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Pilotwings Resort |OT| Slip the surly bonds of Earth


Marbles said:
Does anyone else find that when the 3D is switched ON everything seems a lot more colourful compared to when it's off?

I thought it was supposed to be the opposite? Maybe it's just be me.

I tried playing on 2D earlier, and it's just...bland. It's servicable, but playing in 3D adds just so much to the experience, it's unreal.
My flight time:
Free flight: 2 hours 16 minutes
Mission: 1 hour 11 minutes
Total: 3 hours 27 minutes

Personally while I still would have liked another island or two this game has absolutely been worth $40 to me. I'm having a blast.
imthemaid said:
do they always start you off in the air? do you ever get to take off from the ground or water?

Yes, but it doesnt give you any points (although you could bump into something were they take 2) I think hang glider is the only one that always starts in the air.


Been playing an hour. I don't know... It's fun, I guess, but sort of bland. I understand that it's being faithful to the prior two games, which I played a ridiculous amount back in the day. But come on, it's 2011, this is it?


I don't think the issue with the game is the old style gameplay (unless you're a weird person who needs fast paced action games all the time these days), but that the challenge has been toned down a lot from the earlier PilotWings games.

More forgiving targets, you can even crash and respawn (would have ended your game in the older titles)!
This game rocks my balls off. So awesome.

I'm searching for the last two glider balloons in free flight.

I'm hoping against hope that getting all the collectibles in that unlocks a timer-less variant of that, but I assume we got hosed and I'll end up with a 5 minute max timer.

Can anyone who's gotten all of that confirm?


I'm stuck on 59 gold rings and it's driving me round the Fucking twist. Anybody got all 60 and know of some obscure shit I might be missing?


Anybody that can play with over half 3d on this is my hero. I just put a little bitty, like 20% and holy shit does this look good.

The shit is amazing, only did the training missions and flew around a bit.

Oh my gaaaaaaaaah
Awesome game. Does anyone know how to unlock the camera? I've only seen it in one hang glider mission. Is it only available in the hang glider?


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Boney said:
Anybody that can play with over half 3d on this is my hero. I just put a little bitty, like 20% and holy shit does this look good.

The shit is amazing, only did the training missions and flew around a bit.

Oh my gaaaaaaaaah
Oh, so it's not just me? I stop taking my vision for granted when I try this game with 3D on maximum. It's insane.
Pink Floyd on headphones + Pilotwings is total win.

the 3d is a little strong in this title compared to the other ones I played and feel its a little short on location (we can pray for some DLC, but I dont see it happening) overall having alot of fun with this.
EDIT: a true free flight wouldve been nice as well
Boney said:
Anybody that can play with over half 3d on this is my hero. I just put a little bitty, like 20% and holy shit does this look good.

The shit is amazing, only did the training missions and flew around a bit.

Oh my gaaaaaaaaah

I can do a lot of the missions at 100%.
Though, sometimes I notice a slight double image so I have to turn it to about 75%.
I suck at this game soo bad that its gonna take me hours just to clear the bare minimum on it. People who got like the 3 stars in everything in like 3 hours can suck a big fat one.

And I, too, am a 100%er when it comes to 3d slider.


I can play the game at 100% for long periods, but it's a little overwhelming. I'm like the guy in the F-Zero SNES commercial.
this is seriously becoming one of my favorite launch games. I'm 5 hours in right now, just unlocked Gold, 3 stars in everything so far, and perfect scores on everything in Bronze. Now I just need to perfect Silver before starting Gold

and oh my god at the dioramas in 3D. They look so great. It really looks like you can just reach up and grab them.
Wow I don't know why I went and bashed this game before hand. It's pretty challenging and not so easy as I was expecting. I thought it was ripped totally from WSR but it definitely isn't. Playing in 3D feels great, so far have played an hour or so and finished Trainer & Bronze classes, so now I'm up to Silver.

I am so happy with all of my launch games. :)

However, sometimes I can't have it on full blast. This and Monkey Ball seem to be the culprits!
Boney said:
your eyes

give them to me


But... I do still need them for a bit.


Always 100%, all day.

I was at my brother's earlier today and he said it burned his eyes when he looked at it.




Izayoi said:
Always 100%, all day.

I was at my brother's earlier today and he said it burned his eyes when he looked at it.



I've gotten used to it, played it for about an hour while at work (was mainly hoping for a few Streetpass moments, but no one seems to either be running it has a 3DS at work boo) and did not get one bit of eye strain or fatigue while playing.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Weenerz said:
I've gotten used to it, played it for about an hour while at work (was mainly hoping for a few Streetpass moments, but no one seems to either be running it has a 3DS at work boo) and did not get one bit of eye strain or fatigue while playing.
It's not that I can't handle it because my eyes start bothering me. I can't even understand what's on he screen when it's at 100%.

I envy you guys.


AceBandage said:
I can do a lot of the missions at 100%.
Though, sometimes I notice a slight double image so I have to turn it to about 75%.

Try deliberately focussing on the plane(/glider/rocketbelt). That's roughly in the plane of the screen, and should alleviate double-image issues.


lawblob said:
How far away do you 100% freaks hold the system away from your face?

Well I have no idea with the exact distance, but I hold it quite far from my face, about mid chest level (pretty much how the guide tells you). During flight, I will slide the 3D slider to full when I want to view the far distance, mid when I'm focusing in the foreground.


I think you guys might be on to something. If I hold the system about two feet away, I can push the 3D up almost to the max! Still a little wonky, but the further the better for me.

