Should I just not bother spraying an AK at close-mid range like a SCAR/M416? I think I missed way too many opportunities trying to spray in a top 10 circle, hit like 2 bullets, and get plinked to death.
Should I just not bother spraying an AK at close-mid range like a SCAR/M416? I think I missed way too many opportunities trying to spray in a top 10 circle, hit like 2 bullets, and get plinked to death.
Had a guy named "san1ty_st" wipe my whole squad out with a single clip. From another house, through a wall. I was in the bathroom, and suddenly I died, bullets were coming from below me, then everyone else just dropped.
Seeing people go on about cheaters pretty often lately. Did some new wave of douchebags enter the game or something?
Had a guy named "san1ty_st" wipe my whole squad out with a single clip. From another house, through a wall. I was in the bathroom, and suddenly I died, bullets were coming from below me, then everyone else just dropped.
Seeing people go on about cheaters pretty often lately. Did some new wave of douchebags enter the game or something?
I just wish they'd make the 2x more common so you at least have something to work with.I wish scopes were less good, every game comes down to scopes. zzz
not necessarily a cheat. if there was a loading error on his end its possible some of the houses had no walls for him. happens to me in like 1% of my games
There is a bug where some houses dont render for someone and they can shoot and kill you even though on your screen you are protected by walls.
I just wish they'd make the 2x more common so you at least have something to work with.
I'll take the 2x over the red dots and holos any day.Better off with a red dot, imho, use shift to hold your breath and increase the zoom and voila, same zoom level as 2x without a thick scope body obstructing a lot of your screen.
You can intentionally make it happen
how does that change the fact that he wasnt necessarily cheating
how does that change the fact that he wasnt necessarily cheating
Glitch or not, it's still cheating. Not saying the guy should get banned or anything but its a shitty thing to take advantage of.
please, tell me what etiquette dictates he should do. just pretend he cant see you? run away because he cant win the fight without being unfair? only shoot when hes totally sure youre not at all behind cover? thats so dumb
please, tell me what etiquette dictates he should do. just pretend he cant see you? run away because he cant win the fight without being unfair? only shoot when hes totally sure youre not at all behind cover? thats so dumb
I'll take the 2x over the red dots and holos any day.
please, tell me what etiquette dictates he should do. just pretend he cant see you? run away because he cant win the fight without being unfair? only shoot when hes totally sure youre not at all behind cover? thats so dumb
Took me about 120 hours. I know the feeling.50 hours and no Chicken Dinner....feelsbad. Bunch of number 2s and top 10's but stll nothing....hold me.
Why not just quit to the main menu?
Let's say I was playing CS:GO and a glitch happened and I could see everyone through the walls, should I just keep playing and win or quit to the main menu and go to another match?
There is good in it. I got matched with a random duo partner who was screaming racial slurs into the microphone.I wish scopes were less good, every game comes down to scopes. zzz
Also tried playing squad with randoms, why people are team killing assholes? I don't know why friendly damage exists, there is no good in that.
Please don't use that language.keep playing but boot up obs and post the recording to r/globaloffensive so that theres any chance valve will actually do anything about it. im not gonna blame you for choosing to play with a graphical glitch rather than to take a 30 min or more ban for leaving a team and making your teammates play 4v5, ruining the game for 9 other people regardless.
the glitch in pubg affects like half a town at most when it happens and im not going to give up the last 20 minutes of looting because of a graphical glitch in an early access game, that would just be absolutely retarded for anyone to expect of me.
Please don't use that language.
And yes, if you start up a game and you can see people hovering midair where a building should be, you should restart rather than start killing them randomly.
Because I can't hold my breath indefinitely?Don't know why when you get the same zoom out of a shifted red-dot and a far less obstructed sight picture.
Oh man, I know it's passe at this point, but:
Closing in on 100 hours in game and this is my first win. I hadn't even played in like 2 weeks, had one round earlier tonight, then this one. Cleaned up at least 4 of the last 5, maybe 5 of the last six. First one shot on a UAZ driver Roger Murtagh style.
And whew, best decision to hold onto an S12K ever. I was so close to freaking out when I held right click on this last guy right here and the first shot hit the door frame instead of when I was aiming because of the range.
how does that change the fact that he wasnt necessarily cheating
I am going to side with the guy who says to keep playing. The one time it happened to me, there were like ten people left and the final circle moved me into a town where the buildings had not spawned/loaded. I'm twenty five minutes into a game, and I have a chance to win. I am not going to hand someone else a victory because of a bug that I did not cause.because if that happens you can always leave the game. he chose to play with the bugged advantage.
If I bug out, I leave. No question. I'm not some turd nugget who tries to justify being a turd nugget to people who are having fun.
If I can see people through walls imma shoot.
like i get almost everyone in this thread is a saint who are willing to sacrifice their own fun and that of their squadmates, but not everyone can be so selfless and honestly i just dont care that much about mildly annoying a few strangers if it means me and my friends are less annoyed. maybe that makes me a villain, maybe im going to hell for it, but im not going to pretend to be ashamed of shooting one or two dudes through a wall because the game didnt load right.
It's honestly worse seeing someone so hung up on people going along with bugs on an Early Access title instead of wasting their limited time.why you trying to justify this so bad lmao
why you trying to justify this so bad lmao
It's honestly worse seeing someone so hung up on people going along with bugs on an Early Access title instead of wasting their limited time.
It's the game's fault for bugging out not the players who uses the opportunity. It's different when the bug is easily replicable or you find a way inside the world geometry. But if the game decides to stop rendering houses or walls for you after 20 odd minutes i don't blame anybody who decides to use it to their advantage. If anything dying to a bug like that is understandable to me, unlike shit where the dudes take cover in water so that their heads are the only thing popping out while they shoot the shit out of you. Because like we all know bullets cannot penetrate even an inch of water.
Then the fourth of your posting this year on this site has been dedicated to this particular thing that bugs you so much. We didn't miss your point at all, by the way, you were rather explicit: the guy's a turd nugget for not exiting the game and jumping out of the window the second the game's beta randomly bugged out on him allowing him to see through walls.I think i've posted in this thread maybe 6 times total, and on this forum in the last year probably 20. Getting hung up on nonsense in games or this ridiculous place is far too taxing for my age, but to play along: an early access game with limited stats, a temporary leaderboard, and useless loot is not really that rough on a person with limited time (much like myself). Besides, you guys seem to have missed my point.