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Planetside 2 |OT| 12 Man Squads, 2000 Players, So Free You'll Want to Pay!


If I was to get some station cash, what would you guys recommend in terms of weapons and upgrades?

Here is the list of damage per weapon: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0ApH3DlM1yfRAdDJ5N2VoR3IxbEtTTnRRTE1taFVJdlE&gid=0

TTK is probably the most useful metric, basically compares how long it would take to kill someone at 0m with bodyshots.

I went ahead and did $10 SC over black friday, so I ended up with $20 worth of SC. I purchased the VX6-7 Carbine for Vannu, its the best Carbine in the game, and I purchased Dual-Photon Pods for the Scythe.

Also have another question. I'm lev 7 currently, but only have 130+ certs.. This seems really small. My computer has locked up a few times and the game just had a "malfunction" when I would log out of the game. Is this the reason why I have so little? I thought it was 50 cents per 250 XP so this doesn't make sense...

I'm not sure what the actual number is, but when I cap a Tech Plant that gives 1000xp you only get about 5 certs.

You are right on track, it is a slow gain.

Basically the system encourages people to spend SC on weapons and certs on minor upgrades.
You really don't need to weapons though, you are competitive with just the stock weapons in just about every situation. The only one that I would really argue for is the fighters, since there are some really powerful weapon unlocks available.


Yea, for some reason I'm still having a ton of trouble with flying. I've been ok with staying up in the air but I can't seem to hit any ground targets at all, can't seem to keep the target in my sights

If you have more than a 3 button mouse bind pitch up/down to it. Makes tracking targets very easy/smooth. I have that bound to left/right scroll.


Here is the list of damage per weapon: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0ApH3DlM1yfRAdDJ5N2VoR3IxbEtTTnRRTE1taFVJdlE&gid=0

TTK is probably the most useful metric, basically compares how long it would take to kill someone at 0m with bodyshots.

I went ahead and did $10 SC over black friday, so I ended up with $20 worth of SC. I purchased the VX6-7 Carbine for Vannu, its the best Carbine in the game, and I purchased Dual-Photon Pods for the Scythe.

I'm not sure what the actual number is, but when I cap a Tech Plant that gives 1000xp you only get about 5 certs.

You are right on track, it is a slow gain.

Basically the system encourages people to spend SC on weapons and certs on minor upgrades.
You really don't need to weapons though, you are competitive with just the stock weapons in just about every situation. The only one that I would really argue for is the fighters, since there are some really powerful weapon unlocks available.

By "fighters" do you mean flyers or which infantry are you talking about?
Single infantry units were able to take out air quickly in the beta at several points. It was absolutely abysmal each time they tried out balancing it for that side and resulted in air being near worthless if a squad can just set up a single AA max at the corner of whatever base is being assaulted to stop anything from entering the airspace. Now it actually takes effort and organization and multiple AA maxes to fend off an air raid if air resistance can't be organized

Vanity/exp mostly and you can purchase sidegrade weapons, all the real upgrades are earned exclusively via ingame actions

PS2 is a pay-to-win title for the majority of players, for the majority of time they play, until they unlock every substantial weapon. Allow me to elaborate:

Two players of equal skill meet on the battlefield. Both players are familiar with the game and both have saved their certs for something good. Both players choose the same class, heavy assault, and they meet at high noon, 50 paces apart, above the boughs of the Leopardwood Nursery. They've agreed to a dogfight between faction fighters. Up until now, everything about them have been the same, but player A has a secret up her sleeve: she's what the F2P industry calls a "whale".

Player A subscribed the moment the game launched - she has had a 25% bonus to XP gain, resource gain, passive cert gain, and 500 station cash. Because the game has only been out a month, this is all she gets. In the future, her benefits will increase to 50%. This puts her at an advantage before the duel even begins - if both players had earned 1000 certs on their own, then player A has at least 1250. But that's not at all because Player A also bought $20 worth of Station Cash and purchased A2A missiles. She used the 1250 certs to get a dogfighting frame and flares. Player B hasn't spent any money - she used her certs to get the A2A missiles, but that's it. Since both are equal skill, the equipment Player A purchased allows her to win the dogfight. Player A flies circles around Player B, flares out of the missile lock, and blows Player B out of the sky.

