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PlatinumGames Community Thread | Platinum maintains its luster forever

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Both Bayo and Bayo 2's first trailers were CG teasers.

Eh, i don't remember bayo 1 trailer, then bayo 2 reveal was CG but it was only legs and bullets. The next one was in game model cinematics.
So you are partly right, but full blown CG is not their thing and i still bet it was MS request.


Yeah I guess MS is more involved than we thought. Helping with the story, and this guy being the Design Director, I think Microsoft's involvement is pretty serious.

I really hope this game turns out good. It seems weird to bring in designers when Platinum excels in this regard already. I can only see it as microsoft's way of westernising the game. I hope the Platinum flair isn't dulled too much by this, and that the microsoft collaboration is one of mutual respect and not intervention.


"Our salvation lies in Capcom's sin" :D

haha! XD

Yeah I guess MS is more involved than we thought. Helping with the story, and this guy being the Design Director, I think Microsoft's involvement is pretty serious.

And I think they are using UE4, not UE3.

Yeah i was thinking of UE4 not sure why i typed 3.

I really hope this game turns out good. It seems weird to bring in designers when Platinum excels in this regard already. I can only see it as microsoft's way of westernising the game. I hope the Platinum flair isn't dulled too much by this, and that the microsoft collaboration is one of mutual respect and not intervention.

From the way Kamiya described it on Platinum's website it sounds like a full on collaboration( Ken Lobb is also involved which i see as a good thing), but yeah i also hope that MS doesn't try to reel in that brand of "CUHRAZY" that we love from Platinum games.


user-friendly man-cashews
Why would you hire Kamiya to make a game with you if you don't want him to go crazy?

That would make no sense.


Why would you hire Kamiya to make a game with you if you don't want him to go crazy?

That would make no sense.

I can agree with that, it would be fuckin stupid.
I think MS might try to make it seem more appealing to westerners, but i'm sure Kamiya will do his job.


I wonder if Microsoft's involvement has anything to do with what Minami said about Platinum's games trying to appeal to the western market a while ago. I hope that's not the case and they are not "westernizing" their games, because that's the exact way Capcom went with DmC and we all saw what happened.
We should wait for more footage of Scalebound I guess. Let's see how the game turns out with MS involved.


I doubt they will westernize their games Ushi. They don't want to do that and their fans don't want that either. The way i see it, PG are niche even inside the japanese market, but they have a lot and very loyal fans, almost religious, and they know exactly what their fans want.

They won't dump down their gameplay to appeal to another audience and lose their core in the process, it's not why they formed PG in the begining, but they might need to add some western tropes here and there as some sort of service to their western fans who are if i'm not wrong more than those in Japan.
As i said, i wouldn't worry too much.

The only thing i worry about is that these next two months can't pass fast enough.


I wonder if Microsoft's involvement has anything to do with what Minami said about Platinum's games trying to appeal to the western market a while ago. I hope that's not the case and they are not "westernizing" their games, because that's the exact way Capcom went with DmC and we all saw what happened.
We should wait for more footage of Scalebound I guess. Let's see how the game turns out with MS involved.

Somehow i don't see Platinum ever hiring a C-Teir dev like NT to make a game for them and Kamiya has pretty much never made a bad game so i have no doubt it will be great even with MS's involvement. After all there is nothing suggesting that they are getting that much involved in the actual gameplay (or else what would be the point of having Platinum on board in the first place) again it seems like they are working with Platinum on story and world building/ possibly tech.

Andrew J.

Man, Gracious and Glorious are some bullshit.

"How about we take these fast, challenging enemies and have them so you can't use Witch Time?" How about you go fuck yourself, Kamiya.


I doubt they will westernize their games Ushi. They don't want to do that and their fans don't want that either. The way i see it, PG are niche even inside the japanese market, but they have a lot and very loyal fans, almost religious, and they know exactly what their fans want.

They won't dump down their gameplay to appeal to another audience and lose their core in the process, it's not why they formed PG in the begining, but they might need to add some western tropes here and there as some sort of service to their western fans who are if i'm not wrong more than those in Japan.
As i said, i wouldn't worry too much.

The only thing i worry about is that these next two months can't pass fast enough.

