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Planning a LAN

My friends and I are planning a LAN party for next weekend and I'm looking for some suggestions. Our selection of games has become pretty uninspired over the last few months, boiling down to Warcraft 3 custom maps and a smattering of Battlefield Vietnam and Jedi Academy.

I've got a few ideas, but I'm not sure if they're going to work...

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow only supports four players, correct? Is it worth trying, or should it be saved for a more intimate experience?

Is Counter Strike Source availible for LAN play?

Are there any recent racing or car games that have good multiplayer modes?

Is Worms 3D worth trying?

Large scale team-based games like the Battlefield games don't seem to work very well for our small number of players and I'm finding Warcraft 3 pretty tedious. Does anyone have any suggestions?



The only car game that takes advantage (and is fun) of LAN multiplayer is Mario Kart DD.

EDIT: Yes you can play CS:S over lan...but in order to do it all the players must have CS:S for themselves.

What types of games are you and your friends interested in?
We played a lot of Halo on Xbox LAN, is the multiplayer expanded on PC? It might be worth looking at, because most people really like it on Xbox.

I'm mostly interested in action games, but a few people aren't very good at them, which means that most FPSs aren't fun for everyone, which is a shame.

Team based games are good, racing games are good, sport games we've never tried.

How do you go about playing CS:S... un-legally? Could you PM me if you can't say?


0G M3mbeR
A lan party without a Quake or Unreal Tournament game of some form should be considered a crime.
I'll check out Slicks & Slide, it sounds good =)

Sp3ed, I overlooked Unreal Tournament 2004, we haven't tried that yet. We've kind of played Quake to death over the last 5 years. Not that the gameplay has gotten old, but rather playing with the same people has gotten a bit tiresome, especially when some of them aren't very good at those sorts of games.


How many people are you expecting?

UT2004 + Alien Swarm is a bit of fun, so long as your friends point their guns in the direction of the aliens when shooting, and not you.

There may be some other mods out there for UT2004 which is fun and not that 'action-demanding' as well.

CS is fun, but you need enough people for it to be worthwhile (10+), the same applies for BF:1942/Vietnam.

P.S. Any update on your website plans? :)
There should be 12 people there. I must have deleted that out of my first post, for some reason...

I think CS:S should be fun. CS is pretty accessible for everyone (being team-based and fast paced). I'll do a bit of research into some of the UT2K4 mods, Alien Swarm sounds cool.

No updates on the website yet, just trying to keep my head above water with my uni work =)


Science and Industry is a great mod for half life, it's one of our most played lan games. It's based around two rival factions who must develop tech like new weapons and body parts (syndicate style) to stay in business. Loads of fun.

Natuaral Selection is also loads of fun if you can get a bunch of people playing who know what they're doing, it's not very n00b friendly though. It's sort of like a cross between Aliens Vs. Predator and Team Fortress.


Some tips, since I organised a few small scale lans (around 20-30 machines)

1- Have some minimum requirements. You dont want people showing up with pentium3 or lowers and complain because nobody wants to play CS original with them

2- Don't do any tech support. If people are coming with fucked up machines, its THEIR problems. The first lan party I did, I spent more time doing tech support than playing. Also dont do any support for cracked version of games with out of dates executables.

3- Make you that you have enough juice to power up all those machines

4- Have a small dedicated file server with the usual handy apps (winrar, nvidia/avi drivers, and so on)

5- Dont bring all your cds in a binder, people might get tempted to steal them or youre gonna get bugged with warez puppies going OMG CAN I BORROW THIS FOR A SEC TO DO AN IMAGE! Create disc images of your original games and emulate them, this way you dont have to switch cds all the time.

6- Crack down on the warez/movies trading on the network, since youre prolly gonna get some retard with 1tb of data being shared for all, and half of the people there are going to want to leech the fuck out of him. YOu dont want the lan party to degenerate in a warezfest. It just gets annoying and people want to copy stuff instead of playing games. Also letting your event degenerate into something like that may bring legal consequences and so on.

7- FORCE PEOPLE to run personal firewalls, because you know that some tard is gonna come in with a compromised machine, and as you can expect, 70% of the attendees are going to come in with unpatched machines. Lock down your machines, because theres always a hax0r type that will run scanners on the network trying to find open shares and so on.

8- Crackdown on the drugs usage. Dont let anyone start smoking pot or smth

That's it, pretty much. And dont forget to have fun


Time ta STEP IT UP
9 - Make sure all of them wear deoderant. Leave some Right Guard by evey computer station, just to make it fair to everyone.
Worms 3D can be excellent fun since in theory you can have 16 players at once, playing a worm each. In fact, that's the only time I had really fun with it. But it was really fun!

A suggestion is two or three TV sets with consoles and a few multiplayer games. Halo might not be very interesting if you're mostly playing FPS on the PCs anyway (and you could play Halo PC, it's great with the new vehicle levels). Get games like Wario Ware, Mario Party and other simple games.
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