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Planetside 2 |OT| 12 Man Squads, 2000 Players, So Free You'll Want to Pay!


I play NC on Connery, and I feel the same way sometimes. Though last night, NC was basically running the entirety of Amerish. We had some great pushes.

Seems like we just have to adapt to it, with the crazy swings that are going on. It was exactly the opposite situation when I loaded the game just now after patching. Vanu steamrolling with 65%+ population on two continents. The game's great, but it's definitely at its best when the battles are more even-sided.


None that I've noticed. That patch isn't coming until January due to QA, according to Smedley
So I've actually been able to sit down withe the game since the patch and....
I actually got a nice performance boost. My fps stays higher in big battles and I can see more players on screen.

They did a lot of small/minor changes. Combat feels more instant now, netcode seems a bit better and smoother (less micro-warping). They did a few changes to the gunplay (very minor things like response time when switching weapons). The Medic Applicator/healer is a lot more responsive...I can now cancel out of a heal and instantly run, this change was needed badly. They also changed a few of the gun sounds for TR and other factions. Everything feels a bit more visceral to me. It feels like they sped up bullet velocity too...maybe thats why it feel a bit more instant.





I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
That's new. Just a wall, or is there some sort of energy shield included also?

I've seen someone talk about shield on the Tech Plants. Can't think of where these are, not until I log into the game.


It's not the weakest. They have the lowest accuracy because ppl dont know how to burst fire.

I've been playing shooters for a long time, and I know from prior experience to burst. Fact is that you have to let up after 2-3 shots, while the other I can go 6+. And in that the TTK is much longer for a NC HA, or LA/Eng. Medics are competitive, and Infs are as well despite some horrible bullet drop on the stocker.
I've been playing NC engineer recently and I seem to be dying really easily. Is the class simply not made for combat? What are the certs I should be focusing on? I also think the starting gun is kinda bad.


I've been playing NC engineer recently and I seem to be dying really easily. Is the class simply not made for combat? What are the certs I should be focusing on? I also think the starting gun is kinda bad.
I've been playing shooters for a long time, and I know from prior experience to burst. Fact is that you have to let up after 2-3 shots, while the other I can go 6+. And in that the TTK is much longer for a NC HA, or LA/Eng. Medics are competitive, and Infs are as well despite some horrible bullet drop on the stocker.
I went NC and was getting kills easier than I was on TR....I really dont get the complaints :/


I've been playing NC engineer recently and I seem to be dying really easily. Is the class simply not made for combat? What are the certs I should be focusing on? I also think the starting gun is kinda bad.

I've not used the NC engy starting gun, but the Vanu one is good enough. You're never going to be wiping the other team out as an engy, but you shouldn't have problems getting the odd kill with your carbine.

Upgrade your repair tool first, do that 3 or 4 times before putting points into anything else. Repairing and giving out ammo is how you'll be getting most of your points as engy. The ammo packet runs out after 1 minutes, so you should try to throw those out as often as possible(only one at a time though). If you like using vehicles and planes, put some certs in whichever vehicles you like. Later on pick one of the mines and put certs into that. Don't underestimate how strong your turret is. As long as the enemy isn't at an angle where they can shoot around the shield, you are almost untouchable aside from rockets and grenades. Investing in flak armor helps out with that too. You can lock down an entire area when you find a good spot for your turret. Even if you aren't getting lots of kills with it, it's an assist machine.


Well, they addressed me directly about the horn and said they'd consider my feedback but of course some dude came in with the usual "most games cost $60 and this is a F2P with great value bundles blah, blah, blah" that completely missed the point of the feedback. I don't get what sucking up gets people when honest feedback is needed...lol. It's as if we all didn't know this had a F2P model and that SOE has to make money to keep the game going!!!

No one can justify the horn being that much and it could serve some purpose for everyone so it should be accessible to people, especially the Sunderer folks.

It's not so much about the horn, but it's giving them feedback for the future. It's sort of like taxes. Once they find out what they can get away with, it only gets worse from there. But if you keep them in check, balance is restored. :p

I want them to make money, but I want the game to live on as a great example of F2P. Making that much off of a horn is weird. Why buy that when you could get a new gun for less?


I play infiltrator a lot so I picked NC for the starter sniper rifle but yeah I find it a lot easier on other factions with the other classes :l


Dat metagame. (shamelessly stolen from /r/Planetside

Exactly why I'm not playing this until SOE puts in some kind of reason to play. They have all the right ingredients, but the game isn't where it needs to be for real longevity.


Trucker Sexologist
Couldn't they just give you an XP boost for claiming territory on the maps with the BS faction balance? Or is there some downside to that that I'm missing?
Do I have any chance of making this game a looker with my GTX 460? I can't get a consistent framerate even if I turn literally every graphics option down to Low. Mostly empty areas are fine but as soon as any kind of firefight breaks out, my framerate starts having a seizure.


Do I have any chance of making this game a looker with my GTX 460? I can't get a consistent framerate even if I turn literally every graphics option down to Low. Mostly empty areas are fine but as soon as any kind of firefight breaks out, my framerate starts having a seizure.

Your CPU is at fault.


Couldn't they just give you an XP boost for claiming territory on the maps with the BS faction balance? Or is there some downside to that that I'm missing?

I think that'd be a good start. Giving an additional xp bonus by continent population as well as by server population seems like a good thing - the map resource bonuses themselves don't seem inspire the kind of urgency that gets people to throw themselves into a tougher than normal fight. It'd scale the rewards to the difficulty, give people a good reason to put up resistance, and make the battles more interesting all around. I was pretty surprised when I found out it wasn't already like this.