I definitely hope that is the case :) This appealing to the western audience is very tricky business, but I trust PG :) I have never doubted PG and I never will.

Somehow i don't see Platinum ever hiring a C-Teir dev like NT to make a game for them and Kamiya has pretty much never made a bad game so i have no doubt it will be great even with MS's involvement. After all there is nothing suggesting that they are getting that much involved in the actual gameplay (or else what would be the point of having Platinum on board in the first place) again it seems like they are working with Platinum on story and world building/ possibly tech.

By "the same way Capcom wen with DmC" I meant dumbing down the craziness and replacing the the story and setting from something very Japanese, very crazy, to some thing very generic and boring. I think you see where I'm going with this. And I never said Scalebound will be a bad game. Kamiya is my favorite director of all time and I love his games. His name alone made me consider buying an X1. How can I doubt him?

I know I am overreacting a little bit (-_-) just have to wait for Gamescom footage (if the is going to be any) I guess.


Ushi if that's what you think about Kamiya then you should really consider a WiiU. W101 is as crazy as it can possibly go, for realz.

About DmC you are right. People all over the internet are calling us who aren't that much impressed with it, 'fanboys' that don't like the game because of Dante's hair, when in fact art direction is the least of the game's problems, and indeed, dumped down gameplay is the worst offender.


WiiU was on my list since TW101 and Bayo 2 :D When I have enough money, I'll buy one. But as you can see, MONEY is the biggest goddamn problem :( (I'm probably going to get a new and better job in a year, so if everything goes right, I might buy a WiiU in a year or so XD)


Guys, I wanted to ask you this for a while, if MGR2 is in the works, who do you want to be the main character? Raiden, Gray Fox or a new character?


I want Raiden for sure. I know i'm a minority but i love the guy.
Then, i want a handfull of characters with different playstyles to be unlockable, so they can further enhance the replayability by not only having to master the challenges, but mastering it with different styles.


Viewtiful Raiden. With Dante's appearance in VJ and Bayonetta's turn as a Wonderful One, Raiden's been cruelly denied a super sentai appearance.


Perhaps in W102?


I definitely hope that is the case :) This appealing to the western audience is very tricky business, but I trust PG :) I have never doubted PG and I never will.

By "the same way Capcom wen with DmC" I meant dumbing down the craziness and replacing the the story and setting from something very Japanese, very crazy, to some thing very generic and boring. I think you see where I'm going with this. And I never said Scalebound will be a bad game. Kamiya is my favorite director of all time and I love his games. His name alone made me consider buying an X1. How can I doubt him?

I know I am overreacting a little bit (-_-) just have to wait for Gamescom footage (if the is going to be any) I guess.

I might be in the minority with this, but I think Japanese developers can do great stuff when mimicking Western style with JUST enough crazy on top. I found Vanquish very western at first glance, too much even - I actually didn't care much for it initially, because I was all "Oh great, another shooter with bulky space marines? Yaaawn who cares-- oh wait Mikami's behind it holy shit". And it's one of my games of the forever now. Another similar case for me would be Dragon's Dogma where Capcom nailed Standard Western RPG Style, but executed it the Japanese way, and I loved it.

Of course DmC is nothing like that. But Platinum has yet to make a game with a character as unlikable as Donte, so I'm easily giving them the benefit of the doubt.


I want Raiden for sure. I know i'm a minority but i love the guy.
Then, i want a handfull of characters with different playstyles to be unlockable, so they can further enhance the replayability by not only having to master the challenges, but mastering it with different styles.

So much this. I hope they don't do the "bonus characters confined to their own chapters" thing again - just let me play the whole campaign as somebody else, whether it makes sense story-wise or not.


Holy shit at this:



The next great adventure from critically-acclaimed developer Platinum Games and renowned Game Director Hideki Kamiya, Scalebound transports you to a distant, hostile world. You'll come face to face with fearsome creatures, including a formidable dragon—and the bond you forge with this awesome predator will prove crucial to the survival of both worlds.

This kinda gives me the feeling that there's character creator in the game instead of a fixed protagonist. I hope I'm wrong tho.

