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Pitchfork's Top 50 Albums of 2011

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Really, when it comes to that kind of stuff it just seems like it's obviously going to be divisive. Like I like a few songs by Cocorosie, but I know at least 60 percent of everyone that listens to it is going to hate it. I just have a feeling.


The King of Limbs was my album of the year, but I can (sort of) understand it not being on a top 50 list if you compare it to Radiohead's previous work. No Battles or Neon Indian though? Fuuuuuuck that.

I cannot restate how shitty it is that there is no Era Extrana on the list. I hate you foreverrrrrrrrr shinjirarenaiiiiiii

You're a cool dog, Timedude.


The lack of WU LYF is particularly baffling to me. It got BNM'd and to see it not even get an honorable mention make zero sense to me. Awesome band with a really unique sound.


That shit sounds like a watered down version of Psychic Chasms, good riddance.
That's your opinion. I think it sounds like a superior version of Psychic Chasms. The only track I didn't like on Era was Blindside Kiss, because it sounded so out of place.

Wu LYF sounds like something you might find in an Urban Outfitters music sampler cd.
Lol. I thought it was a solid album. Not great, but a top 50 album. Sounds like a worse Modest Mouse.


I'm biased towards somewhat downtempo songs of melancholy. Wit's End is slightly more depressing than Humor Risk, which makes it superior to me : P
Oh I see your point :) I do really like Kate Bush's new album which would fit a melancholy mood as well ;-)


good credit (by proxy)
I checked out that video "polish girl" when you confessed your love the first time. I liked.

That's actually one of the weaker songs on the album IMO, check out Fallout, Arcade Blues (those street fighter II samples!), Blindside Kiss, or Hex Girlfriend.

Fallout sounds like it should be on the Drive soundtrack.
i just noticed araabmuzik's electronic dream is there as #40. fucking bullshit list. i guess all i have to do to make it to this list is have the same drum patterns and samples over random trance songs. seriously, dude needs to stop using the same shit in every song he decides to touch

Oh damn, just realized Washed Out isn't on the list. That's a worse crime than Wu Lyf.

Oh well.

yeah thats fucking bullshit. within and without was better than 90% of the albums listed


Do you guys only listen to chillwave? Shit is mad funny.
I don't know who you are referring to, but I'm going to assume it is slightly directed at me since I talked about Washed Out and Neon Indian. I listen to plenty of other genres. I compiled a top 10 list, and it has multiple genres. Not to mention I love rap, as you know.

Do you feel the need to shit on what people listen to though?


Sorry it's just that Pitchfork already has a somewhat small spectrum of genres represented within the list, and yet if the albums that have been recently mentioned were included it'd be an even narrower list in terms of variation. Have to agree with Ravager. I really like Korallreven, but I can't even listen to them in long bursts.

Kaputt is indeed an homage to the cheesiest, poppiest, yet most entertaining genres to emerge in the 80s.


Yeah the new Kate Bush is great, the new Tori Amos is pretty good as well. Been a good year for me...Have you heard this?

No I hadn't. Thanks for the link :) Not exactly the same sound, but for some reason the song made me remember Portishead which is also nice music for a somber mood IMHO (as is James Blake with his kind of cold/"glacial" sound or Antony and the Johnsons with his forlorn vocals -- at least before his more recent album when I guess he started to become more hopeful ;-D).
Sorry it's just that Pitchfork already has a somewhat small spectrum of genres represented within the list, and yet if the albums that have been recently mentioned were included it'd be an even narrower list in terms of variation.
You know what happens when they aim for 'variation'? Beyonce's album gets put in the top 50.
The chillwave story is funny; it's like the critical establishment is trying to kick it out but the readers won't let it go. There's very little of it I could ever get into.

Also surprised at the tune-yards backlash considering how open, fun and song-y that album is. I never know what the public consensus is going to be like...makes it interesting to watch.

You know....weed. I wonder how much weed defines the public consensus. The Neon Indian album is very much a weed album, w h o k i l l is very much not a weed album.
So... after remembering that Owen's Ghost Town came out this year... I started wondering why the hell P4k didn't even review it.

Considering how much I love the album I'm curious to see how they would have rated it and where it could have placed on their list.


The chillwave story is funny; it's like the critical establishment is trying to kick it out but the readers won't let it go. There's very little of it I could ever get into.

Also surprised at the tune-yards backlash considering how open, fun and song-y that album is. I never know what the public consensus is going to be like...makes it interesting to watch.

You know....weed. I wonder how much weed defines the public consensus. The Neon Indian album is very much a weed album, w h o k i l l is very much not a weed album.

You're kidding yourself if you don't think w h o k i l l is a weed album IMO.


You know....weed. I wonder how much weed defines the public consensus. The Neon Indian album is very much a weed album, w h o k i l l is very much not a weed album.
Lol. The weed part killed me. I have yet to listen to W h o k i l l. Not sure how much weed actually factors in though.
You're kidding yourself if you don't think w h o k i l l is a weed album IMO.

Maybe you're right, been a number of years since I indulged. Sounds like it would be a confusing, paranoid listen though.

EDIT: Damn got some hits on that post.

DOUBLE EDIT: So to speak.


If I like an album(and I like Lightning Bolt) weed only enhances my experience.


I'd take chillwave over dubstep any day. IMO, chillwave at its worst is just boring, dubstep at its worst gives me headaches. Chillwave has the decency not to invade pop and Battlefield 3. And no, I will not "wait for the drop."
P4K brings out so much hate haha. if you want hiphop go look at 2dopeboyz or some shit. If you are looking at P4K's top albums of the year and expecting to know all the albums you are either a: an idiot or b: read their reviews religiously (and even if you do, you will still probably not be able to guess the top 10 with 100% accuracy). If you don't like their list may I suggest Time, NPR, Rolling Stone, Spin, or anyone else who does a "best albums of the year" list that more suits your preferences.

As far as P4K's list is concerned, My AOTY was also Bon Iver, followed by Father, Son and Holy Ghost. I can't stand shit like Oneohtrix Point Never, but I will probably listen to the whole list on Spotify and if I find an album or 2 that I like that I would not have listened to, it is worth it.

Well, I'm off to ride my fixie in my skinny jeans to my local, independent coffee shop to hang out. Later Ya'llz
So... after remembering that Owen's Ghost Town came out this year... I started wondering why the hell P4k didn't even review it.

Considering how much I love the album I'm curious to see how they would have rated it and where it could have placed on their list.

They haven't reviewed anything Mike has done except for the first Owen album, but every year they shit all over Tim.
It makes no sense.
Ghost Town would actually be in my top 10.
Mike Kinsella is a god.
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