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Pitchfork's Top 50 Albums of 2011

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Can't believe Balam (my fav record of the year) didn't even make the list / HM after the praise they gave it.

It would have been really sweet if they had given it to Let England Shake. Great album.


Kaputt is actually pretty enjoyable, yet they are nothing but a Phoenix-lite. WTF happened to the pioneers of the genre? I want Phoenix back dammit. Does the new M83 actually tread any new ground? I gave up on them after Dead Cities...


Also agree with Dreams-Visions, the NPR lists are a whole lot more balanced, their world music selections are always top notch, whereas Pitchfork is always heavily indie biased.
Why is hip-hop/R&B the only mainstream musical genre they take seriously? I've always wondered that about them.

As far as modern chart radio goes, that's basically the only mainstream music there is. I like chart radio so I've never though twice about that, but I always think they're going to step their metal game up a bit and they still basically ignore most of the scene. I'm not really a metal guy, either, but there's a huge, varied scene with a lot of cool stuff going on so it's weird they pay so little attention to it.


Diverse list, there's not really any reason to nitpick too much... as I said last year... lists only serve as gateways to new music. I usually look at end of the year lists and take the ones that correspond most with my taste and look up all the artists I don't know. No reason to take this so seriously, it's just their opinion :). There's a few albums on that list I really really liked.

Midnight City also happens to be my top track of the year, so I won't argue with it's placement. Vanessa by Grimes + 212 by Azalea Banks is great as well, would of gave Balam Acab at least a mention somewhere though... too bad, Wander/Wonder is great.


Love these end of year lists from pitchfork because I can learn and pick up a bunch of albums that I didn't know about before, or knew about, but brushed them aside. I will say that this years list totally surprised me with their top 5 compared to last years.

SBTRKT and Sepalcure are fucking amazing, I'm probably gonna give War on Drugs a listen next. Not sure about that Danny dude though, listened to that single they provided and he sounds like a dog barking rhymes...

I'd rather put feces in my ears then listen to take care.

Keep reviewing hip hop pitchfork... morons

Album is good, keep that hate flowing


this list reminded me that i had forgot about that destroyer record due to the other shit that came out early in the year (namely James Blake) and I just listened to it front to back for the first time today.

holy shit it's incredible. my favorite of his records and one of the best i've heard this year! i'm going to have to alter my year-end list.


Neo Member
this list reminded me that i had forgot about that destroyer record due to the other shit that came out early in the year (namely James Blake) and I just listened to it front to back for the first time today.

holy shit it's incredible. my favorite of his records and one of the best i've heard this year! i'm going to have to alter my year-end list.

excellent <3
Tuneyards is the Dirty Projectors of this year. That obtuse art rock group that some people hate and some people love.

I love a lot of albums on this list but it's missing the Thurston Moore album.
I love a lot of albums on this list but it's missing the Thurston Moore album.

Yep, Demolished Thoughts was criminally underrated. Not only is it beautiful in terms of songwriting, but knowing the context (him and Kim splitting) changes the entire feel of the record. I think it's his version of "Sea Change." Heavy album.


tagged by Blackace
So yeah I'm a huge Kanye Stan and my knowledge of Bon Iver is limited to MBDTF, which I absolutely loved (even though there was so little of it). Do y'all think I'd enjoy his album or is it radically different from what my taste/presumptions are/his work on MBDTF?


So yeah I'm a huge Kanye Stan and my knowledge of Bon Iver is limited to MBDTF, which I absolutely loved (even though there was so little of it). Do y'all think I'd enjoy his album or is it radically different from what my taste/presumptions are/his work on MBDTF?

Way different. You might still like it though.


How the fuck did they miss Oneirology?

Have to say, surprised and pleased to see ArabMusik on there. Album is fucking awesome. Nice, moodier, more bad ass but dance esque switch up from the more popular dub step of recent days, ala Magnetic Man, Katy B etc.


Listen to For Emma first...All of his stuff kind of sounds the same, so any track will do. But For Emma is far and away his opus.

Jesus christ, what? Burst Apart doesn't even match Hospice, much less Bon Iver.

You said even like Hospice wasn't a great record, but I'd disagree anyway. Hospice was a concept album of sorts with an entirely different mood and a very different sound. It's hard to compare the two. Bon Iver goes out of his comfort zone very little, while Burst Apart takes shows a little more ambition.

Also Enzo check out How to Dress Well, which is pretty similar to Bon Iver.
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