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Pillars of Eternity by Obsidian Entertainment (Kickstarter) [Up: Teaser]


There might have been something like that in NWN2, but I don't think so.
That's really the only other RPG I can think of with an extensive fortress.

Dragon Age origins Awakening had a fortress that had a prison you could throw people into but I don't think they broke out.


Yeah that Stronghold stuff sounds wonderful and is about as meaty as i could have hoped a stretch goal to be. Hope they can pull this stuff off.


there's just this comforting feeling to know tim cain is working on this heh

like things are gonna be ok

Spot on. Each and every update that comes through from the Eternity team reaffirms the feeling that this game is being made 'just for me' (a feeling probably shared by many, which just goes to show there's a market for such titles), and you're right, be it Tim or anyone else involved, it all feels very much like this game is in safe hands.

In ambition and scope, the stronghold concept is sounding far above and beyond what I was expecting. Great stuff.



If you have cleared the dungeon and built a prison under your stronghold, then when you are fighting some of the named NPC’s in the game, you will be given an option to take them prisoner instead of killing them. Prisoners are kept in a cell in your prison, where you can visit them and talk to them, and occasionally use them as leverage later in the game. But you will need to keep your security level high, or you might suffer from a prison break!

That's such a neat idea. I don't think I've ever seen something like in in an RPG. I had no idea the stronghold was going to be this mechanically complex. It sounds super cool!


Spot on. Each and every update that comes through from the Eternity team reaffirms the feeling that this game is being made 'just for me' (a feeling probably shared by many, which just goes to show there's a market for such titles), and you're right, be it Tim or anyone else involved, it all feels very much like this game is in safe hands.

In ambition and scope, the stronghold concept is sounding far above and beyond what I was expecting. Great stuff.

tim's the dad I wish I had


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

If you have cleared the dungeon and built a prison under your stronghold, then when you are fighting some of the named NPC’s in the game, you will be given an option to take them prisoner instead of killing them. Prisoners are kept in a cell in your prison, where you can visit them and talk to them, and occasionally use them as leverage later in the game. But you will need to keep your security level high, or you might suffer from a prison break!



Unconfirmed Member

If you have cleared the dungeon and built a prison under your stronghold, then when you are fighting some of the named NPC’s in the game, you will be given an option to take them prisoner instead of killing them. Prisoners are kept in a cell in your prison, where you can visit them and talk to them, and occasionally use them as leverage later in the game. But you will need to keep your security level high, or you might suffer from a prison break!

I want this now. I want to know just how many important named NPCs I'll be able to keep locked up in my Dungeons of Doom.


And now I'm wondering if a sufficiently Lawful Evil character would be able to indulge in, uh, Enhanced Interrogation.


Unconfirmed Member

If you have cleared the dungeon and built a prison under your stronghold, then when you are fighting some of the named NPC’s in the game, you will be given an option to take them prisoner instead of killing them. Prisoners are kept in a cell in your prison, where you can visit them and talk to them, and occasionally use them as leverage later in the game. But you will need to keep your security level high, or you might suffer from a prison break!

Now I get to lock up all the NPC's who are powerful than me (my character) in the Dungeon, let them escape and shove them into the Dungeon again.


All of this looks great, but i have the feeling that every design docs look like this at the start, but is soon crushed by the realities of games production.
Still, if they pull this through even in some aspect, i will be content.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
All of this looks great, but i have the feeling that every design docs look like this at the start, but is soon crushed by the realities of games production.
Still, if they pull this through even in some aspect, i will be content.

It's easy to assume that the lofty goals here can't be achieved considering the kinds of RPGs we get these days, but BG2 and Torment, vastly ambitious and fantastic games, already exist and were made ages ago with small teams and a much less efficient workflow than is possible now. All the money with modern RPGs gets spent on HD asset creation, voice acting, and open world engine development, while the core game here is in writing and combat mechanics, and those mainly require talent, not manpower. Chris Avellone, Josh Sawyer, Tim Cain, George Ziets, et al can handle that front in spades.
oh god dat update.
it's too much. I wanna have my stronghold NOW
It's easy to assume that the lofty goals here can't be achieved considering the kinds of RPGs we get these days, but BG2 and Torment, vastly ambitious and fantastic games, already exist and were made ages ago with small teams and a much less efficient workflow than is possible now. All the money with modern RPGs gets spent on HD asset creation, voice acting, and open world engine development, while the core game here is in writing and combat mechanics, and those mainly require talent, not manpower. Chris Avellone, Josh Sawyer, Tim Cain, George Ziets, et al can handle that front in spades.


With a 2D engine and the plot being projected through text rather than VA-cutscenes, you can do so many more creative things at a reduced cost.

I mean, a prison system is just having an area in the game populated by NPCs you've defeated (and then through dialogue captured). That's a piece of pie, even if you throw in 5,000 characters of prison-related dialogue for each and every one of your prisoners.

With a 2D engine and the plot being projected through text rather than VA-cutscenes, you can do so many more creative things at a reduced cost.

I mean, a prison system is just having an area in the game populated by NPCs you've defeated (and then through dialogue captured). That's a piece of pie, even if you throw in 5,000 characters of prison-related dialogue for each and every one of your prisoners.

It feels pretty novel for a piece of pie though. :)

With a 2D engine and the plot being projected through text rather than VA-cutscenes, you can do so many more creative things at a reduced cost.

I mean, a prison system is just having an area in the game populated by NPCs you've defeated (and then through dialogue captured). That's a piece of pie, even if you throw in 5,000 characters of prison-related dialogue for each and every one of your prisoners.

yup. not necessarily a piece of pie but manageable. I find the lack of faith disturbing. just because it's no AAA title doesn't mean it can't be well-produced. plus you actually have some people working on it who know what they're doing.