The music in this game is fantastic! Love that wacky sax.
FUCK YEAH Beat the game with 3 stars on all medals. Some missions and the whole training medal were beat with red stars. The most difficult mission is the jetpack were you need to hit the golden ballons, fuck that mission, fuck it in the ass. I dont know If I would get the red perfect stars in all missions, some of them are really difficult.

Saw the credits and now:
They gave me the diamond medal, three new long missions with the super plane, super jetpack and pedal hang glider. They seem rather difficult and most of them you need to rank up more than 500 points.
I suppose they give you something more when you beat them with 3 stars.


Has anyone managed to find all 60 gold rings yet? I've searched around the web and there is quite a few people having the same problem. I'm just hoping someone here has them all and it's not some weird glitch no one knows about.
OK. Beat the diamond medal with 3 stars!
When you beat it it says:

-Now try to get the perfect scores! (does that mean theres another secret?)
New diorama unlocked (meca hawk!)
Look for something new and amazing during free flight in Wuhu Island (I suppose is meca hawk)

13 hours of playtime. Yeah, 2.5h... and I havent beat the free mode or even got perfect scores in all missions (nearly impossible).

waru said:
The dioramas in this game are really the best showcase of the 3D effect!
Indeed they are amazing, I cant wait if the decide to have a Super Samsh Bros 3DS to see the figurines in 3D or even using AR card to put them in your room.
Finally tried this one before going to bed last night, with headphones on.

So glad I trusted the positive reviews and impressions. I missed Pilotwings. Only did 3-4 missions, so I don't know if there'll be enough variety to keep me hooked, but I love what I played so far.
SpacePirate Ridley said:
The last info ring in free mode is:
Meca Hawk

So you cant get it until you beat all the missions with 3 stars.
Oh that's good to know, that's the only one I'm missing as it turns out.

3 starring all the missions is going to be quite a challenge for me, as much as I love this game I'm not terribly good at it.
Damn you all and your 3D seeing eyes. All I see is a badly blurred screen that pains my eyes regardless of 3D level, distance, angle. I've shown Pilotwings to a couple people and they thought it looked amazing in 3D so at least I know my 3DS isn't broken.

As for the game, I know it's been beaten to death but man do I want more islands. The missions and free flying are still everything I love about Pilotwings though.
Neuromancer said:
Oh that's good to know, that's the only one I'm missing as it turns out.

3 starring all the missions is going to be quite a challenge for me, as much as I love this game I'm not terribly good at it.

From what I have been playing it seems most of the missions require little tricks of how to brake or go faster, or how you tilt the stick. If any of you want some help becuase they are having a hard time during a missions just ask.
But dont ask me about the jetpack golden balloon missios, that was just pure luck. :lol

Im having a hard time finding some of the thing in free mode, like the statues, only 5 or 4 to go and I dont know were to find them, Im sure ive been in every inch of every island.
I went to Target last night and they had a 3DS display with this game. I let out a little "Oooh!" when I saw it and immediately began to play. Unfortunately, the game started and I couldn't really "see" anything :( I mean, I noticed a change when messing with the slider but nothing like I expected.

My main problem was that it hurt my eyes. I felt so ashamed D: I DON'T WANT TO LIVE IF IT WILL BE LIKE THIS FOR EVERY GAME.


I'm usually @ 100%, although I do run into problems sometimes as every now and then my hands will move while banking hard. The only mission that I really couldn't do at 100% was popping the balloons that are being dragged behind the car. I do have a fair bit of experience with 3dVision so it probably helps.

I'm definitely enjoying the game. First time I've delved into Pilot Wings and it's a lot harder than I expected so I'm thankful for that as it'll give me reason to keep trying to improve my score. I'm playing Ghost as my main game, but it's nice to come to Pilot Wings for a break or to demo the system for someone.

I am a little disappointed that there's no true free flight mode (at least not one I've found), every once in awhile I'd like to just grab the plane and just fly around with no time limit.
Fixed1979 said:
I am a little disappointed that there's no true free flight mode (at least not one I've found), every once in awhile I'd like to just grab the plane and just fly around with no time limit.
Well most if not all of the missions let you fly around at your leisure if you ignore the objectives, you just won't have the collection stuff that you do in free flight mode.
What I've found with this game is that it looks great at 100% if you don't look at your character. Just like in real life you chose to either focus on the distance or what is right in front of you. Whatever you aren't focusing on you'll get a double image of -- just like real life! With such a vast landscape and such tiny characters in comparison I believe this was unavoidable in a game like this unless you are gonna mess with the slider to find a more neutral position.

I'm betting people who say they can't handle this game at 100% wouldn't have any trouble flying the airplane in first person mode.


Neuromancer said:
Well most if not all of the missions let you fly around at your leisure if you ignore the objectives, you just won't have the collection stuff that you do in free flight mode.

Never even thought of that! Looking forward to exploring now thanks.


I'm thinking of picking up the game today, from what I gather there's no way to just fly around with no time limit ? (EDIT: Nevermind, this was answered above :))

Also, I don't mind it being only one island, but how long does it take to finish all the challenges ?

Finally, are the challenges hard or is the game relatively easy ?

CaLe said:
I'm thinking of picking up the game today, from what I gather there's no way to just fly around with no time limit ? (EDIT: Nevermind, this was answered above :))

Also, I don't mind it being only one island, but how long does it take to finish all the challenges ?

Finally, are the challenges hard or is the game relatively easy ?

I'd say to 3 star all challenges will probably take 10 hours. They get very tough.
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