Halloween themed Stacy Sharp and the Night Of Too Many Monsters by French artist
Mante (he was previously involved with Dead Cells), released a seemingly simple arcade rogue-like similar to Tribute's Curses 'n Chaos. There's surprising amounts of work put into it and it kept surprising me with new unlocked areas. It's free on Steam and developed with
Vengeance Hunters is a Neo Geo game developed by Nalua Studio. A scrolling beat 'em up with shooter sections for variation. The cartridge costs a minimum of 349€ and it went out of stock quickly, but the game is also available digitally on Playstation, Switch and PC.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind by Digital Eclipse got a date and releases December 10th on all the formats. This might have some of the best pixel art after Tribute's Shredder's Revenge. But they go the extra mile by adding authentic looking Super Scaler effects of the like we haven't seen for the past 30 years.
this interview with one of the developers tells some interesting titbits about how they got the license and how Hasbro is interested in farming out their IP. Also how they set out to make a game which looks and feels like a 90's arcade game.
Former Dawn is an ongoing kickstarter for a NES RPG with a PC version too. They have two weeks left and haven't reached the funding goal yet.
If it sounds and looks a little bit too SNES'y, that's because it's planned to feature one batshit insane Memory Mapper with eight channels of PCM audio and is capable of displaying 4 colours per 8x1 block, compared with the 4 color limit for an entire 8x8 tile on vanilla hardware.
Silent Planet is a recently announced Metroidvania is the works slated for a 2026 release on PC. I try not to judge, but that trailer is 100% cringe. I checked the Canadian developers, Vertex Zero's home page and I almost died from cringe. There's a non-cringe trailer on the steam page which includes a fun homage to SotN.
Lovish by Labs Works, the Canadian developers behind Astalon is working on a new 8-bit'ish platformer which looks rather plain, but features 150 random events with references to games, anime & pop culture. The Dragon Half reference really aged me when I figured nobody below 30 will recognize it.
One to look out for and it releases q1 2025 for PC.