No, you're a dumbfuck because you have a narrow-minded and juvenile outlook on music. Who cares who wrote the music? Do you only listen to bands who have each section written by the member who plays that instrument? Doubt it.
I bet you that The-Dream, who wrote the lyrics to Umbrella, works a helluva lot harder than the fucking Antlers, and his album from this year, Love vs. Money is better, too. He has production and/or writing credits to a number of modern classics, using original, sincere lyrical concepts and innovative, modern techno influences in the orchestration of his backing tracks. In the last year alone he has had two incredibly solid releases, one a mixtape, has written and produced another great album for a girl group he created, wrote, produced and offered reference tracks to Mariah and others, and you want to compare him to the goddamn Antlers? Is this a joke? I loved the "blood, sweat and tears" bit, too. Of what? Another troupe of Williamsburg trustafarian assholes with an indie cliché as a band name? That's soul to you?
You undermine another poster with your (incorrect) assumptions of his taste in music, and have the gall to say my critical dialectic is shitting up the thread. Coming from someone who listens to just as many drone tapes and shitty, white bread indie musicians as they do pop music, maybe when you grow up you'll be able to release yourself of the shackles of Dan dipshit Deacon and understand that every genre of music has quality and importance to offer. Some of the best releases this year are pop, and you're missing out due to ignorance.