If I was to get some station cash, what would you guys recommend in terms of weapons and upgrades?
Here is the list of damage per weapon: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0ApH3DlM1yfRAdDJ5N2VoR3IxbEtTTnRRTE1taFVJdlE&gid=0
TTK is probably the most useful metric, basically compares how long it would take to kill someone at 0m with bodyshots.
I went ahead and did $10 SC over black friday, so I ended up with $20 worth of SC. I purchased the VX6-7 Carbine for Vannu, its the best Carbine in the game, and I purchased Dual-Photon Pods for the Scythe.
Also have another question. I'm lev 7 currently, but only have 130+ certs.. This seems really small. My computer has locked up a few times and the game just had a "malfunction" when I would log out of the game. Is this the reason why I have so little? I thought it was 50 cents per 250 XP so this doesn't make sense...
I'm not sure what the actual number is, but when I cap a Tech Plant that gives 1000xp you only get about 5 certs.
You are right on track, it is a slow gain.
Basically the system encourages people to spend SC on weapons and certs on minor upgrades.
You really don't need to weapons though, you are competitive with just the stock weapons in just about every situation. The only one that I would really argue for is the fighters, since there are some really powerful weapon unlocks available.