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PlatinumGames Community Thread | Platinum maintains its luster forever

Best Platinum boss fight?

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Yeah I'm not looking forward to Armstrong D:

Not doing DLC's though, they're $10.35 for Bladewolf and $14.45 for Jetstream on the Australian store. That's almost the price I paid for the base game -_-'
I don't know if you know this already, but to get Armstrong trophy you need to take no damage in all three fights with him. But as being hit in the first two fights is a "win condition", the game is more than willing to screw you up with an unfortunately placed checkpoint save as you fail, in the fist fight especially.
So when doing Armstrong, back your saves up at each phase. It will save you a lot of frustration, especially on console where you can't just load the boss fights separately.
The final fight with him is actually very fun once you get the hang of it. It really pays off to approach him offensively, however suicidal that sounds.

Regarding DLCs, I'm not a fan of Bladewolf, but:
Sam's DLC is actually worth it though. The mechanics are meaningfully different, like it could have been the foundation for a different type of action game. Maybe see if you can find the PC version cheap, which has all DLC included.
I spent roughly the same amount of time on Jetstream DLC as on Raiden's full campaign, no joke. I love Sam's combat mechanics, they are nothing like Raiden's, and I really wish a full game was made with the same system.
And yeah, if your PC can handle it, grab that version if you find it cheap. The difference between 60fps wannabe console versions and actual steady 60 on the PC is unbelievable in a game like this.


Yeah I'm not looking forward to Armstrong D:

Not doing DLC's though, they're $10.35 for Bladewolf and $14.45 for Jetstream on the Australian store. That's almost the price I paid for the base game -_-'
Hm, I didn't realize they were still charging for the DLC on consoles in other territories (both were made free quite some time ago in the US...not before I already paid for them, though).


Whoa! I just found this! apparently, Platinum has a Manga! :D It was created back in 2011 for new interns and people who want to work at Platinum :D



Kamiya tweeting :))

This is the manga page at Platinum's JP site, but it doesn't work for me :( (I think its because of my bad internet connection).


user-friendly man-cashews
Of course, it's releasing this summer
in Japan at least
Hopefully we don't have to wait much for Bayonetta 2 in the west, it's not like we waited a lot already >_>

I know it's for the best but damn it's been so long since the announcement. Game is going to be awesome though, Nintendo rocks for letting PG do their stuff. After TW101, I'm expecting to get my mind blown.


Whoa! I just found this! apparently, Platinum has a Manga! :D It was created back in 2011 for new interns and people who want to work at Platinum :D

Kamiya tweeting :))

This is the manga page at Platinum's JP site, but it doesn't work for me :( (I think its because of my bad internet connection).

Kinda like the Valve manual. Sweet. Also dat Kamiya face.


Whoa! I just found this! apparently, Platinum has a Manga! :D It was created back in 2011 for new interns and people who want to work at Platinum :D

Kamiya tweeting :))

This is the manga page at Platinum's JP site, but it doesn't work for me :( (I think its because of my bad internet connection).

Kamiya tweeting is golden.

I wish I knew Japanese >.> This could be a fun read.

Ser Goje

Whoa! I just found this! apparently, Platinum has a Manga! :D It was created back in 2011 for new interns and people who want to work at Platinum :D

Kamiya tweeting :))

This is the manga page at Platinum's JP site, but it doesn't work for me :( (I think its because of my bad internet connection).

Does Kamiya know about this ? maybe he wants to tweet angry about it.
Whoa! I just found this! apparently, Platinum has a Manga! :D It was created back in 2011 for new interns and people who want to work at Platinum :D

Kamiya tweeting :))

This is the manga page at Platinum's JP site, but it doesn't work for me :( (I think its because of my bad internet connection).

Kamiya's grin in that is priceless. Would love to read this


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
This thread reminded me that I own infinite space. Gonna bump that to the top of my list and play it as soon as I'm done Dream Team. Excited!
Lol that manga, I would love an English translation

Anyway with E3 coming up, what games would you guys like to see from P*?