I don't remember where I read this but someone said the game is almost "relaunching" in January is that right? That's where there will be some big changes, content, and engine wise? And finally, people said we'll have to uninstall and then reinstall? Normally I don't go for this type of talk but it seems a lot of people say this so it might be true?

What do we know for the future of this game outside of more continents and recycled models?


needs more continents

sitting in the home 3 without any progression is dumb

Yeah this is by far the biggest problem with the game's meta game right now. How many continents did PS1 launch with? I wanna say something like 10, not counting sanctuaries. The lack of continent locks and the clear cut frontline progression from PS1 is this game's biggest issue right now.

Well, they addressed me directly about the horn and said they'd consider my feedback but of course some dude came in with the usual "most games cost $60 and this is a F2P with great value bundles blah, blah, blah" that completely missed the point of the feedback. I don't get what sucking up gets people when honest feedback is needed...lol. It's as if we all didn't know this had a F2P model and that SOE has to make money to keep the game going!!!

No one can justify the horn being that much and it could serve some purpose for everyone so it should be accessible to people, especially the Sunderer folks.

It's not so much about the horn, but it's giving them feedback for the future. It's sort of like taxes. Once they find out what they can get away with, it only gets worse from there. But if you keep them in check, balance is restored. :p

I want them to make money, but I want the game to live on as a great example of F2P. Making that much off of a horn is weird. Why buy that when you could get a new gun for less?

To be fair, I think guns SHOULD be less expensive than cosmetics, but paying like 7 bucks for a decal to put on a vehicle? I realize that most f2p games only make their money from like the top 10% of users who are crazy dedicated and spend tons of cash on the game, but even giving myself a budget of 60 dollars for spending on the cash shop (my usual approach to f2p titles) doesn't get me that much in this game.


So... Was this in the game before because I don't remember ever seeing it?


Yeah, they have been there for a while, have been pondering often if they had a function like in Brink where you alert people to your presence if you run through a metal detector. They dont.


Yeah, they have been there for a while, have been pondering often if they had a function like in Brink where you alert people to your presence if you run through a metal detector. They dont.

It seems kinda random then... Thought it was a scanner at first or something.
It seems kinda random then... Thought it was a scanner at first or something.

It's in the NS Secure Data Labs. It's for the security. Made to stop the immortal military beings who drop pod in from space and don't fear death from getting access to... nanites, or data, or... something.


iirc correctly those were being tested as motion sensors in biolabs but I never saw them work properly so now they're just decoration.
Where is GAF most active? North American wise.

Got a computer that can run this finally and looking to join up with people so I don't die instantly over and over running solo...


Haha, I feel like such a dick for this tactic. On my engineer I use the carbine that takes all attachments, which I've fitted with the underslung smoke grenade launcher as well as the HS/NV scope and a silencer (technically also the soft-point ammo, but that's not essential).

This let's me throw out a smoke cover whenever I enter or exit any rooms (great when getting spawn camped or whenever you enter a room with a capture point), and with the HS/NV scope I can see anybody in the smoke or on the outside of the smoke, letting me basically walk up right next to people and shoot them in the head. The real dick part of this is that as an engineer I can endlessly resupply myself with smoke grenades, so I can basically just creep slowly through a base in the cover of smoke while staying silent and pop people.

The bonus is that most people freak the fuck out whenever they see smoke grenades in the game, since nobody really uses them.

Now I just need to figure out which camo looks the most grey so I can blend in even more with my smoke, muahaha!


What FPS does this technically not apply to, though?

Indeed, PS2 has ruined traditional arena FPS for me because, relative to a persistent engagement, they're so utterly meaningless in that it's just the same thing over and over again, with a gold star given out after some set round ends. The goal is whatever the player makes of it in PS2, there is no dev defined way to play the game or goal to achieve.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Yeah, I signed in last night with a plan to just play a couple minutes, end up tagging along with Bamelin and pushed an NC force around the Indar map for a couple of hours.


Yeah, I signed in last night with a plan to just play a couple minutes, end up tagging along with Bamelin and pushed an NC force around the Indar map for a couple of hours.

Eventually we got stalled at tarwich ... Damn TR joined the party and ruined our NC bashing fun.

In retaliation our platoon lead a Vanu zerg on a "great northern adventure" out of quartz and rampaged across the desert, burning most TR holdings to the ground.

TR still held onto Crown though. I don't know what mattherson TRs hard on with that place is. they'll be losing every base they own in the entire world but will have "multiple" platoons in the crown.


Eventually we got stalled at tarwich ... Damn TR joined the party and ruined our NC bashing fun.

In retaliation our platoon lead a Vanu zerg on a "great northern adventure" out of quartz and rampaged across the desert, burning most TR holdings to the ground.

TR still held onto Crown though. I don't know what mattherson TRs hard on with that place is. they'll be losing every base they own in the entire world but will have "multiple" platoons in the crown.

Constant fighting brings more certs than roaming and capping territory with little resistance.
What FPS does this technically not apply to, though?

Well, I can say something like BF3, really the only other online FPS I play, has a basic, short-term goal of simply winning a match. It's a self-contained bite of fun. This is so open-ended and nebulous its beginning to feel grindy and pointless.

I'm not saying its not fun to join a group and play for a bit, I'm saying it needs more. It needs a long term goal of some sort, instead of each faction basically owning one cont and zergstomping all opposition, except for the Vanu of course ;) I think cont locks and more islands will be a good step towards that.
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