Player A is satisfied with spending a few bucks to win in a video game and she will do the same to kit out her MBT, MAX suit, and anything else she wants. It's just a few bucks, what's the big deal? That's what the industry calls a whale and PS2 needs only a few whales out of a thousand players to sustain itself.

It's only after a non-paying player has put in a significant amount of time playing (the grind) before he or she can stand equal with a paying player. Game design has crossed over and become business design in PS2, and the game is built to make it very hard to determine the difference between the two. None of this is to say that player skill isn't a causal factor in winning, because it is. I'm sure we can find a few others on here that will agree with me on that, but it can never be said that Planetside 2 is not pay-to-win. A paying member will always have the benefits stated above to lord over those who don't pay.


I found this on Reddit and it sounds like a great idea:

They need to introduce daily objectives;
Kill 25 / 50 people - 500 exp / 1000 exp
Repair Vehicles/Heal a total of XXXX damage - 500 exp
Revive 25 people - 500 exp
Repair Generators/Turrets for XXXX damage - 500 exp
Capture/Assist 5 / 10 objectives - 400 exp / 800 exp
--1 Random Daily(Changes every day); Capture a Bio-Lab, Capture an Amp Station, Capture a Tech Plant - 1000 exp each.-- (This is the only random daily, the rest are the same every day)

They had a similar system in Halo: Reach.
Gives you opportunities to try out different play styles that you might not try out normally, and give you something to achieve every day. Ultimately, it gets people logging in everyday which could potentially increase SOE's income.

Oh lol doesn't matter to me then. I don't fly much and I'm not really good at it too. Lol

Ya me neither. I've never been good at flying in video games, but I'm going to put in an effort to get better. Need to practice for Star Citizen.

I'm already seeing some good progress.

What really helped, and it has been mentioned is to bind your pitch up/down buttons to your mouse somehow. I have them bound to back/forward buttons.
Its nice because if you are getting followed or need to turn around to put some fire on someone you just hold the pitch buttons and it will spin you around.

Edit: thanks for the tips Grief!! Hope to play with you sometime!

Sure! I'm Vannu on Watterson if you are on that server.

Name: Griefexe



Time is money. If someone doesn't want to spend the time then they spend money. People who invest neither and just play a game casually can hardly expect to be on the same skill level as someone who does and will stay that way until they do invest the time. If PS2 was made for the "junkies" that just want to hop on for a little while and get their high then go play something else, why would people who actually do want to invest in the game waste their time with it? There are other games for the casual gamer that doesn't want to invest any time/money.


I found this on Reddit and it sounds like a great idea:

They had a similar system in Halo: Reach.
Gives you opportunities to try out different play styles that you might not try out normally, and give you something to achieve every day. Ultimately, it gets people logging in everyday which could potentially increase SOE's income.

Ya me neither. I've never been good at flying in video games, but I'm going to put in an effort to get better. Need to practice for Star Citizen.

I'm already seeing some good progress.

What really helped, and it has been mentioned is to bind your pitch up/down buttons to your mouse somehow. I have them bound to back/forward buttons.
Its nice because if you are getting followed or need to turn around to put some fire on someone you just hold the pitch buttons and it will spin you around.

Sure! I'm Vannu on Watterson if you are on that server.

Name: Griefexe

Nice! Think you meant Mattherson. Lol I'll add you. I'm Nirkia in the game.

Also the weapons you mentioned like the VX6--7; is that universal among classes like medic and engineer? I'm not talking completely universal like for Maxes and Heavy Assault or something.


Nice! Think you meant Mattherson. Lol I'll add you. I'm Nirkia in the game.

Also the weapons you mentioned like the VX6--7; is that universal among classes like medic and engineer? I'm not talking completely universal like for Maxes and Heavy Assault or something.

Nah :( I'm on Watterson I joined with some of my friends and didn't get with the Gaf group.

I'm not exactly sure what weapons can be used in what class. I've basically only played engineer up to this point since my friends need someone to provide ammo.


Time is money. If someone doesn't want to spend the time then they spend money. People who invest neither and just play a game casually can hardly expect to be on the same skill level as someone who does and will stay that way until they do invest the time. If PS2 was made for the "junkies" that just want to hop on for a little while and get their high then go play something else, why would people who actually do want to invest in the game waste their time with it? There are other games for the casual gamer that doesn't want to invest any time/money.

