is easily one of the best games out on the Wii U right now, and definitely one of the most fun games of all time.
Is there an alternative for this on the wii remote? Seems like a pretty crucial feature.Yes, if you move the map you will see a cursor centered on the Gamepad that has the option "Go there" for the active leader.
Is there an alternative for this on the wii remote? Seems like a pretty crucial feature.