I might be in the minority with this, but I think Japanese developers can do great stuff when mimicking Western style with JUST enough crazy on top. I found Vanquish very western at first glance, too much even - I actually didn't care much for it initially, because I was all "Oh great, another shooter with bulky space marines? Yaaawn who cares-- oh wait Mikami's behind it holy shit". And it's one of my games of the forever now. Another similar case for me would be Dragon's Dogma where Capcom nailed Standard Western RPG Style, but executed it the Japanese way, and I loved it.

Of course DmC is nothing like that. But Platinum has yet to make a game with a character as unlikable as Donte, so I'm easily giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Enough crazy on top is the point :D Never played Dragon's Dogma so I can't say anything about that, but Vanquish, despite being a Gears-style TPS, was heavily inspired by the anime series Casshern, so it was kinda Japanese from the beginning. But I see what are you saying...


Apparently Scalebound is going to be at gamescom! :D


I agree with Nemmy's post about western tropes working right in PG.

Also i too believe that character creation is a given in Scalebound, so is taking control of different monsters and i wait for online co-op to be announced so i can say i nailed all of it :p


Holy shit at this:



This kinda gives me the feeling that there's character creator in the game instead of a fixed protagonist. I hope I'm wrong tho.

Enough crazy on top is the point :D Never played Dragon's Dogma so I can't say anything about that, but Vanquish, despite being a Gears-style TPS, was heavily inspired by the anime series Casshern, so it was kinda Japanese from the beginning. But I see what are you saying...


Apparently Scalebound is going to be at gamescom! :D

Well in the CG trailer, there were other dragon riders that show up at the end. People speculated that it might be some form of Multiplayer/Co Op, so maybe in MP you have full customization of your character but fixed in SP.

Andrew J.

Bayonetta Chapter 16

Father Balder is kind of easy, isn't he? That was the only boss chapter in the entire game I beat without dying or using items.


Well that was disappointing :/ No Scalebound trailer at MS conference... what was the point of putting the "B" from Scalebound on that banner then? :/


Well that was disappointing :/ No Scalebound trailer at MS conference... what was the point of putting the "B" from Scalebound on that banner then? :/

Was anyone but us even going to notice? They probably gave up on being faithful to the concept once they used the X from the OG Xbox.


Was anyone but us even going to notice? They probably gave up on being faithful to the concept once they used the X from the OG Xbox.

Yeah but they made that banner for the fans and we are the Scalebound fans :/ Its like teasing something but not showing it.

TGS it is then...


Guys, since Kamiya worked on multiple games at the same time and Bayo 2 is almost done, do you think he is working on another game besides Scalebound? I don't know why, but I kinda get the feeling he does :p


Yeah but they made that banner for the fans and we are the Scalebound fans :/ Its like teasing something but not showing it.

TGS it is then...


Guys, since Kamiya worked on multiple games at the same time and Bayo 2 is almost done, do you think he is working on another game besides Scalebound? I don't know why, but I kinda get the feeling he does :p

Yes, we are Scalebound/PG fans. We and those 4 over there and that guy we met the other day. Seriously don't expect anyone to really care for us, they have much bigger markets to make happy. The only reason these games still exist is to expand the genre list of a platform. Sadly ofc.

As for Kamiya, he doesn't really 'work' on Bayo 2, he mostly walks next to screens and grunts in disapproval.
Ofc that's nothing to worry about. Hashimoto knows his stuff.


Yes, we are Scalebound/PG fans. We and those 4 over there and that guy we met the other day. Seriously don't expect anyone to really care for us, they have much bigger markets to make happy. The only reason these games still exist is to expand the genre list of a platform. Sadly ofc.

Ok that was cruel :(

As for Kamiya, he doesn't really 'work' on Bayo 2, he mostly walks next to screens and grunts in disapproval.
Ofc that's nothing to worry about. Hashimoto knows his stuff.[

Well he was INVOLVED in 2-3 projects at the same time. You know what I mean :p

Yes i know what you mean, and you know what i mean.

Here, let me give you a hug :)


Andrew J.

Just finished Bayonetta. The final section was really hype, even thought it wasn't really that hard, once you figured out what to do.