Yea, I dont quite agree with his evidence. 1st off, Player B would win with his A2A missiles even if Player A has the dogfighting frame ;)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If Planetside 2 was TDM with a max of 42 players, I would agree with the P2W assessment. However, given the scale of the game, the amount of paying vs non-paying players balances out across factions.

Getting A2A missiles will let you win a 1v1 dogfight, sure, but it'll hardly swing the entire push in your favor.


Neo Member
Also the weapons you mentioned like the VX6--7; is that universal among classes like medic and engineer? I'm not talking completely universal like for Maxes and Heavy Assault or something.

I know Light Assault and Engineer use the same weapons. Best way to find out is to go to the store and sort by class and see what changes.


I too want to buy some station cash (to support the game). What kind of things should I unlock with it to have good utility. So far I've put all the points I generated into just making repair better on engineer and jump jets better on light infantry


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
For infantry the game isn't P2W, but for vehicles (at least aircraft) it certainly feels like it is.

I too want to buy some station cash (to support the game). What kind of things should I unlock with it to have good utility. So far I've put all the points I generated into just making repair better on engineer and jump jets better on light infantry

I would wait until Christmas they'll probably have a 2 for 1 sale.
Time is money. If someone doesn't want to spend the time then they spend money. People who invest neither and just play a game casually can hardly expect to be on the same skill level as someone who does and will stay that way until they do invest the time. If PS2 was made for the "junkies" that just want to hop on for a little while and get their high then go play something else, why would people who actually do want to invest in the game waste their time with it? There are other games for the casual gamer that doesn't want to invest any time/money.

Hey Mr. Big, I agree with you. I love PS2, and I regularly trounce the players with crazy camo and skull helmets. I appreciate the game for what it is. It's F2P, P2W, and massively multiplayer. I also think it important to call it as is, and that's why I responded to you earlier. If there was any snarkiness, it was my own hesitation with the Rise of the F2P business model. I still don't know if I love it or hate it.
Anyone get a xbox 360 wired controller to work with this game? I've been working for 1 goddamn day trying to get this shit working. I had game crashes when my controller was plugged in, so I had to overwrite the DINPUT8.dll system file to get past that. Now the game launches with the controller plugged in but still nothing in the game menus under Joystick. Trying to have it plugged in for vehicle support, like BF3.

Anyone got this working or advice?

This game needs xbox 360 controller support.


I hope Pinnacle makes a profile.. ask here^^


The Detective
I have got a third party 360 controller working fine without needing to do anything.

On an other note, I game getting a bit tried of PS2, due to the stupidly slow rate you gain cert points.

Things like the Rocket pods taking 1000 Cert points is stupid!

Also, why can you run over allies but not hostiles!


Hey Mr. Big, I agree with you. I love PS2, and I regularly trounce the players with crazy camo and skull helmets. I appreciate the game for what it is. It's F2P, P2W, and massively multiplayer. I also think it important to call it as is, and that's why I responded to you earlier. If there was any snarkiness, it was my own hesitation with the Rise of the F2P business model. I still don't know if I love it or hate it.

The F2P business model for games like Planetside, Dota and LoL is here to stay. Companies are competing over a scarce resource (players). Those of use that don't want to pay money for cosmetic items are still of benefit to the community because these games need a substantial player base by design. F2P players exhibit positive externalities.

For Planetside, the community is going to stay much larger for a longer period of time thanks to this business model. Of course the F2P model has problems with freeriding, etc. At least that's how I view it. Its not going to work for single player games, but for multiplayer centric games, the industry has taken the economic theory to heart and ran with it.

Kind of a tangent, but something I have been thinking about lately.
For infantry the game isn't P2W, but for vehicles (at least aircraft) it certainly feels like it is.

I would wait until Christmas they'll probably have a 2 for 1 sale.

Or get the 1500 SC card from gamestop (which comes with a free Assault rifle for Medic) and wait for the holiday sale to redeem it

I too want to buy some station cash (to support the game). What kind of things should I unlock with it to have good utility. So far I've put all the points I generated into just making repair better on engineer and jump jets better on light infantry

When I bought SC during Black friday the first thing I unlocked was the 2nd Burster Max arm, then some weapon/vehicle packs


Unless a sale is going on, $1 = 100 station cash. It doesn't seem like there is any sort of bulk discount. You can't buy everything with SC though, only weapons or cosmetic stuff it seems. As far as I know, there's no way to convert station cash into Cert, which is the currency you use to level up abilities or purchase weapons.