For me, Vanquish 2, it's a new gen and shooters like Titanfall and Sunset Overdrive coming out the time is right for a sequel with an online mode or two.

That or another stab at Anarchy Reigns, gaming needs an online brawler rather than just shooters and 1V1 FTG's and Brawl.

This thread reminded me that I own infinite space. Gonna bump that to the top of my list and play it as soon as I'm done Dream Team. Excited!

I really enjoyed IS but it did take a little effort to get into how it plays at first.


Anyway with E3 coming up, what games would you guys like to see from P*

I'd be pretty down for a Vanquish 2 as well. The game still looks amazing, and I can only imagine how good a next gen version would look.

Otherwise, I'm hoping for something new. Which can either be a game with new beat-em-up mechanics (like something as novel as W101), or branching into a genre Platinum have never done before.
Otherwise, I'm hoping for something new. Which can either be a game with new beat-em-up mechanics (like something as novel as W101), or branching into a genre Platinum have never done before.

I'd want a Rail Shooter or some kind of S&P hybrid, but I'm quite sure many would hate it considering the flak Bayo gets for those sections.
Metal Gear Rising has an interesting way of making you better at the game, I spent hours and hours on each bossfight and after a long break after my first playsession on hard, I could go back and do 'no damage' runs on missions and bosses of that difficulty. (I must be a Saiyan warrior or something.)

Then I proceeded to look at the first mission on revengeance difficulty and cried.


Anyway with E3 coming up, what games would you guys like to see from P*?

I would LOVE to see Vanquish 2, but I don't think Sega cares about that game anymore :( Maybe it would be possible through a Bayo 2 situation... .
I still think there will be two new games from Platinum this E3 :) Kamiya teased something about his next project recently on twitter, so maybe his new game is going to be at E3, too.
or branching into a genre Platinum have never done before.

Like a Okami spiritual successor :'(


Anyway with E3 coming up, what games would you guys like to see from P*?

I don't really see Vanquish 2 tbh, and without Mikami i think it's for the best.

I can see Bayo2 obviously.
Then considering MGR:R was most likely their best selling title and with both KojiPro and P* happy about it i think it's safe to say a sequel is imminent. Now whether or not it will be announced at E3, i have no idea.
I also would like to believe there is a third title in development as well, but i wouldn't say anything before i see something getting announced.

At this point, with Sunset Overdrive and Halo5 i'm pretty much sold on getting an X1 untill the end of the year, so i don't care if they announce an exclusive and i won't care if it's exclusive to any of the 3 consoles, but i still don't buy the X1 rumor until a game is announced.
That said, i have this feeling that a third title is in development, i guess we'll see.
As for Kamiya's 'next week' hints...come on people!

I'd like to see a rail shooter from them as it's suggested, and i think they are more than capable to make one, but as i was thinking about it, S&P came into my mind so i guess i'd like someone like Treasure to make a good, fast rail shooter first and then we'll see about P* :p

In other words i keep my expectations low so i can go crazy if something unexpected happens.


What if a Vanquish sequel (or spiritual successor) was the mysterious X1 exclusive? I know it is unlikely going by the rumours we got so far, but couldn't that work out nicely considering X1's target demographic, assuming MS didn't go all Sega on it and actually gave it proper marketing?

That or another stab at Anarchy Reigns, gaming needs an online brawler rather than just shooters and 1V1 FTG's and Brawl.

Eh, I'm normally trying to be optimistic about all things Platinum-related, but this just won't happen :( AR bombed hard and got mixed critical reception, I doubt we'll ever see more of it. Sega couldn't care less for the game before release, they sure as fuck won't fund a sequel.

I wish Sega just greenlit P* to make PC ports of their last gen output, so AR at least got a second chance on Steam.