Gold Member
They do also say that the stronghold is currently mostly programmed in already too, so this is more than just design ideas perhaps.

Sending idle NPCs on adventures for income and xp reminds me a little of F2P games though, however I'm sure they're implemented in a way other than 30 mins: +200 gold / 20 exp, 1 hour: +300 gold / 30 exp, 2 hours: +400 gold / 40 exp, etc.


All of this looks great, but i have the feeling that every design docs look like this at the start, but is soon crushed by the realities of games production.
Still, if they pull this through even in some aspect, i will be content.

It's not just a "design doc" though. The update is about Tim Cain has implemented based on the design from Sawyer:

"First, a caveat: I am going to describe the stronghold as it is currently designed. This design is mostly programmed already too, but as with all development, it might change as we finish the art and audio, fix any bugs, and tune the game play. So please view this as a snapshot of the stronghold development as it exists today."

It's programmed, it's working, and like with most of the systems described in the updates, it's playable in one form or another. It could change, but that would not be due to failure to implement, but rather balance and tuning as the rest of the game and content comes together.
They do also say that the stronghold is currently mostly programmed in already too, so this is more than just design ideas perhaps.

Sending idle NPCs on adventures for income and xp reminds me a little of F2P games though, however I'm sure they're implemented in a way other than 30 mins: +200 gold / 20 exp, 1 hour: +300 gold / 30 exp, 2 hours: +400 gold / 40 exp, etc.

I mostly see that feature as a way to keep your inactive companions from lagging behind in terms of XP.


I'd like to throw two NPCs that hate each other on the same cell, make them fight to the death and recruit whoever survive to my party.


Actually, reading that, and thinking further: I'd quite like to see a game entirely centred on the stronghold - something like a more robust Obsidian take on the My Life As A King model.

I think there's potential in that idea. For a different game, I stress, I'm not talking about wanting something different out of this!

I'd like to throw two NPCs that hate each other on the same cell, make them fight to the death and recruit whoever survive to my party.
Stockholm syndrome!

... I can't help but think that the whole Stronghold concept has a lot more potential for people willing to be evil :)


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Actually, reading that, and thinking further: I'd quite like to see a game entirely centred on the stronghold - something like a more robust Obsidian take on the My Life As A King model.

I think there's potential in that idea. For a different game, I stress, I'm not talking about wanting something different out of this!

Stockholm syndrome!

... I can't help but think that the whole Stronghold concept has a lot more potential for people willing to be evil :)

Act 2 of NWN2's original campaign may as well be called a dedicated stronghold simulator. Unfortunately they couldn't quite hit the payoff due to technical limitations.


They do also say that the stronghold is currently mostly programmed in already too, so this is more than just design ideas perhaps.

Sending idle NPCs on adventures for income and xp reminds me a little of F2P games though, however I'm sure they're implemented in a way other than 30 mins: +200 gold / 20 exp, 1 hour: +300 gold / 30 exp, 2 hours: +400 gold / 40 exp, etc.

I also have this objection. I think just reaction based response system would be good imo.

For example if character A and B don't like each other something could happen when you are not in you home. Or if you leave someone for to long he will simply leave group.
It would be good mechanic to have actual team instead of pokemon codex.

This is part of BG i liked. Characters did things on their own and they had their stories including times when they weren't available to team for a while.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
They do also say that the stronghold is currently mostly programmed in already too, so this is more than just design ideas perhaps.

Sending idle NPCs on adventures for income and xp reminds me a little of F2P games though, however I'm sure they're implemented in a way other than 30 mins: +200 gold / 20 exp, 1 hour: +300 gold / 30 exp, 2 hours: +400 gold / 40 exp, etc.

I'm picturing something similar to the way Monster Hunter 3U handles Streetpasses: you can send people out on "quests" (with maybe an investment of resources to increase chances of success) and when you return later they're back having either succeeded or failed.

That would be really cool


All the money with modern RPGs gets spent on HD asset creation, voice acting, and open world engine development, while the core game here is in writing and combat mechanics, and those mainly require talent, not manpower. Chris Avellone, Josh Sawyer, Tim Cain, George Ziets, et al can handle that front in spades.
As a start i have to say that to date my most fondly remembered 'stronghold' in rpgs was the one in Obsidians' Neverwinter Nights 2, so i know they are really skilled in this area. As fun and as complicated that was it seems that it still isn't as complex as Eternity's systems will be.

I think it's a testament of the games' strenght when something seems too good to be true.

It's not just a "design doc" though. The update is about Tim Cain has implemented based on the design from Sawyer:
This part totally went over my head when i was reading the update, i din't realized it's already implemented. I guess scripting systems and quests got really easier since they last did a 2d infinity game.

Also: I've checked when this thread got made and holy shit it's been a year already? I feel like it was yesterday when i backed this game.

Also 2: So they've stuck with the Project: Eternity name for the time being? I'm curious when they'll reveal the proper title. Do you guys think it will just be 'Eternity'?


Reading about sending out companions on quests made me think of the Final Fantasy Tactics games and sending your units out on errands.


It's already been a year?

The stronghold sounds incredible. At this pace maybe it will be done and released in 2014.


The stronghold sounds huge and fully featured almost like it could be the focus of its own game. It sounds like the player might have enough time to run home and handle the events if they want to.

There was no mention of alignment being involved so I wonder if the reactivity will be restricted to linear relationships of security and prestige or if other factors will creep in like being feared or respected.


The stronghold sounds huge and fully featured almost like it could be the focus of its own game. It sounds like the player might have enough time to run home and handle the events if they want to.

There was no mention of alignment being involved so I wonder if the reactivity will be restricted to linear relationships of security and prestige or if other factors will creep in like being feared or respected.

There are no good/evil alignments in Eternity.
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