Daffy Duck
So any of you beautiful people want to play some squads later?
Duos or more not really bothered.
Duos or more not really bothered.
So is the First Person Perspective live on the official servers or is it still only on the test servers?
So is the First Person Perspective live on the official servers or is it still only on the test servers?
So is the First Person Perspective live on the official servers or is it still only on the test servers?
I haven't updated yet, but got 5000bp. Can I buy some gamescom crates yet to sell them?
Does anyone know what the price progression on the Gamescom crates is? 1200 BP first, then what?
Probably doubles to 2,400.
Oh man people are buying that common trench coat for over 100$. That thing is going to drop so fast.
Can you ONLY sell stuff on Steam if you have a Steam Guard active?
I'm annoyed you have to spend BP AND $$$ to get those items - let me spend my $$$ w/o grinding!
Neat. Gonna update my game and then buy a bunch of crates to profit.yes!
Jesus, why the fuck do I have 20 fps in gunfights suddenly and otherwise between 40-50 fps when just walking around? The playing experience is legit trash atm. Count in the horrible server lags and it is literally unplayable.
Is there a way to get it so that I don't have to tap to ADS? This is only a problem for me in the first person servers. I am so used to just holding down RMB to aim down sights, it being a toggle is seriously messing with me here.
God damn it, opened a wanderer crate and got blue hi-top trainers, sold them for 8 an though I'll get more luck, so I bought a couple of keys and opened some gamescom crate and a couple of wanderer crates. Got nothing worthy![]()
I'll stop there.
Bought crates and made 1/2 of the game's cost back
So these are only available from the 23rd to the 26th? Or is that only the PUBG invitational?
Apparently the new update is pretty buggy.
Gamescom is the only one limited. The other ones are basically the new free pioneer crates.
Are they?
I thought it reverted fully on August 23rd?
Or is it thatbthe wanderer/survivor crates remain?
Gamescom is the only one limited. The other ones are basically the new free pioneer crates.
my friends are trying to play 1pp duo but the servers isn't teaming them together anymore but still puts them together in the same game xD
servers are cooked
I can't connect/login to the game right now. Anyone else?
Maybe the default pov is too narrow, or maybe it's the awful stuttering, but my first round in first person left me slightly nauseated. That hasn't happened in years.