Bought this, is it possible to refund with 3 hours of play?
The game has hard crashed on me 4 times, and the game constantly freezes and doesn't load in buildings or environments for the first 50 seconds.
Even with all my settings on ultra low. Going to update drivers and see if that fixes anything, anyone got any tips for fixing it ?
First early access game I bought, my fault really but Christ.
Is buying a key for the gamescomm crate going to actually be worth it?
Is buying a key for the gamescomm crate going to actually be worth it?
If you have an SSD use that.My game seems to fail to load in the houses correctly much more often after the latest patch. about 50% of my matches begins with me having to wait a minute or so on the ground before the houses fully load in. It sucks.
Maybe people are confusing FPS from TPS mode.
In TPS, double click is Aim Down Sights. In FPS, single click is fine. TPS has a secondary sight mode I believe.
okay yall highMaybe people are confusing FPS from TPS mode.
In TPS, double click is Aim Down Sights. In FPS, single click is fine. TPS has a secondary sight mode I believe.
I'm having a problem landing shots in FPP. Not sure if more de-sync than usual but the hit reg feels super sketchy. Thinking about lowering FOV to about 90 to see if that changes anything. Currently at max (103?).
Is this just me or others noticing this too?
Also, #teamsingleclickADS
So is buying these gamescom crates and selling them ones they aren't available a good idea because.. it seems that way.
Probably. The fact that you get only one item at random for $2.50 USD is kind of crazy pricing.
Single click ADSes in TPS as well. It's a tap. Works the same in FPS and TPS.
So this has probably be answered already somewhere, someone that doesn't care about apperal stuff I have enough ingame money to buy 4 of the gamescom boxes. What is the best way to sell them on the market? right away or wait until the event is over?
Not for everyone.
I was playing a duo match just last night where the guy tried everything. He just had to double-tap to get to ADS.
When I double tap, I go in and out of ADS. I guess it's a bug?
Really depends on how lucky you areIs buying a key for the gamescomm crate going to actually be worth it?
That's the second time I've read about the double tap glitch in this thread
Single tap works for me. That's even the case with Windows Aero, Fraps, and the Steam overlay.In FPP?
I have to double tap to go ADS, if I single tap it does nothing.
I just started playing a little more seriously and using headphones. I just tried out the noise is a big advantage. But it's an advantage I'm probably going to use regularly. This was my second game using it. It also helps when people miss shots and use bad strategy, lol. I don't know why the guy ran into the house but I could hear him coming clearly.
I had to double click to get ADS, didn't even realize it was a bug thought everyone had to. I thought they changed it because it was working single click in 1pp.
Single tap works for me. That's even the case with Windows Aero, Fraps, and the Steam overlay.
I wonder if there's some other common videocard / overlay / streaming / whatever program that causes this for people.
I thought I had a pretty good PC but I can only run this on low. I tried medium, but it randomly freezes for like 3 seconds every now and then. Is the game just not optimized, or am I just out of date?
anyone here watching TSM_BreaK? I'm sure there is.
everytime I tune in to him, he is gathering stuff outside the blue circle, then at the end, he takes a vihicle, and drives into the final circle, sometimes across the whole map, heals himself with all the stuff he garthered and starts actual killing people.
what do you think about that tactic?
anyone here watching TSM_BreaK? I'm sure there is.
everytime I tune in to him, he is gathering stuff outside the blue circle, then at the end, he takes a vihicle, and drives into the final circle, sometimes across the whole map, heals himself with all the stuff he garthered and starts actual killing people.
what do you think about that tactic?
I had some run of red zones. 5 in a row on top of me. Basically stuck in a house with fuck all weaponary. Fun fun
I have the worst luck with them, have died multiple times, just yesterday I even got hit by one while I was inside the second floor of a 3 story building, like WTF. Lol I'm scared of red zones...You can pretty much ignore them. I've been killed by 2 in my 200 hours or so and I regularly run through them.