You change continents by accessing a specific terminal in your faction warpgate, or by going to the map screen and looking for an 'instant action' alert on a different continent.

G-AMS basically allowed effortless flanking and ended up with the battlefield being really chaotic rather than having focused offensive/defensive pushes. It may be returning at some point as a squad only spawn.

There's also 2x or 3x sales SC being held constantly around holiday or just randomley. I'd wait till ~Christmas and see if they hold another one

You can trial weapons by clicking the Trial under the purchase options, but there is not a separate VR training ground yet, though that is planned for the near future.

Thanks for both of your responses. I'll keep an eye out for some Christmas sale in the coming days/weeks and use the trial option for training and to try out some new guns. Good to know about the continent travel as well, now that I think about it I recall the station where I could travel.



Or get the 1500 SC card from gamestop (which comes with a free Assault rifle for Medic) and wait for the holiday sale to redeem it

When I bought SC during Black friday the first thing I unlocked was the 2nd Burster Max arm, then some weapon/vehicle packs

If you get the 1500 card from Walmart you get 500 SC for free.

That means you get 4000 total SC during a double station cash day.


I think this is what I'm gonna do next sale. That's 3 guns and still enough left over for a nice +50%xp boost.

Nah :( I'm on Watterson I joined with some of my friends and didn't get with the Gaf group.

I'm not exactly sure what weapons can be used in what class. I've basically only played engineer up to this point since my friends need someone to provide ammo.

I just thought of this. I'm not on Mattherson now with the GAF group. SOE is planning on making SC unlocks account wide down the road and I will be able to easily switch over and play with you guys as well when the time comes.


A paying member will always have the benefits stated above to lord over those who don't pay.

Does spending a few dollars put you at an advantage in a one on situation over someone who doesn't? Probably - as long as they were smart with their choices. But the bigger question in that scenario is why are you in a one on one situation to begin with? Planetside rewards team play and staying with larger groups more than anything else. The idea that we should be generally concerned over P2W labels based on what happens in a one on one situation is contrary to how the game really flows.


Here is the list of damage per weapon: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0ApH3DlM1yfRAdDJ5N2VoR3IxbEtTTnRRTE1taFVJdlE&gid=0

TTK is probably the most useful metric, basically compares how long it would take to kill someone at 0m with bodyshots.

I went ahead and did $10 SC over black friday, so I ended up with $20 worth of SC. I purchased the VX6-7 Carbine for Vannu, its the best Carbine in the game, and I purchased Dual-Photon Pods for the Scythe.

I'm not sure what the actual number is, but when I cap a Tech Plant that gives 1000xp you only get about 5 certs.

You are right on track, it is a slow gain.

Basically the system encourages people to spend SC on weapons and certs on minor upgrades.
You really don't need to weapons though, you are competitive with just the stock weapons in just about every situation. The only one that I would really argue for is the fighters, since there are some really powerful weapon unlocks available.

Is there any way to sort that list/doc?


If you get the 1500 card from Walmart you get 500 SC for free.

That means you get 4000 total SC during a double station cash day.


I think this is what I'm gonna do next sale. That's 3 guns and still enough left over for a nice +50%xp boost.

I just thought of this. I'm not on Mattherson now with the GAF group. SOE is planning on making SC unlocks account wide down the road and I will be able to easily switch over and play with you guys as well when the time comes.

That's actually really nice. Might get the Walmart one then and just wait for a double station cash day. The GS one is nice, but judging from the spreadsheet you gave the, the NS-11 gun they give out is worst than the starting gun for medic, engineer and light assault.

There's a current sale right now on the Lasher which I'm thinking whether or not to get, but I don't use Heavy Assault much.

I'm just waiting to use my certs on the VX6-7 which I plan to get so I'll have a red dot sight or scope since I just hate iron sights.


Neo Member
That's actually really nice. Might get the Walmart one then and just wait for a double station cash day. The GS one is nice, but judging from the spreadsheet you gave the, the NS-11 gun they give out is worst than the starting gun for medic, engineer and light assault.

There's a current sale right now on the Lasher which I'm thinking whether or not to get, but I don't use Heavy Assault much.