Whoa! I just found this! apparently, Platinum has a Manga! :D It was created back in 2011 for new interns and people who want to work at Platinum :D

Kamiya tweeting :))

This is the manga page at Platinum's JP site, but it doesn't work for me :( (I think its because of my bad internet connection).

So Bayonetta is a real person? You learn something new everyday
I could only vote for TW101 because that is the only one I had a chance to play :(

cannot wait to change that, after I put more hours into getting better at TW101
Like a Okami spiritual successor :'(

Considering Okami is perhaps my favorite game of all time, I wholeheartedly second this. Realistically speaking, though, I'm not sure if a studio like P* could make it, without Capcom's budget behind them. And since Okami itself did sell decently, but not amazingly, it's probably unlikely that a bigger company will sign the check. :/


Considering Okami is perhaps my favorite game of all time, I wholeheartedly second this. Realistically speaking, though, I'm not sure if a studio like P* could make it, without Capcom's budget behind them. And since Okami itself did sell decently, but not amazingly, it's probably unlikely that a bigger company will sign the check. :/

I think Platinum's budgets have all been higher than Clover's, even relatively speaking. I thought the point of Clover was to make creative games, not sequels, and that Capcom didn't invest much money in their projects because of that.


Considering Okami is perhaps my favorite game of all time, I wholeheartedly second this. Realistically speaking, though, I'm not sure if a studio like P* could make it, without Capcom's budget behind them. And since Okami itself did sell decently, but not amazingly, it's probably unlikely that a bigger company will sign the check. :/

Maybe Capcom wants to work with Platinum again, and they fund Okami 2 ;___; I can dream right? :( Platinum was working on a game which they didn't own the rights to. I don't know why, but I always feel that game was Okami 2 ;__; They said it was in development enough to have a trailer, but they couldn't show us anything because they didn't own the rights :(
btw, was Okami really a big budget game? The game was long, but It didn't feel like a big budget game to me...


I didn't know I loved character action games until I finally played Metal Gear Rising. I've played through it roughly 17 times and I'm still not sick of it. This has never happened before.


Okami and Viewtiful Joe were two of my favorite new ips during their gen. Havent played a Platinum game since then, but with a WiiU coming in tomorrow, looking to get W101


There's an article in Edge this month about boss battles that features some insight from Saur. He makes mention of DMC, Bayo, MGR and W101. The stuff he says isn't really even that specific to boss battles, and is mostly uses the difference between boss battles in God of War and Platinum's games as a jumping off point to talk about system depth and skill progression.

Hopefully they post a web version of the article so any non-subscribers here can read it too.


Guys, if the X1 P* game is true are you going to buy the console just (go) for it?

Honestly i don't know, i mean i already did this for WiiU but i like Nintendo games. The dream would be a X1/PC exclusive because i want to get a PC instead of next-gen consoles.


Rolling Girl
Guys, if the X1 P* game is true are you going to buy the console just (go) for it?

Honestly i don't know, i mean i already did this for WiiU but i like Nintendo games. The dream would be a X1/PC exclusive because i want to get a PC instead of next-gen consoles.

Well Bayonetta 2 was my Wii U system seller so I just might. I wasn't really planning on getting it before but picking up W101 without the console and finding a great deal on it I went ahead and jumped in early. If there is a LE Bayo 2 Wii U with Umbran designs all over it I'm going to choke someone though.

If they ever go PC again I'll probably get that, but I'd be a bit wary with how quickly they dropped Risings support without fixing some major issues other people were having.


Guys, if the X1 P* game is true are you going to buy the console just (go) for it?

Honestly i don't know, i mean i already did this for WiiU but i like Nintendo games. The dream would be a X1/PC exclusive because i want to get a PC instead of next-gen consoles.
I don't buy any system for just one game, no matter who made it. I'm not interested in bothering at all with XB1 when a PS4 would be more suited to what I'm looking for, and I still don't plan on getting one of those just yet either.

I wouldn't even see Vanquish 2 changing my position on the matter, and that's the thing I want most other than MGR2.
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