Yeah, there's no way their SDCC panel was real, then.
That was for part 2 I believe.
Yeah, there's no way their SDCC panel was real, then.
Just starting to play this (it came out at a bad time for me) and I'm really liking it so far.
I chose a Fighter because this should be an easy class to play as a beginner. No idea which skills I'm supposed to go for, but I'm just rolling with it and putting points into skills I think are good.
What I enjoy the most is the dialogue choices and the quests. Oh man, the quests. I'm enjoying the main quest but all these side quests are so good as well. I'm only in the starting city now, the one with the big corpse tree and I'm hooked.
and you still haven't reached Act 2 yet. Oh god.
You have like 100000 of quests (exaggerating, but you get the point) available at some point and it's so good.
Killed him and his men.Sorry for the double post. Also, Act 3 sidequest spoilers
So... difficult decision up ahead, I think. Either. I don't like either choice but I'm inclined toI kill an orlan kid or the respected leader of the glanfathan tribekill the guy, 'cause he's a bit of a xenophobic asshole. Then again, I do see his point when a lot of foreigners throughout his life have been more interested in pillaging/plundering/conquering/killing than something else.
Ugh, choices, choices. What did you guys do at that point?
One correction.Allright, got some info about TWM expansion.
- No preorders, will go live on Aug, 25th.
- Price is 14.99 USD for Part I. Part I & II are 24.99 USD.
I think I'll buy both parts together. No sense in wasting 5 dollars more when buying Part 2 next year, or whatever.
Yeah I definitely am grabbing both parts for $25. I already know I am going to buy pretty much all PoE content Obsidian throws my way.
Because, I gotta be honest - I haven't finished PoE yet and I want a sequel.
I'm in the same boat. I'm not sure why I haven't finished it yet, but with the exp coming it might be the swift kick in the balls that I need.
So, I never got very far in this when I first started and I plan on waiting for 2.0 now before starting over. But, question, does the expansion sort of integrate into the main campaign, or is it an additional thing beyond?
Like, would it be better to buy the expansion before starting a new game, or would it be fine to just beat the base game, then buy the expansion if I want, because it all happens afterwards/separately?
It's definitely not a sequel - more of a big quest that opens up after you gain your stronghold in the main game (which is early/mid game, I'd say?)
Time flies.
I'll go 25$ for both. I'm just glad they increased the level cap and working on encounters.
$25 for WM 1&2? Where are you getting that price from?
That's the official Obsidian word. One expansion for $15 or both for $25.
Oh wow I didn't even know about these, awesome!
Those sound cool. I wonder how they'll balance the unlocks to avoid a feeling of "grinding." Hopefully the progression is meaningful without feeling pointless or grind-y.
Just starting to play this (it came out at a bad time for me) and I'm really liking it so far.
I chose a Fighter because this should be an easy class to play as a beginner. No idea which skills I'm supposed to go for, but I'm just rolling with it and putting points into skills I think are good.
What I enjoy the most is the dialogue choices and the quests. Oh man, the quests. I'm enjoying the main quest but all these side quests are so good as well. I'm only in the starting city now, the one with the big corpse tree and I'm hooked.
NOTE: Backups of 1.06 saves are created in your Saved Games folder. 2.0+ saves may not be used in 1.06 and earlier builds.
I think you have it reversed - it is saying saves created after you update to 2.0 will not be compatible with older versions of the game. It makes pre-2.0 backups of any saves you have when you update to 2.0 just in case.
Will the expansion be available on GOG? There doesn't seem to be anything about it on the site.