I'm just waiting to use my certs on the VX6-7 so I'll have a red dot sight or scope since I just hate iron sights.

I really like the NS-11. It doesn't look like it performs very well on that spreadsheet, but I think it's great.
If you get the 1500 card from Walmart you get 500 SC for free.

That means you get 4000 total SC during a double station cash day.


I think this is what I'm gonna do next sale. That's 3 guns and still enough left over for a nice +50%xp boost.

I just thought of this. I'm not on Mattherson now with the GAF group. SOE is planning on making SC unlocks account wide down the road and I will be able to easily switch over and play with you guys as well when the time comes.

Really? I had no idea that the walmart cards give you an extra 500SC... def going to do that on the next sale


Anyone know which Vanu rifle or carbine has low recoil?

The VX6-7 has pretty low recoil, I equipped the foregrip so it has even less recoil.

Long range shots there is some noticeable recoil, but it can be compensated for. Keep in mind that Vanu have the slowest bullet velocity, so you really have to lead your shots.

You can rent all weapons as well, just press unlock and go to the bottom and there is a trial button. So you can try them out before you drop the SC or certs.

Is there any way to sort that list/doc?

It kind of already is sorted, if you look at it the list is grouped by weapon type and faction.

So all the carbines are sorted under Vanu and then you can see which weapons have the lowest TTK, then rent that one and see if you like it.

Really? I had no idea that the walmart cards give you an extra 500SC... def going to do that on the next sale

You have to buy the ones in the store though, they have the option of emailing you a $15 code as well but that won't have the bonus SC.

Pretty awesome deal, GAF will be loaded after the next double SC day now!

As I said, I'll make a character on Mattherson to play with you guys once SOE enable account wide SC unlocks.


The VX6-7 has pretty low recoil, I equipped the foregrip so it has even less recoil.

Long range shots there is some noticeable recoil, but it can be compensated for. Keep in mind that Vanu have the slowest bullet velocity, so you really have to lead your shots.

You can rent all weapons as well, just press unlock and go to the bottom and there is a trial button. So you can try them out before you drop the SC or certs.

It kind of already is sorted, if you look at it the list is grouped by weapon type and faction.

So all the carbines are sorted under Vanu and then you can see which weapons have the lowest TTK, then rent that one and see if you like it.

You have to buy the ones in the store though, they have the option of emailing you a $15 code as well but that won't have the bonus SC.

Pretty awesome deal, GAF will be loaded after the next double SC day now!

As I said, I'll make a character on Mattherson to play with you guys once SOE enable account wide SC unlocks.

Good to know the VX6-7 has low recoil. But goddamn that foregrip is so expensive, but I might just pony up for it. What scope you using?
The VX6-7 has pretty low recoil, I equipped the foregrip so it has even less recoil.

Long range shots there is some noticeable recoil, but it can be compensated for. Keep in mind that Vanu have the slowest bullet velocity, so you really have to lead your shots.

You can rent all weapons as well, just press unlock and go to the bottom and there is a trial button. So you can try them out before you drop the SC or certs.

It kind of already is sorted, if you look at it the list is grouped by weapon type and faction.

So all the carbines are sorted under Vanu and then you can see which weapons have the lowest TTK, then rent that one and see if you like it.

You have to buy the ones in the store though, they have the option of emailing you a $15 code as well but that won't have the bonus SC.

Pretty awesome deal, GAF will be loaded after the next double SC day now!

As I said, I'll make a character on Mattherson to play with you guys once SOE enable account wide SC unlocks.

Yea I'm checking out that link and it does say instore only. So I guess I'll swing by sometime and grab 1 or 2 to activate when the next sale happens


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Really? I had no idea that the walmart cards give you an extra 500SC... def going to do that on the next sale

Not only that, but that 500SC can be doubled or tripled during SC promotions. During double SC, 15k SC will give you 40k SC, and during triple SC, 15k SC will give you 60k SC.
Not only that, but that 500SC can be doubled or tripled during SC promotions. During double SC, 15k SC will give you 40k SC, and during triple SC, 15k SC will give you 60k SC.

If I recall something Smed posted about a while back, the Triple SC promo was a 1 time thing. Double SC is probably the best we'll get.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
If I recall something Smed posted about a while back, the Triple SC promo was a 1 time thing. Double SC is probably the best we'll get.