What sticks out to me now is that Wonderful 101 had a ton more shmup sections. If this is a trend, then Scalebound is going to be like half shmup.


Ok that was cruel :(

Well he was INVOLVED in 2-3 projects at the same time. You know what I mean :p

Yes i know what you mean, and you know what i mean.

Here, let me give you a hug :)

What sticks out to me now is that Wonderful 101 had a ton more shmup sections. If this is a trend, then Scalebound is going to be like half shmup.

That's not necessarily bad for me :p
Nah, i know what you mean as well. I hope he doesn't cram it with minigame sections, but considering its theme, Scalebound could benefit from some shooting in general.

Andrew J.

That's not necessarily bad for me :p
Nah, i know what you mean as well. I hope he doesn't cram it with minigame sections, but considering its theme, Scalebound could benefit from some shooting in general.

Maybe it's been a stealth Panzer Dragoon reboot all along.


Neo Member
Good lord, unlocking all the characters in Wonderful 101 seems to be more time consuming than getting any of the extra weapons in bayo.


Nice to see that SEGA is releasing the OST for Bayo 2. I wonder if they are interested in Bayo franchise again. (I know releasing OST doesn't say much, but hey, its better than nothing :/ )


Plat-GAF, TGS is upon us. I'm expecting new Scalebound footage and MGR2 reveal (WITH FOX ENGINE). Is new Korra footage likely? I've been watching some impressions on youtube, and they are really positive. The game looks really interesting. Can't wait to try out the Blending system.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I doubt we'll see Korra footage at TGS. It's being published by Activision, and they don't attend TGS. Unless they do, in which case i learned something new.


Really hoping for some Scalebound footage at TGS. I am curious how your partner dragon will come into play during combat, and will the combat itself be of the DMC/Bayo variety or something else completely. Will you only fight large monsters or will there be smaller "human sized" enemies to fight. Must have answers!


Going on the deep end and going to guess "W101 with dragons".

I know it's not going to be even marginally correct but it's fun to make up epileptic trees.


Nice to see that SEGA is releasing the OST for Bayo 2. I wonder if they are interested in Bayo franchise again. (I know releasing OST doesn't say much, but hey, its better than nothing :/ )

I had no idea about it. Do you have any more information and/or a link?
I already have that beauty from Bayo 1 and i'd love another one XD


Going on the deep end and going to guess "W101 with dragons".

I know it's not going to be even marginally correct but it's fun to make up epileptic trees.

I really don't think its W101 with dragons. I can't see MS funding something like that for some reason. lol. Kamiya said "bringing action games to a new scale" or something like that, so maybe the focus is on big fights.

I had no idea about it. Do you have any more information and/or a link?
I already have that beauty from Bayo 1 and i'd love another one XD



This is the third thing SEGA has done to the Bayo franchise since the reveal of Bayo 2, I guess. First one was putting Bayo 1 on PSN and the second was funding an anime movie.


About Rising 2 , i think we'll see something only after MGSV release.

Why? That would probably be early/mid 2015 and that's waaaaay too late. Now it seems a perfectly good time to reveal it (about 1.5 years after MGR release). Even if not at TGS, I think VGA is also a good place to reveal it (Like the first one).




This is the third thing SEGA has done to the Bayo franchise since the reveal of Bayo 2, I guess. First one was putting Bayo 1 on PSN and the second was funding an anime movie.

Thanks for that, it does sound interesting.

About Sega now, i wouldn't be so optimistic.
Everything they have done is investing little money to earn much. I hate to ruin the fun (again) but don't expect them to fund a PG game unless Bayo 2 sells good, and even then it still would be a longshot.
It is good we are getting an OST though.


Why? That would probably be early/mid 2015 and that's waaaaay too late. Now it seems a perfectly good time to reveal it (about 1.5 years after MGR release). Even if not at TGS, I think VGA is also a good place to reveal it (Like the first one).

I think they want to focus on MGSV for now and then announce Rising to mantain a sort of commercial continuity for the brand.It's MGSV time now but hey Kojima announced SHs too (maybe because that's not MG related).
Don't get me wrong Ushi, i DO want a Rising 2 announcement by
a C.T(cutable teaser)
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