Nah, there's been several triple SC promotions (I remember at least 2 I purchased SC for, and I think there was a third one as well), they are rare though.

There should be a double or triple SC promo soon, for Christmas I would think.


I guess you guys answered my next question about whether the retail cards can be redeemed during a double SC sale. :p

I guess it's time to go get lost in Walmart.

If there's triple, I'd probably end up buying more SC $15 cards than normal knowing I'll want shit down the line so that actually makes me spend more ironically enough. F2P games are so damn clever really. Tribes got on my nerves since they'd have you spend money on new gear and then just release another class update a few weeks later knowing people just spent all their money last week and that some of them will buy more to get the new gear. Clever girl...


There's been a 135 mb patch guys. Just got on Steam and currently downloading. Not really sure what it is though.

I did a quick google search and didn't turn anything up on patch notes. That's surprising, I hope they aren't keeping these secret and we can see them. Would be nice to know when the gun we bought or are thinking of buying is getting nerfed.


I did a quick google search and didn't turn anything up on patch notes. That's surprising, I hope they aren't keeping these secret and we can see them. Would be nice to know when the gun we bought or are thinking of buying is getting nerfed.

The only thing you should be expecting with patches for the remainder of the year is optimization and bugfixes. Balance and feature changes are coming after they get polish to a point where they're happy enough with performance/stability to start adding new things into the mix.


I played this for the first time tonight. They certainly don't give you time to acclimate to the game, do they?


I played this for the first time tonight. They certainly don't give you time to acclimate to the game, do they?

Give it a session or two. I didn't have a clue what was going on the first night I played it. By the second or third day I had a pretty good grasp though.


I played this for the first time tonight. They certainly don't give you time to acclimate to the game, do they?

Took me 2 sessions to fully understand what was going on. Never played PS1. This is my GOTY and that scares the shit out of me.

It's funny to me because while I never played the original Planetside and knew little about it, I always thought it was a meticulous game full of highly organized outfits that planned out all kinds of crazy operations and shit. This is mostly due to the fact that during WoW's early days I played a lot with a guild that was a former Planetside outfit, named Liberty. I'd never really bothered with things like voice chat and such in games so their level of organization during the early raids left an especially huge impression on me.

And now cue Planetside 2 which at first seems like a giant zerg clusterfuck where hardly anybody knows what the hell is going on. My first Biolab assault, there were about 50 people milling about near the bottom of the lab because they had absolutely no idea how to get up top since the game doesn't bother telling you about teleporters or jump pads.

I gotta say I'm enjoying it though. I can just hop in and join the swarm for some instant action, or when my friends are on we take the Sunderer and go for road trips across the countryside. That's when the really hilarious stuff starts happening. The grind's kind of insane but I'm past the worst of it, at least for infantry unlocks. I don't mind dropping some cash on it either but I really want another one of those triple SC sales before I do - for now I'm just running a month of Premium and an exp boost with the 500 it gave me.


It's funny to me because while I never played the original Planetside and knew little about it, I always thought it was a meticulous game full of highly organized outfits that planned out all kinds of crazy operations and shit. This is mostly due to the fact that during WoW's early days I played a lot with a guild that was a former Planetside outfit, named Liberty. I'd never really bothered with things like voice chat and such in games so their level of organization during the early raids left an especially huge impression on me.

And now cue Planetside 2 which at first seems like a giant zerg clusterfuck where hardly anybody knows what the hell is going on. My first Biolab assault, there were about 50 people milling about near the bottom of the lab because they had absolutely no idea how to get up top since the game doesn't bother telling you about teleporters or jump pads.

I gotta say I'm enjoying it though. I can just hop in and join the swarm for some instant action, or when my friends are on we take the Sunderer and go for road trips across the countryside. That's when the really hilarious stuff starts happening. The grind's kind of insane but I'm past the worst of it, at least for infantry unlocks. I don't mind dropping some cash on it either but I really want another one of those triple SC sales before I do - for now I'm just running a month of Premium and an exp boost with the 500 it gave me.

I'm getting a little annoyed because I feel like I spend so much time running to the action that by the time I get there, I die within a couple minutes and have to run to the action all over again.

I bought a flying vessel for the first time on my last attempt and flew around confused for awhile before I accidentally exited the ship and fell to my death. :lol

I'd be having more fun if I could get into the action faster.
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